trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

that's because when Obama cut Medicaid/Medicare to pay for Obamacare it wasn't an expansion, and Trump hasn't cut anything........that's sort of how the English language works.........

Once again you express the belief that repeating an inanity, a dishonest one in this case, somehow validates it. No wonder you rely so heavily on I-know-you-are to express your feeble wit.

As already explained to you, Obamacare cut some duplicate and wasteful programs while ultimately expanding Medicaid. Now, you could defend the other part of your dishonesty by claiming legitimately that trump has little understanding of trumpcare, but his bill cuts the expansion of Medicaid. Your denials here is just more of you gratuitously insulting people by treating them as if they are no smarter than you.

Oh, and I will consider your advice on how English works, after you ... figure ... out ... how ... to ... use ... basic ... punc ... tu ... ation.
Do you know what really pisses me off? You and I rarely agree about that much but we now like brothers in arms battling a common foe. As they say in Yorkshire, there's not so queer as folk!

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

We're perfectly happy to accept a few rational people in exchange for this couple dozen loonies that just arrived on your stoop. You know where to find us, right?
Do you know what really pisses me off? You and I rarely agree about that much but we now like brothers in arms battling a common foe. As they say in Yorkshire, there's not so queer as folk!

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

get your hands off my arms.......
We're perfectly happy to accept a few rational people in exchange for this couple dozen loonies that just arrived on your stoop. You know where to find us, right?

do you have anyone worth making fun of?........that's been rare around here, lately........*cough*.......