trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I don't need to read an article that attempts to argue that MAN has caused the planet to warm; it's an asinine and farcical proposition intended for gullible morons on the left.

That stated; I am all eyes and ears for when the idiots who make this claim try to explain the warming and freezing periods of the past long before man ever walked the planet or invented the gasoline engine.


You know, dummy - or rather, you don't - climate science developed in relevant part initially when geological evidence for past ice ages was discovered. Folks got frightened and asked, how can that happen, the temperate place they are inhabiting covered in snow and ice year-in, year-out, and can that happen again?

That, the history of these discoveries, is what the essay I linked described, but you're too frightened to read. Really, man up, and, instead of disparaging texts you haven't read, do some reading; it will do you some good.
I used to be a climaphobe. Then I learned not to fear change. This is nature's way of clearing the human population. Out of this struggle will emerge a stronger, more weather-resistant humankind.

That's hard to trump in terms of egocentric stupidity.

Starts out with a simpleton's tale about what you "learned".

Then you declare your car and the coal-fired power-plant that provide for your comfortable life part of "nature", and celebrate her for "clearing the human population" by the hundreds of millions, predominantly elsewhere - all the while whining about women's reproductive self-determination. That's stupid beyond belief.

And it's being topped off with an emerging "more weather-resistant humankind". Humans used to survive temperatures from -50 to +50°C. You'd probably whine all day in case the temperature in your home differed more than a few degrees from "room temperature", and all the while you ignorantly and jubilantly head towards a future earth populated by jellyfish and cockroaches once we've sent the ecosystems we don't understand, but rely on for our survival, collapsing.

Yeah, you used to be a "climaphobe". Then you learned how to be knowledge-phobic, thinking-phobic, honesty-phobic, and debate-phobic, deciding you got yours, and let nature clear the human population.

You know, simp, there's an overwhelming amount of readily accessible information out there. There really is no excuse these days to rely on your extensive, infantile navel-gazing while formulating the malodorous turds you excrete.

Really? If it had........... kept up the current rate.......... of temperature increase of around 1 °C/century........... we'd now have a........... temperature of ...........several thousand degrees. Not that it ...........would make any difference to your ability to s..........pew irrelevant factoids. But how come........... you don't post data backing...........up your silly shit?

never any answers when questions asked.......we didn't need more lib'rul trolls.......we wanted intelligent ones.....oh, and data?......I posted the ice core data, in this thread......not my fault you boys buried it in discussions of lost knives......
The greenhouse gas theory says increased greenhouse gases must make the globe warmer than it would otherwise be. That's what the theory means, ffs. I understand your invincible ignorance cannot process that.

I thought we decided the greenhouse effect was a misleading analogy 20 pages ago lol?

And what is this eternal thread all about? Is this a safe space for liberal newbies? An intellectual kiddie pool?
I thought we decided the greenhouse effect was a misleading analogy 20 pages ago lol?

And what is this eternal thread all about? Is this a safe space for liberal newbies? An intellectual kiddie pool?
They are just a bunch of fucking cuckoos and pretty obnoxious ones at that. All the cunts have done since they've been here is bitch and moan. We have enough of those already, I have several of them on ignore already as I don't have the patience or fortitude to read their incessant whining.

Sent from my iPhone 25S Turbo
Ted Lieu is truly awesome, he doesn't hold back
They are just a bunch of fucking cuckoos and pretty obnoxious ones at that. All the cunts have done since they've been here is bitch and moan. We have enough of those already, I have several of them on ignore already as I don't have the patience or fortitude to read their incessant whining.

Sent from my iPhone 25S Turbo
Is this bitching and moaning? It sounds like it is.
I posted the ice core data, in this thread.

You posted data with..........a scale of tens of thousands.............of years. The Holocene is 11,000 years..........your ice core data is irrelevant except that it showed...........rates of warming much.......slower than are too see that.
You posted data with..........a scale of tens of thousands

yes I did.......thank your for noticing.......however, you are wrong when you claim it showed rates of warming which are any slower than what we are experiencing......if you bother to look it is obvious that the current cycle is the one slower.......