trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

You'd lie if the truth would save your worthless life.

Many of us had been at the USMB before, and we moved to a thread started by ME. When that thread expired, you also spent all your time on the next thread, created by ME. And now, you've followed us here, giddy at so many new people to suck up to.

But Mindful and I were there before your thread. Posting on the boards. And may I remind you that you got briefly booted, and Cosmos had to pick it up.
not personally

if he tried to touch me he would be in a hospital or grave

tell me why yesterday the congress undid the Bush era war authorations for militry action?

becuase even your fucks FEAR donnalds stupid impulsive ass
Who the fuck knows, eh? Putin seems to be the only person he publicly respects. As a deal maker, he's an authoritarian, as a diplomat - a fish riding a bicycle.

But it doesn't matter to his base, they want an authoritarian as president and willingly ignore the effects of his working against their best interests.

The Trumpy respects no one. He wouldn't know what that is, and he sure as hell knows he can buy nothing for it. He knows, though, that collaborating with Putin comes with certain benefits, foremost among them would be possible access to billions of dollars of ripped-off money, stashed away by the Russian cleptocracy, and in search of "opportunities".

The rubes wouldn't know what their interests are, other than "Those People" are not supposed to get their fingers into the cookie jar, and they wouldn't believe the Trumpy worked against their interests just because they, say, lost their health insurance. Just as President Obama was to be held responsible for the aftermath of Kathrina, he's to be clobbered for whatever happens under the Trumpy's maladministration. That's the reality in which we are all living now.
what woman would call herself trumpgirl

do you want strangers to grab your pussy?

I was just about to scold you for that, as no woman should suffer this question under any circumstances. Seriously.

Had to think better of it.

Nobody is going to grab your rancid old snatch.

The Following User Says Thank You to Milagro For This Post:

TrumpGirl (Today)​

There's no level of contempt that would trump that level of self-contempt. No way, no how.
I go after fellow chicks who sell out their pussys to be grabbed by an evil tard like Donnald

she praises a pussy grabber

that is about as evil as a chick can get
You're just upset because your true colors come shining through. :)
Well I know when your bestest friend started with her stereotypical racial jibes you just sat back and said fuck all about it publically, so I'd say that shows your true colours. All I got was a PM written in fluent Anglo-Saxon, pretty funny really when you call me out for using obscenities. Even Grind castigated her ffs but you just said nothing. So seriously, I know you like that word, spare me your PC psychobabble. I wouldn't worry anyway as sex robots are getting more and more realistic so men won't even need you (plural) as sperm receptacles. Just think, no expensive weddings, no arguments, no pregnancy scares, no expensive divorces.

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becuase I would kill them

one look at my expression if they tried would stop them dead

Im not the victim type

Im the kick your fucking ass type

post 2207

women have power

and calling your self the GIRL of a man who abuses women is like a woman staying at fox news after the reality of what Ailes did to women there is like saying out loud to the world that they sucked ailes cock for their job
If this is his attitude, then he must feel the same way about his wife, mother, daughter in laws, that all women are nothing but sperm receptacles. Maybe, disservice was the wrong word, maybe I should say he is a pig.

Yep, let's sharpen these tools. He himself, according to his own words, is the disservice. His outing is but evidence for the fact that the toxic, malignant brew his brain excretes wills out, and out it gets, uncontrollably.
You are embarrassed because you view women as sperm reseptacles.

I have never made a post as vicious towards you or anyone as this one to me, so quit projecting. You vocalized what you really think of women and there are many women who live in abusive relationships where they are not viewed as equals. Your poor wife is obviously one of those women.
My poor wife, as you term her, is a truly feisty woman who has her own dress design business which she co-owns with an Armenian tailor. He sells made to measure suits for around £2000 and her dresses are up there as well. She has a huge clientele these days and they will often come in with a picture from a fashion magazine and ask her to run one up. I know it helps you to have a mental picture of a put upon mouse who is lorded over by a tyrannical husband but sadly, for you, the truth is far more prosaic. I should go back to reading some more Andrea Dworkin and come back with new vim and vigour.

I do have to wonder at your motives for targetting me just now and can only think it's because you want to show off to the Cuckoos. Why don't you castigate Grind, why me indeed, and why now?

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My poor wife, as you term her, is a truly feisty woman who has her own dress design business which she co-owns with an Armenian tailor. He sells made to measure suits for around £2000 and her dresses are up there as well. She has a huge clientele these days and they will often come in with a picture from a fashion magazine and ask her to run one up. I know it helps you to have a mental picture of a put upon mouse who is lorded over by a tyrannical husband but sadly, for you, the truth is far more prosaic. I should go back to reading some more Andrea Dworkin and come back with new vim and vigour.

I do have to wonder at your motives for targetting me just now and can only think it's because you want to show off to the Cuckoos. Why do you castigate Grind, why me indeed, and why now?

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
I am not the one who made the despicable comment about women, you did, and you did not make an exemption for your wife. Maybe, you should think before you post in the future.