trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Strange buggers, it's hard to discern if there are any good 'uns.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

You got the ones here that we are glad to be rid of.

The ones that stick to substance are unbelievably supercilious. Some of the rest of them are nasty. Really, really nasty.

You can see that their style is Insult Comic.
as long as they confine it to this thread..hopefully they will
I'd really hate to see Current Events buried under flame wars.

Those of us on the other side from the other board are probably going to stay there most of the time.

But this crew will flame anyone they disagree with. And will resort to all sorts of nefarious actions, particularly breaches of personal privacy.

The other thing is that left to their own devices, their threads die because they are deadly dull unless they have someone to flame.
You got the ones here that we are glad to be rid of.

The ones that stick to substance are unbelievably supercilious. Some of the rest of them are nasty. Really, really nasty.

You can see that their style is Insult Comic.
I've seen flashes of cognition.
I don't even mind a well crafted insult, so long as its not juvenile flaming.
I mean i think it's not helpful,but if you must do it - do it while advancing the discussion
Those of us on the other side from the other board are probably going to stay there most of the time.

But this crew will flame anyone they disagree with. And will resort to all sorts of nefarious actions, particularly breaches of personal privacy.

The other thing is that left to their own devices, their threads die because they are deadly dull unless they have someone to flame.
well see. everyone get a fresh chance as a newbie.
You got the ones here that we are glad to be rid of.

The ones that stick to substance are unbelievably supercilious. Some of the rest of them are nasty. Really, really nasty.

You can see that their style is Insult Comic.
They sent the Mangy Mongoose in as the advance guard, he made absolutely no attempt to engage anybody and just went straight into his Trump fluffing bullshit. I've been on forums a long time but that guy is truly unique, a real ocean going cockwomble.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
They should just live in the Warzone.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Squeaked the gutless weenie, upon taking a break from flinging feeble insults at people he claims to be ignoring from deep in his hide-from bunker and behind the skirts of his fellow twitch.
You got the ones here that we are glad to be rid of.

The ones that stick to substance are unbelievably supercilious. Some of the rest of them are nasty. Really, really nasty.

You can see that their style is Insult Comic.

Squeaked by the homeland's most prolific liar to justify following us here and now probing for suitable ass hosts for her tick life.
Those of us on the other side from the other board are probably going to stay there most of the time.

But this crew will flame anyone they disagree with. And will resort to all sorts of nefarious actions, particularly breaches of personal privacy.

The other thing is that left to their own devices, their threads die because they are deadly dull unless they have someone to flame.

Oh yeah, she's also known for carrying her portable cross of victimhood everywhere she goes, as well as the dumbass hypocrisy of putting wimpy insults and crybabying about insults in the same post.
They sent the Mangy Mongoose in as the advance guard, he made absolutely no attempt to engage anybody and just went straight into his Trump fluffing bullshit. I've been on forums a long time but that guy is truly unique, a real ocean going cockwomble.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Hard to see anything from the hide-from bunker you use as a sanctuary for squealing shots at people you claim to be ignoring. Care to point to the last time you posted something other than whiny insults from protection?

Hey, did you people know Millie has an iPhone? He chose it over health insurance. Chaffee is very disappointed.
Okay, you may now resume your hypocritical crybabying about insults, kissing each other's boo-boos when necessary. I'll be back in a bit, prolly.
You lie in this post as if on cue to make my points.

I IGGIED several of you losers for VARYING reasons . NOT the same.

YOU I IGGIED because you are an unabashed , proven liar.



Not that complicated.

Why did it make al the girls in your pathetic sewing circle so angry and frustrated and hysterical at times ( Tavy) to be IGNORED by a posted that posted "long-winded, arrogant, racist, and illiterate nonsense all day" ?

Why wouldn't you just IGGY me and call it a win win?

Lying asshole.

If you ever manage to think up a single lie you believe I've told, be sure to post it where I can read about it. Okay jackass?
Rachel Maddow was just talking about a story breaking in the WSJ, including an interview with the reporter. Seems a GOP operative named Peter Smith sought Russian help to get Hillary's emails. He told people whose help he sought that he was working for Mike Flynn. White House says that if this happened, Flynn who was a major campaign advisor at the time was acting as a private citizen. Because there are advantages in choosing a base of poorly educated, eagerly gullible suckers.
I mean, how cool is that? Ban one shithead who peddles personal information, and adding in the group flounce, we effectively banned a couple dozen shitheads in one fell swoop. You couldn't ask for better.

There's the satisfaction of watching you two fucksticks running over here to tell us.......