trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?
Jusy looked over "there" and it appears the fluffers are trying trying to sell Rhiney the fear of death by Sharia, single payer, and groping. Sure hope he can cope.
Pretty much.

Amassing knowledge and problem solving/critical thinking can be two different things.

Similarly, typing long posts with lots of big words in them isn't necessarily an indication of critical thinking skills lol. I won't mention any names.

All those syllables can be such a drag......thinking about what words mean and whatnot....

Thank heaven for soundbites, slogans and other Eternal Verities.....
Damn right. Fuck paper bags!

i'm still fond of paper bags.
I was a bag boy at a store in high school, and took great pride in putting the cans in first before the eggs.
( before plastic -dating myself)

Now there is only randomness as they shovel marshmallows along with bottled water into those sleezy little plastics.
I have to turn my head so as not to shed a tear.
I shudder to think I've bothered to read the attempts at debate by someone who buys a bottle of water and marshmallows.
I shudder to think I've bothered to read the attempts at debate by someone who buys a bottle of water and marshmallows.
hurricane stock ups. I'm in florida. Marshmallows for after the peanut butter crackers.
rinse the whole mess down . It's either that or Spam when the water and power go out.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s husband, Joachim Sauer, came up with a great idea to keep the families of the G20 leaders busy, while the world’s most powerful nations have their summit. Merkel’s husband Sauer is having all the G20 leader’s spouses and close family take a tour of the German Climate Computing Center tomorrow.

Joachim Sauer, a professor of physical and theoretical chemistry, wants them all to visit the center to essentially get a lesson on how Germany helps lead the world in climate change research. This was a highly clever way for Merkel to attack Trump on climate change, because if Ivanka and Melania refused to take the tour, it would be quite diplomatically rude.

Well, maybe...but then again, maybe the guy simply wants to take the opportunity to impress on the Trumps that Germany, at least, takes it all very, very seriously.

NYT SUNDAY ALARM: Trump Team Met With Lawyer Linked to Kremlin During Campaign...


More stupid nonsense from the Slimes. They're stuck on stupid.