trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

We are part of nature.

So if rapacious giant ants grew self awareness and understanding of the food chain their decision to destroy every last thing on the planet consequently killing themselves in the process would be morally justifiable to you because they exist in the same biosphere.

Thanks for your wisdom, stupid.
So if rapacious giant ants grew self awareness and understanding of the food chain their decision to destroy every last thing on the planet consequently killing themselves in the process would be morally justifiable to you because they exist in the same biosphere.

Thanks for your wisdom, stupid.

You are only spouting nonsense that even you don't believe. How far are you willing to go? All out war with China in order to save the planet?

BTW, your comparison should be that we expect the giant ants to kill themselves.
Hey I've been visited by the virtue god. Even threw in the nazis. 900 babies chopped to smithereens today in America alone, Dr. Mengele.

If you think that abortions are immoral I suggest you convince theologians, doctors, the history books recollections of practices and modern science and all else the Scotus used to determine a person does not exist before viability that instead it exists back to conception. Your focus on me is misplaced.

Do you think for a nanosecond you can defeat me in anything?👌
If you think that abortions are immoral I suggest you convince theologians, doctors, the history books recollections of practices and modern science and all else the Scotus used to determine a person does not exist before viability that instead it exists back to conception. Your focus on me is misplaced.

Do you think for a nanosecond you can defeat me in anything?��
I enjoy the way you slough off responsibility to others and claim victory. It's a well traveled road.
I enjoy the way you slough off responsibility to others and claim victory. It's a well traveled road.

Stupid post, of course. If you were acquainted with the written opinion of roe v wade you would have immediately recognized in my comment several element used in its reasoning. Of course you didn't, because, well, you are stupid.

You made the allusion to that case and supposedly my culpability for it in your ignorant Republican "go to" tonic for every moral failing of policy in its broader agenda. I just responded on your terms using greater knowledge I did so completely off the cuff.

I didn't even get into all the privavy rationale that exists in that opinion and the rights of women. Didn't need to. You are that stupid.
Is all out war with China to save the planet a possibility?

I don't believe war with China due to that is even a remote possibility. That doesn't change the fact that your comment that "humans are part of nature" is stupid. Humans being part of nature is not a license for destruction and exploitation to the brink of extinction within any civilized moral framework. You moving your battle lines there simply means you concede.
Stupid post, of course. If you were acquainted with the written opinion of roe v wade you would have immediately recognized in my comment several element used in its reasoning. Of course you didn't, because, well, you are stupid.

You made the allusion to that case and supposedly my culpability for it in your ignorant Republican "go to" tonic for every moral failing of policy in its broader agenda. I just responded on your terms using greater knowledge I did so completely off the cuff.

I didn't even get into all the privavy rationale that exists in that opinion and the rights of women. Didn't need to. You are that stupid.

Link us to my allusion to the case.

Where I come from mothers die for their children. Where you come from children die for their mothers.
I don't believe war with China due to that is even a remote possibility. That doesn't change the fact that your comment that "humans are part of nature" is stupid. Humans being part of nature is not a license for destruction and exploitation to the brink of extinction within any civilized moral framework. You moving your battle lines there simply means you concede.

As an optimist, I believe a new humankind will emerge from the change you so fear as a climaphobe.
Just got back from a trip to Michigan to visit our son. He seems to be getting serious about a certain girl up there, so we thought we should drive up and meet her. Very pleasant young lady. Thinks Trump is a world-historical tragedy, of course.

An anecdote!
You should tell Otis about this.
The next time some trump-fluffing parrot starts squawking about Regressive accomplishments under the buffoon:

Donors to GOP: No cash until action on health care, taxes

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — At least one influential donor has informed congressional Republicans that the "Dallas piggy bank" is closed until he sees major action on health care and taxes.
Texas-based donor Doug Deason has already refused to host a fundraiser for two members of Congress and informed House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., his checkbook is closed as well.
"Get Obamacare repealed and replaced, get tax reform passed," Deason said in a pointed message to GOP leaders. "You control the Senate. You control the House. You have the presidency. There's no reason you can't get this done. Get it done and we'll open it back up."
Indeed, there was a sense of frustration and urgency inside the private receptions and closed-door briefings at the Koch brothers' donor retreat this weekend in Colorado Springs, where the billionaire conservatives and their chief lieutenants warned of a rapidly shrinking window to push their agenda through Congress and get legislation to President Donald Trump to sign into law.