trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?


You read Otis' whinge and assumed he was a Mod.....

Stick around to see just how fucking stupid that was....
I don't know anything about you bloody lot apart from you've become very entertaining all of a sudden. Is this still the support act, when does the main event occur?

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
I'm not unpersuadable on the matter, but I think the TPP was a good idea, at least better than what we get by abandoning it.

America did the best out of it by using its economic clout in the bargaining, the playing field was not level, not to mention we have an FTA with China anyway.
And I thought I-know-you-are was the only moldy cliché in ... your ... semi ... lit ... erate ... arsenal ... of ... "wit."

Oh, before you get too proud of a suck up from the trump girl (aren't you all trump girls?), you might like to know that tick sucks up to any host who will have it.

did that help ease the pain?......
He doesn't do too well in this statement from an address to the MIT in 1989

"I personally feel that the likelihood over the next century of greenhouse warming reaching magnitudes comparable to natural variability seems small"

Dana Nuttercelli again, boy that arsehole gets around. Even the Guardian had the good sense to stop taking his bullshit anymore.
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Yeah, but you got to savor the irony of this coming from a devoted Bush-fluffer and unabashed Iraq warmonger. That this moron still has gainful employment anywhere in the political press is a sign as bad as any as to the state of the U.S. Fourth Estate. Moreover, if you look somewhat more closely at his nonsense, you find expressions like this - "Out here everyone gets it" - which he cannot possibly support, and calling TPP a "treaty", which it isn't, which again means that the arrogant slob hasn't learned a thing, particularly not any respect for language. That latter, of course, separates the dwindling honest bunch from sleazebags like Friedman.

Well, the guy is a very mixed bag, I will certainly give you that. He spouts nonsense fairly regularly, and his "one skull is enough" idiocy WRT the Iraq invasion soured me on him for a good long while.

However, he has written some good things on climate change and renewable energy. Occasionally even some very good things. IAC I thought the column in question worth quoting because it deflates one of the more jealously defended putative positives of Agent Orange, his supposed deal-making ability.
lol.....on a 3 inch graph that covers 450,000 years do you really think it makes a fucking difference.........

Absolutely. That is a measure of how fast things are changing. How rapidly we are dumping heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere.

The history of climate science in the last couple decades is, in large part, a history of climate scientists discovering, over and over again, that things are worse than they had thought/feared.........
lol.....on a 3 inch graph that covers 450,000 years do you really think it makes a fucking difference.........

Which goes to stupid and irrelevant........... that graph is when discussing current........... warming. Sooner or........... later you'll get it.

Wait, what am I saying?
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