trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

You put him on iggie, because you're a coward and intellectually incapable of defending your historical revisionism. You prefer to hiss and spit from safety.

Sometimes calling yourself a "realist" especially when you're at odds with nearly every expert in a field, requires exactly that. In fact it's absolutely necessary.
"Trump’s voter-fraud commission wants to know voting history, party ID and address of every voter in the U.S."
"Let that sink in for a minute.
Instead of getting to the bottom of Russian interference in the 2016 election—an actual threat to the integrity of our democratic process—President Trump is continuing to perpetuate the false claim that millions of Americans voted illegally last November. And to do that, he wants his administration to have access to your voter history, what political party you identify with, your address, and your name.
That's beyond alarming. This commission furthers a baseless conspiracy theory about voter fraud, and I find it deeply disturbing that along with Vice President Mike Pence, the President tapped Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach to head this effort. For those of you who may not know, Kobach was fined by a federal judge earlier this month for making misleading arguments about voting in court. And last year, a judge ruled that Kobach's proposed ID requirements in Kansas were a “mass denial of a fundamental constitutional right."
I'm relieved to hear that Steve Simon, Minnesota's Secretary of State has already announced that we won't play ball with this absurd request. Because let's be clear about what this is: our president is trying to use a taxpayer-funded commission to​ undermine the voting rights of millions of Americans and​
shift attention away from Russian interference in our democracy." -Al Franken

This has to be the greatest voter suppression scheme ever. Any governor who complies is a traitor to his state's citizens.
Every time I see one of the Deplorable herd knee-jerk a defense of one of trump's deranged tweets, I think of when they were caterwauling in harmony over Obama degrading the presidency by wearing his mom jeans in the Oval Office. I suppose in the end trump and his herd have a symbiotic relationship. He provides them with scapegoats to blame for their inadequacies while validating their bigotry and resentment of smart people, and they give him the unconditional love he never got from his parents and so desperately needs to compensate for the knowledge that he has never really accomplished anything on his own in his cloistered, parasitic life.
Stocks do appear to be way overvalued.

Perhaps but had I followed Rand's panicked financial predictions the past 8 years, I'd have only half of what I do now. If the market falls 25% today and then gradually recovers (as it always does), I'll still have way more. Way more.

In 2007 (as now) most of my wealth was (is) real estate. Had I bailed and sold in 2008 I'd have missed a tremendous recovery. Do you own any investments? Are you bailing because the market may be overbought?
Oh well, at least SPRAYIT the needy suck-up hasn't figured out how to bombard us with his insipid images yet.

Or perhaps I don't yet feel the need but you clearly haven't lost your taste for shooting lame, pointless spit-balls, Princess.
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Do you mean per Cali or per taxpaying Cali?

Right. I often ask questions that mean something other than what the actual words say, so a pinhead will ask a follow-up, leading and immaterially pointless question that would be far too difficult for him to comment on in a worthwhile way.

Thanks for that.
You possess the boldness of bertrude and the perception of glug. No surprise you followed us here, nor why. The shitty end of the stick is your brass ring.

Another lame spit-baller. Every time I show up, you ass-hats quickly lose what little rationality you may possess.
Every time I see one of the Deplorable herd knee-jerk a defense of one of trump's deranged tweets, I think of when they were caterwauling in harmony over Obama degrading the presidency by wearing his mom jeans in the Oval Office. I suppose in the end trump and his herd have a symbiotic relationship. He provides them with scapegoats to blame for their inadequacies while validating their bigotry and resentment of smart people, and they give him the unconditional love he never got from his parents and so desperately needs to compensate for the knowledge that he has never really accomplished anything on his own in his cloistered, parasitic life.

Woo. The projection is strong in you.
Right. I often ask questions that mean something other than what the actual words say, so a pinhead will ask a follow-up, leading and immaterially pointless question that would be far too difficult for him to comment on in a worthwhile way.

Thanks for that.

So you are saying the actual tax bite per paying citizen is irrelevant. Got it! No wonder you're a leftard.
Another lame spit-baller. Every time I show up, you ass-hats quickly lose what little rationality you may possess.

Sorry. After seeing you post dozens of pictures of crying babies instead of displaying the ability to converse rationally, I put you on ignore. At this point if you want me to believe you have something worthwhile to say, you'll have to stop your attacking, whining and complaining and demonstrate your own rationality.

Have at it.

And Yowsa goes way back with us. He's predicted quite a lot of stupid shit, especially economic idiocies. You'll do him no favors to ask about it.
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[h=1]NASA Denies That It’s Running a Child Slave Colony on Mars[/h][h=2]On Thursday, Alex Jones welcomed a guest to talk about how kidnapped children have been sent on a two-decade mission to space. NASA now denies the interplanetary conspiracy.[/h]

from the Alex Jones our "president" takes seriously. Expect soon that Deplorables here will soon be quoting "scientists" denying NASA's claims.