trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Paul is referring to EQUITIES, you fucking idiot,

Paul is a self-serving Chicken Little mouthpiece for a financial fraud. It takes no particular courage to predict that the market will fall - it goes up and down - but those who followed his advice the past 10 years have gotten their financial clocks cleaned.
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Link above.

Very briefly, here is what has been happening with the single payer bill in California. In May, the first cost estimate of the single payer bill said it would cost around $400 billion per year, only half of which would be covered by current spending. The other $200 billion is more than the state’s entire annual budget. That means the state would need to pass massive new taxes to implement the bill.

Sounds like a plan to me. Overturn everything for a utopian plan that will jack up taxes like nothing else. Then watch more businesses and middle class families leave.

$400 billion a year? How much is that per Californian? Do you know?
I take that lame spitball to mean you agree with every word I posted. Thank you.

You possess the boldness of bertrude and the perception of glug. No surprise you followed us here, nor why. The shitty end of the stick is your brass ring.
Ah, The Yowitzer loves the lies he's being fed dumbed down to third-grader level. That way the delusion he understood what he's ordered to rebleat is easier to maintain.

Der österreicher ist an der neuen kanalisation! *

* The Austrian is at the new sewer!
Ron Paul - in conjunction with a convicted fraud - has been doing that sky-is-falling routine for years. He not only quit politics when he noticed what kind of loons were following him, his proximity to Rand cost Boy Wonder in the Repub primaries.
Stocks do appear to be way overvalued.
WOW over 3000 replies, don't think I've ever seen that. The article below is the best piece I've read on Trump, and the piece below that covers American voters. enjoy

"Men of factious tempers, of local prejudices, or of sinister designs, may, by intrigue, by corruption, or by other means, first obtain the suffrages, and then betray the interests, of the people." Federalist 10
"Trump’s voter-fraud commission wants to know voting history, party ID and address of every voter in the U.S."
"Let that sink in for a minute.
Instead of getting to the bottom of Russian interference in the 2016 election—an actual threat to the integrity of our democratic process—President Trump is continuing to perpetuate the false claim that millions of Americans voted illegally last November. And to do that, he wants his administration to have access to your voter history, what political party you identify with, your address, and your name.
That's beyond alarming. This commission furthers a baseless conspiracy theory about voter fraud, and I find it deeply disturbing that along with Vice President Mike Pence, the President tapped Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach to head this effort. For those of you who may not know, Kobach was fined by a federal judge earlier this month for making misleading arguments about voting in court. And last year, a judge ruled that Kobach's proposed ID requirements in Kansas were a “mass denial of a fundamental constitutional right."
I'm relieved to hear that Steve Simon, Minnesota's Secretary of State has already announced that we won't play ball with this absurd request. Because let's be clear about what this is: our president is trying to use a taxpayer-funded commission to​ undermine the voting rights of millions of Americans and​
shift attention away from Russian interference in our democracy." -Al Franken

WOW over 3000 replies, don't think I've ever seen that. The article below is the best piece I've read on Trump, and the piece below that covers American voters. enjoy

"Men of factious tempers, of local prejudices, or of sinister designs, may, by intrigue, by corruption, or by other means, first obtain the suffrages, and then betray the interests, of the people." Federalist 10

We've only just begun. And thanks to intelligent and erudite posters like yourself sharing information and opinions, it'll be a worthwhile thread.
Keep in touch.
Now I remember why I put you on ignore. Eisenhower bitterly regretted it afterwards because it greatly strengthened Nasser and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

You put him on iggie, because you're a coward and intellectually incapable of defending your historical revisionism. You prefer to hiss and spit from safety.
Kiwi dingbat, I keep telling you that murderous dictators like Stalin, Hitler, Nasser, Castro, etc. is not the same as the people ruling themselves. What part is causing you confusion?

Right. You prefer a country where the leader is chosen by whoever gets the most votes from the people ... oh, nevermind.