trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Just got half way through a second viewing of 'The Big Short'. Bale was channeling Hoffman's 'Rainman' and Gosling was doing a version of Caan's 'Sonny Corleone' down to curly hair. I loved the asides, especially Margo Robbie in the bubble bath and Anthony Bourdain making stew out of 3 day old fish.

Don't remember the bubble bath or Bourdain, but I really liked the movie.
Oh, I gave Doris a PM on how to find us. She never answered. Polutro would like to know, but not enough to allow PMs. Wanted me to construct some super-secret code message in the open. Knowing Flacaltenn would love to get his Nazi-wannabe mitts on me, I won't violate the rule about other places they are all so touchy about. I've come close, but I've posted a few times there and might want to do so in the future. Not happy that LVat posts there so much and that Rhiney, Tyrone, and Keep Smiling won't even try this place. I had hoped for more in the way of solidarity than I've seen, but very pleased that those I consider to be the best and brightest of the liberals are still making the good effort here.
Melanomia defended her tacky sugar daddy by repeating the meme that when trump is hit he hits back 10 times harder. The new first lady says, "When they go low, we go 10 times lower!" - Stephen Colbert.
I'm aware of those circumstances, except for the sister bit.

Just riffing on 'Chinatown'. Of course the she's my daughter, she's my sister bit is the fucking Troll's line, it's shorthand for putting on a false front which does apply to Dolt.
Those of us on the other side from the other board are probably going to stay there most of the time.

But this crew will flame anyone they disagree with. And will resort to all sorts of nefarious actions, particularly breaches of personal privacy.

The other thing is that left to their own devices, their threads die because they are deadly dull unless they have someone to flame.
Yes they are dull that's mostly true. I think we are done with them now anyway.

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I've seen flashes of cognition.
I don't even mind a well crafted insult, so long as its not juvenile flaming.
I mean i think it's not helpful,but if you must do it - do it while advancing the discussion
Well you are a better man than me Gunga Din!

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
Oh, I gave Doris a PM on how to find us. She never answered. Polutro would like to know, but not enough to allow PMs. Wanted me to construct some super-secret code message in the open. Knowing Flacaltenn would love to get his Nazi-wannabe mitts on me, I won't violate the rule about other places they are all so touchy about. I've come close, but I've posted a few times there and might want to do so in the future. Not happy that LVat posts there so much and that Rhiney, Tyrone, and Keep Smiling won't even try this place. I had hoped for more in the way of solidarity than I've seen, but very pleased that those I consider to be the best and brightest of the liberals are still making the good effort here.

WTF! I previously used my middle name - Joaquin Miller - but I'm told you can't go back home again.
What's wrong with self fellating? I suspect that if men could do that there would be little need for women except for procreation.

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Seriously, have you told your wife this? Do you only have her around to make your babies? You always out yourself and your true opinion of women.
What's wrong with self fellating? I suspect that if men could do that there would be little need for women except for procreation.

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You do a greater disservice to your wife with this comment than Darla did with her "sucker fuckee" comment. I will use this post whenever you bring it up from now on.
Seriously, have you told your wife this? Do you only have her around to make your babies? You always out yourself and your true opinion of women.
Seriously shove your feminazi bullshit where the Sun don't shine. I have told a lot of women that and many agree with me. The world has come to a pretty pass when you can't even make a joke without the Nazi thought police stepping in. If my thoughts offend you then just ignore me ffs.

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Hey, did you see the orange buffoon's latest (?) stupidity? Moron blasted the WaPo for not paying "internet taxes." Who needs a president who knows things, eh? The important thing is he stoked Deplorable pride in their ignorance.

I think this would be a good place for some rightard simp to hold up his diploma from the Jethro Bodine Middle School and explain why the consensus of the world's scientists is wrong on climate change.
You give him too much credit, Jethro only made it to the 3rd grade