trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

[h=2]Fascism for Sissies[/h] January 30, 2017

Few would dispute that the spoiled, flabby old trump is a pussy. If they try, I prove them wrong here: < >What is often overlooked, however, is that in order for a pussy like trump to rise, he needs a large herd of sissies behind him, not to mention more herds of scapegoats to feed his sissies. That settled I want to say that I am not so much distressed that trump is an egomaniacal old punk who is hoping to create a cult of personality to appease his insatiable need for self-gratification. Bitches like trump are common. I am concerned with the large number of trembling wimps who see him as their savior.
When I was a kid, I read all I could get my hands on about Hitler. I was fascinated at how a supposedly civilized people could have followed such a plainly evil leader. Now, trump is no Hitler, but that’s not from a lack of desire. Fortunately for us the aged brat lacks the self-discipline and drive to fulfill his fantasies. The point is that I knew the Germans were suffering after WWI. I knew that for many of them cooking a potato over a fire on a street corner might be the day’s meal. I knew they were humiliated after losing a war. I knew there was political chaos to the point of common street fighting. I knew they were desperate. But still, how could they be so desperate as to follow a Hitler? Surely, that could never happen here.
Imagine my confusion, then, at seeing fascism appealing to so many Americans, people living in a rich nation with security and comforts few other nations can offer. At a time of historically low taxes, we hear constant crybabying about people having to pay so much less than their parents and grandparents paid with much less whimpering. People are trembling in fear of a threat of radical Islamic terrorism, although we have suffered much less violence, MUCH LESS VIOLENCE, than we have sponsored. And, we have been victimized by terrorism much less than have many other nations. The only thing I can conclude is that America is being overrun by wimps. Wimpism is becoming the essential America value.
Okay, about now you are shaking your head and muttering, “Another hysterical liberal is doing silly Hitler analogies.” First, and again, I am not comparing trump to Hitler. I am comparing those who follow and support trump to those who followed and supported Adolf. Too much? Let’s take a look.
Fascism is characterized by having an authoritarian leader, by extreme nationalism, and by strident militarism. Authoritarian leader? trump’s suckers fell in love with him primarily because they loved the way he bullied others, or tried to. Rather than being appalled by his crudity, they were thrilled at his vulgarity. These people are such weenies they saw the blowhard as a strong-man leader. Chauvinistic nationalism? Chants of “Lock her up!” were always accompanied by “USA! USA!” These are people who go apoplectic over whether proper patriotic rituals are followed at the National Anthem, which must be played at every sporting event, and gawd help a quarterback who doesn’t stand for it. Militaristic? Check the Kim Jong-un style of weapon display at the more important sporting events. Oh, and we are living now in a time when if one talks about the military or even to or about an individual soldier, anything said must be accompanied with some statement of gratitude “for your/their service.” This statement has become like “God bless you” or “Gesundheit” after someone sneezes. This is done partly because so few of us serve in the military any more and saying the words is a form of self-absolution. We do it in lieu of service. But, largely this is done among trumpies out of a love of military in the abstract. They love the military from safety.
Finally, with trumpies we go from simple fascism to Nazi wannabes. The Kluckers recognized trump for what he is and love him for it. American Nazis are absolutely giddy. The fact that Steve Bannon is in the innermost circle of power in the United Goddam States of America blows my flabbergasted mind. Whether or not trump is actually a bigot is irrelevant to my point. It is indisputable that he has exploited every racist scapegoat in creation. Yes, using racial scapegoats is nothing new for the Regressives, at least since Southern Strategy used by Goldwater and Nixon. St. Raygun rode to the White House in a “Welfare Cadillac.” Now, under trump they are offering Mexican and Muslim scapegoats from their growing herds to those in need of someone to look down on and blame for their inadequacies.
Wimps. On the one hand, I finally get to see my ancient curiosity regarding the attraction of evil played out for me. The bad news is that seeing so many relatively pampered people succumb to the same ugliness so very easily means that for the first time in my fairly long life I am embarrassed to be an American. I am not satisfied that trump only got a minority of the vote. He got too damn many votes. There is no excuse for it. It could only happen in a nation where too many people are too selfish and too easily frightened. It could only happen in a nation that is being overrun by sissies. Land of the free, home of the wimps. Thank you for your service.

Maybe we should just call this Ricky Tacky's blog. :dunno:

You are free to start a thread of your own and see if anybody is interested in what you have to say. Or, you can come here and squeal envious whimpers in hopes somebody will kiss your boo-boo.
She's repeatedly gone to lengths at many forums snitching, bitching and complaining to mods to get posters banned and insisting she despises all of us new posters here. This isn't the first time she's said she would never follow us or participate in our threads. They (she and another harpie) made a point of telling us we weren't welcome there anymore, but they'll follow. She always does and she'll be desperate for attention. She talks only about herself and she's always right.

The other one is a passive-aggressive airhead who has never made a point except to call everyone else a troll. Trite, vacuous and always here.
You all seem desperate for attention, typical Septics.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
IAC I thought the column in question worth quoting because it deflates one of the more jealously defended putative positives of Agent Orange, his supposed deal-making ability.

Okay, I get that.

But, really, why would you accept that deflating from one as unreliable as Mr. Friedman? Why would you accept something as obviously illogical and discombobulated, silly gimmickry like this:

That was Trump’s decision to tear up the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free-trade deal in his first week in office — clearly without having read it or understanding its vast geo-economic implications.

(Trump was so ignorant about TPP that when he was asked about it in a campaign debate in November 2015 he suggested that China was part of it, which it very much is not.)​

He was ignorant about an aspect in 2015, therefore he tore it apart in 2017 without having read or understood it? You wouldn't accept nonsense like that from anyone, would you?

Now, I, too, doubt the Trumpy read that thing, but for that he has his minions (as had every other President) who would brief him on matters. Friedman's language allows not for a shred of uncertainty: "clearly without having read it or understanding its vast geo-economic implications". The whole column is riddled with bullshit like that, sweeping statements impossible to support short of omniscience. I, for one, resent, throughly, being served with what I clearly want to hear in a manner as sleazy, as disrespectful for language and truth, clearly without a shred of self-scrutiny or awareness of the limits of his knowledge on the side of Friedman, as this column.

That windbag needs to be dumped, even though he may have found the occasional acorn.
She's repeatedly gone to lengths at many forums snitching, bitching and complaining to mods to get posters banned and insisting she despises all of us new posters here. This isn't the first time she's said she would never follow us or participate in our threads. They (she and another harpie) made a point of telling us we weren't welcome there anymore, but they'll follow. She always does and she'll be desperate for attention. She talks only about herself and she's always right.

The other one is a passive-aggressive airhead who has never made a point except to call everyone else a troll. Trite, vacuous and always here.

with so much in common I'm not sure why you two don't get along........
Maybe we should just call this Ricky Tacky's blog. :dunno:

I think this is where his sycophants are supposed to tell him how much they like his blog........I notice none of these idiots dare come out in the rest of the board where we discuss real issues.......I expect its because they don't know anything about real issues.....
I think I will post things on the MangyMongoose thread....
A 32-year-old man was arrested Tuesday after police say he drove a vehicle into a six-foot-tall monument of the Ten Commandments at the Arkansas Capitol in Little Rock, Ark., less than a day after the stone statue had been erected.

Michael Tate Reed of Van Buren, Ark., was taken into custody by Capitol police shortly after the incident. Reed streamed the event on Facebook Live, while driving the car into the structure at approximately 4:45 a.m. local time, according to one officer's report.

"I immediately exited my vehicle and placed the subject in custody," Corporal Chad Durham wrote in his police report.

Reed was taken to a hospital for an evaluation but was later booked into the Pulaski County jail. The police report also stated Reed declared himself "unemployed/disabled."

Reed is expected to be charged with defacing objects of public respect, trespassing on Capitol grounds and first-degree criminal mischief, the report stated. He is currently being held without bail.

The monument was created as the result of a 2015 law sponsored by state Sen. Jason Rapert.

Reed's video remains up on Facebook. In the short clip, Reed yelled, "Freedom!" as he collided into the monument. The video ends as he hits the statue.

In 2014, Reed was accused of using a vehicle to topple another Ten Commandments statue at the Oklahoma state Capitol though it's not clear if charges were ever filed, according to the Tulsa World.
It has often been said that the first duty of a president is to protect the people and the sovereignty of the United States. The president swears to protect and defend the Constitution. It is indisputable that Russia launched an attack on US sovereignty and by attacking our electoral process attacked the Constitution.

Reports are that trump subordinates are bothered by their inability to get trump to deal with this matter, because he always sees the topic as simply an attack on his laughable legitimacy. They are hesitant to bring up the issue, because it provokes trumpy tantrums. Today, the American ambassador to the UN testified that she has been given no instructions for dealing with Russia and has not even had a conversation with our feckless leader regarding the Russian assault on our sovereignty.

Think any of the trump-fluffing groupies will be the least bothered by that? Think it will tarnish the phony patriotism the goose-steppers wear on their sleeves?

are you this simple? ^^^ really? and able to function.

Trump didn't allow Russia to do anything, Obama did, on his watch his party was hacked. And suddenly liberal loons want to hold Trump accountable.

that's so typical of a loon.
Why hockey is slowly dying in India?
3 Answers
Dilsher Singh
Dilsher Singh, A big fan of Indian Hockey
Answered Oct 16, 2015
The game that lost its supremacy in India.

In 2010, Hero Honda sponsored field hockey world cup which was to be played in india. They carried a message “dil main dum bhar lo phir dil do hockey ko”. This thing really happened as in those days, hockey attracted a lots of media attention. Just a few moments before the match on 28 feb 2010, Major Dhyan Chand national hockey stadium was fully packed with audience and VIPs. This was a very crucial match in sporting history because it was a first match in this world cup and secondly it was India vs. Pakistan- match between the teams who were once superpowers of field hockey. India won that match by 4-1 and on that day it seemed to be the beginning of Indian hockey of the new era but not for such a long time as on 2nd march 2010, India lost to Australia by 2-5. This losing trend continued with Spain, England and South Africa. The Indian hockey federation faced a huge criticism.

Maybe we should just call this Ricky Tacky's blog. :dunno:

I think they are using this as a beachhead, the trouble is it may turn out to be their Omaha Beach. We need to set up some enfilade and defilade firing positions. I may have to do a reconnoitre over at their old HQ.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
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I think this is where his sycophants are supposed to tell him how much they like his blog........I notice none of these idiots dare come out in the rest of the board where we discuss real issues.......I expect its because they don't know anything about real issues.....
Maybe he should change his name to Komodo Dragon, I wonder if his bite has dangerous bacteria in the saliva?

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
No one did that. The only people who revealed anyone's identity were 1) You, identifying yourself and 2) The Ant who was stupid enough to post his contact information.

At this new venue, how about you stop lying?

DJ broke a promise and outed me a number of years and photo.
I think this is where his sycophants are supposed to tell him how much they like his blog........I notice none of these idiots dare come out in the rest of the board where we discuss real issues.......I expect its because they don't know anything about real issues.....

I've seen you "discuss" doesn't merit even reaching for the remote.