trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Which goes to stupid and irrelevant........... that graph is when discussing current........... warming. Sooner or........... later you'll get it.

Wait, what am I saying?

I was about to ask if you are giving odds on your prediction.
Trump was against the TPP long before he became POTUS.

trump said all kinds of things when he was suckering rubes on the campaign trail. Here's one of my favorites:

All I’m saying is I’ll make great deals and we’ll get them done and we don’t to have use executive orders and all the stuff that Obama is using which at some point, I would imagine the courts are going to overrule in one form or another. But we’re not going to be opening our borders or closing our orders based on executive orders. We’re going to do it. We will get along well.” [Fox Special Report with Bret Baier,
?????.....yes.....because you aren't as smart as I am.......

You find basic punctuation challenging and believe "Nuh uh" and "I know you are ..." are forensic genius. The only time you can find your ass even with both hands is when you have a headache.

The term "blow job" is more of an expression than a technique description. There is no amount of self-fellating puffing that will inflate your justifiable lack of self-esteem.

A man who bills himself as “The Progressive Liberal” is drawing major attention as a villain in the Appalachian pro wrestling scene.
It has often been said that the first duty of a president is to protect the people and the sovereignty of the United States. The president swears to protect and defend the Constitution. It is indisputable that Russia launched an attack on US sovereignty and by attacking our electoral process attacked the Constitution.

Reports are that trump subordinates are bothered by their inability to get trump to deal with this matter, because he always sees the topic as simply an attack on his laughable legitimacy. They are hesitant to bring up the issue, because it provokes trumpy tantrums. Today, the American ambassador to the UN testified that she has been given no instructions for dealing with Russia and has not even had a conversation with our feckless leader regarding the Russian assault on our sovereignty.

Think any of the trump-fluffing groupies will be the least bothered by that? Think it will tarnish the phony patriotism the goose-steppers wear on their sleeves?
The US Commerce Secretary’s speech was cut off for going too long and a German audience cheered and applauded the move.
Wilbur Ross was addressing the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) political party conference in Berlin via video when his feed abruptly ended after 20 minutes due to time constraints.
The crowd laughed and cheered at the organiser's decision to cut him off as they waited for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, sitting on stage in front of the video screen, to speak.
“[He] had promised us a 10-minute statement,” said Werner Bahlsen of the CDU, adding that Mr Ross spoke “a bit slowly,” according to Bloomberg.
Undaunted at having his lack of pride pointed out, Prophet does a couple more simpering I-know-you-are's to put it in neon. In his defense he does add his own touch of limp-wristed snottiness.
you see that red line over there?......on this side of it, its a free country......
She's repeatedly gone to lengths at many forums snitching, bitching and complaining to mods to get posters banned and insisting she despises all of us new posters here. This isn't the first time she's said she would never follow us or participate in our threads. They (she and another harpie) made a point of telling us we weren't welcome there anymore, but they'll follow. She always does and she'll be desperate for attention. She talks only about herself and she's always right.

The other one is a passive-aggressive airhead who has never made a point except to call everyone else a troll. Trite, vacuous and always here.
They call it ending Obamacare, but it's really ending Medicaid.

Spicer is claiming 28 million Americans need relief because they don't have insurance? So their plan is to add another 20 million to the uninsured rolls?


"To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink." —