trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

There are knotheads who selectively use parts of scientific evidence to deny the conclusion of the consensus of scientists who study all the evidence.

I call those fools all sorts of names. Climate change denialists is one. Stupid trumpfluffing scumbuckets is another.
I've forgotten what the "Eberhard" reference is about. Rings a bell, but ...

You people need to be more gentle with the locals. Milagro has been threatening to run away and hide since yesterday and now ... the ... empty ... hiss-and-spitter ... Prophet is ... threatening to ... form a ... runaway posse.

Speaking of which, I'm gone fishing.
There are knotheads who selectively use parts of scientific evidence to deny the conclusion of the consensus of scientists who study all the evidence.

I call those fools all sorts of names. Climate change denialists is one. Stupid trumpfluffing scumbuckets is another.
Yeah knotheads like Freeman Dyson, Richard Lindzen, Judith Curry, Ivar Giaever, Jasper Kirkby, Willie Soon and many more.

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There are knotheads who selectively use parts of scientific evidence to deny the conclusion of the consensus of scientists who study all the evidence.

I call those fools all sorts of names. Climate change denialists is one. Stupid trumpfluffing scumbuckets is another.

it is incumbent on every society to publically shame liars in their midst.

liars should not be allowed to keep lying with impunity or that society will die
Climate skeptics can't read for comprehension?

Well Formed Formula ain't just a game for nerds you know.

WFF 'n Proof might be tho'. Not that that means anything to to a knothead, eh?|

That, "that that" that I just wrote is proper isn't it?
The best scientists from all related disciplines in the world declared that only after years of dillgent hypothesis, observation, testing and modeling, consultation collaboration and carefully crafted publications. The pinnacle of ignorance is achieved by dumbshit southern and flyover lemmings who blindly parrot the ignorant right wing radio shows that exploit them in those God forsaken unwanted hellholes of uneducated white trash whose ideas for refinement and culture are giant balls of yarn and pig wresting and spitting competitions

Harsh......but fair.
Yeah knotheads like Freeman Dyson, Richard Lindzen, Judith Curry, Ivar Giaever, Jasper Kirkby, Willie Soon and many more.

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Should any of your listed knotheads have published and peer reviewed proof the Keeling Curve is inconsequential, please link it. TIA
Yeah knotheads like Freeman Dyson, Richard Lindzen, Judith Curry, Ivar Giaever, Jasper Kirkby, Willie Soon and many more.

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An excellent example of what makes you a poorly educated parrot. First, responding with such a tiny list to counter the thousands of climate scientists who disagree is a declaration you have chosen to believe that which validates your prejudices. Everything you "know" about climate science (or any science) comes from what you swallow from the rightard propaganda sites that tell you what you think. Secondly, only one of the people on your list is actually a climate scientist, Ms. Curry, and she acknowledges that there is warming and humans may be causing it. She just argues that there is no way to know how other variables may affect the climate, so we might as well lie back and enjoy the planetary rape. Third, you're a dumbass who can't even afford a computer
Quotes Blabs about "dense". Sees no reason for the hilarity all around.

The denialingdongs here around really have a thing or two to learn.

What I find hilarious is that not one of "the science isn't settled" knotheads we've been hearing from for years has demonstrated they understand the greenhouse effect.

Even that stupid, racist piece of shit who claimed to teach a college course on energy.
Should any of your listed knotheads have published and peer reviewed proof the Keeling Curve is inconsequential, please link it. TIA
Yes I am sure that Freeman Dyson the world's greatest living theoretical physicist, and contemporary of Einstein at Princeton, has never heard of the Keeling Curve!! Or indeed Ivar Geaever, Nobel prize winner for physics come to that. Can you send me your email address so that I can tell them how to contact you with this vital new information?

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Yes I am sure that Freeman Dyson the world's greatest living theoretical physicist, and contemporary of Einstein at Princeton, has never heard of the Keeling Curve!! Or indeed Ivar Geaever, Nobel prize winner for physics come to that. Can you send me your email address so that I can tell them how to contact you with this vital new information?

Sent from my iPhone 25S Turbo

Are you really so dumb you thought that impotent hiss-and-spit camouflaged your intellectual cowardice?

Relax, it was a rhetorical question.