Trump Sexual Assault Allegations!

Did HRC say that, or is that your convenient, added spin?

She said that "Victims of Sexual Assault have a right to be believed."

That means if you are a "VICTIM", meaning telling the truth.... you have a right to believed.

She did not say, if you allege sexual harassment you have a right to be believed.

Juanita Broaddrick[edit]
In a 1999 episode of Dateline NBC, former Bill Clinton volunteer Juanita Broaddrick alleged that, in the late 1970s, Clinton raped her in her hotel room. According to Broaddrick, she agreed to meet with Clinton for coffee in the lobby of her hotel, but Clinton asked if they could go to her room to avoid a crowd of reporters; she agreed. Once Clinton had isolated her in her hotel room, Broaddrick states that he raped her. Broaddrick stated Clinton injured her lip by biting it during the assault.[1][2] In 1999, Clinton denied Broaddrick's allegations through his lawyer.
Supporters of Clinton have questioned her account by noting that Broaddrick continued to support Clinton, and appear at public events on his behalf, weeks after the alleged rape, along with the fact that Broaddrick stated that she couldn't remember the exact date the alleged incident occurred.[3] In addition, Broaddrick had once signed a deposition, under oath, stating that no sexual contact had occurred with Bill Clinton; although she subsequently stated that she had made this claim because "I didn't want to be forced to testify about the most horrific event of my life."[4][5] In 1999, Slate magazine published an inconclusive piece on whether Broaddrick was telling the truth.[6] She was then subpoenaed but denied under oath that Clinton had raped her, in order, she later said[by whom?], to protect her privacy, her husband and her horse-farm business. During the Clinton impeachment proceedings, Broaddrick changed course and publicly alleged the President had raped her to ABC news. She stated that in 1978 that she revealed the alleged assault to five intimates, and that they advised her not to cause trouble for herself by going public.
Broaddrick's allegations resurfaced in the 2016 presidential campaign. In various media interviews, Broaddrick stated that Clinton raped her and that Hillary Clinton knew about it, and tried to threaten Broaddrick into remaining silent. She said that she started giving some interviews in 2015 because Hillary Clinton's statement that victims of sexual assault should be believed angered her.[7] In 2016, she spoke out, together with Clinton's two other accusers (Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey). They also criticized Hillary Clinton for enabling her husband's alleged abuse.
Paula Jones[edit]
According to Paula Jones' account, on May 8, 1991, she was escorted to Clinton's hotel room in Little Rock, Arkansas[8] where he propositioned and exposed himself to her. She claimed she kept quiet about the incident until 1994, when a David Brock story in the American Spectator magazine printed an account. In any case, in 1994, Jones filed a federal lawsuit against Clinton, alleging sexual harassment. In the discovery stage of the suit, Jones's lawyers had the opportunity to question Clinton under oath about his sexual history; in the course of this testimony, Clinton denied having had a sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky, a denial that (once his affair with Lewinsky was exposed) would lead to his impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice.[9]
Several witnesses disputed Jones's account, including her sister and brother-in-law. These witnesses contended that she had described her encounter with Clinton as "happy" and "gentle." In addition, Jones had claimed to friends that Clinton had a particular deformity on his penis, a claim that was revealed to be false by investigators.[10]
In April 1998, the case was dismissed by Republican Judge Susan Webber Wright as lacking legal merit.[11] But Jones appealed Webber Wright's ruling, and her suit gained traction following Clinton's admission to having an affair with Monica Lewinsky in August 1998.[12] (This admission indicated that Clinton may have lied under oath when he testified, in the Jones case, that he had never had a sexual relationship with Lewinsky.)
On appeal, in the midst of his trial for impeachment based on his testimony in the Jones case, Clinton was faced with the prospect of having to go under oath again and testify more about his sexual history. Instead, Clinton agreed to an out-of-court settlement, paying Jones and her lawyers $850,000 to drop the suit; a substantial amount of this money was used to pay Jones's legal fees.[13] Clinton's lawyer said that the President made the settlement only so he could end the lawsuit for good and move on with his life.[14]
In 2016, she spoke out, together with Clinton's two other accusers (Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey). They also criticized Hillary Clinton for enabling her husband's alleged abuse.
Kathleen Willey[edit]
In 1998, Kathleen Willey alleged Clinton groped her without consent in the White House Oval Office in 1993.[15] Kenneth Starr granted her immunity for her testimony in his separate inquiry.[16][17]
Linda Tripp, the Clinton Administration staffer who secretly taped her phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky in order to expose the latter's affair with the President, testified under oath that Willey's sexual contact with President Clinton in 1993 was consensual, that Willey had been flirting with the President, and that Willey was happy and excited following her 1993 encounter with Clinton.[18] Six other friends of Willey confirmed Tripp's account, that Willey had sought a sexual relationship with the President.[19] Ken Starr, who had deposed Willey in the course of investigating the sexual history of President Clinton, determined that she had lied under oath repeatedly to his investigators. Starr and his team therefore concluded that there was insufficient evidence to pursue her allegations further. In 2007 Willey published a book about her experiences with the Clintons.[20]
In 2016, she spoke out, together with Clinton's two other accusers (Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick), in favor of Donald Trump's campaign. The women defended Trump against his own allegations of sexual misconduct, which arose from leaked audio recordings in which he is alleged to have condoned sexual assault. They also criticized Hillary Clinton for enabling her husband's alleged abuse.
She said that "Victims of Sexual Assault have a right to be believed."

That means if you are a "VICTIM", meaning telling the truth.... you have a right to believed.

She did not say, if you allege sexual harassment you have a right to be believed.

Keep spinning.
She said what she said, that is why I put it in quotes. I have to explain things to you idiots all the time because you pretend things that are not true.

You "expanded" on what she said to fit your partisan agenda of the moment, Comrade Brad Jarod.

He probably can't get it up at all, or can't find it if he did. lol

I suspect that Zappacrite and Brad resemble Weinstein physically

They also seem to resemble him and ethically, so they have the same motives.

They only lack the means and the opportunity to do what Weinstein did.
Recalcitrant Republicans Refuse to Respond

When Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual assault, everyone took the word of his female accusers.

When Donald Trump was accused of the SAME CRIME, he and his followers simply laughed it off and claimed it was "fake news".

Which begs the question: why the double standard?

Do you not comprehend the difference between an "anonymous" allegation that is not subject to criminal investigation and "actual" people who openly come forth to help prosecute a real criminal investigation? Where are all the people that alleged criminal activity by Mr. Trump? Where is the ongoing investigation into sexual misconduct as was the case with BJ BILL who lied under oath? Where are all the murdered people that suddenly had convenient accidents or witnesses that had their pets killed and tossed on their front porch as happened to those who charged BJ BILL with rape and misconduct? They don't exist....because Mr./Mrs anonymous can't carry out or engage in threats as neither exist except in the minds of those in the media who made up the stories.

Something else that does not exist with Mr. Trump's contract with the people who hired him....there are no constitutional clauses that allow for sexual perversion as long as the President pays all fines, penalties, and settlements from his own bank coffers as was in the contract the Board had with preknowledge as to the actual character of this sexual deviant that heavenly contributed to the Clinton Machine. Which begs to ask of Mrs. BJ BILL.....will you and your hubby give back all the funds donated by this person you find to be so disgusting?

This employment contract would be the first piece of evidence presented to establish the character of the person being charged......Why did the language exist if it was not applicable to employment terms? Clearly that type of contractual language exists because its a "common practice" in Hollywood. Just ask some child actors such as Corey Haim (opps! can't because he's dead) or Corey Feldman....or, some perverted, convicted child rapist producers such as Polanski, etc., Now those who accept money from these deviant SOBs act surprised? Really?
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If any woman can bring down Trump it's Gloria Allred

If....a bullfrog had wings. If this liberal defender of Nazi Bitches "COULD" bring down Trump, You would be kissing the ass of Queen Hillary as we speak. :) Sometimes the most obvious prima facie evidence is the simplest and most logical. Even the highest paid defenders of deviancy must have "evidence", if its a glove that does not fit used as a prop to sway the ignorant gullible. Again there are no evidences of fact because none exists (its all accusational and subjective void of any objective evidences that can be tested for TRUTH).....If (the bullfrog if...if it had wings it would not bump its ass every time it jumped)...the left had the least bit of prosecutable evidence against Trump...he would have never been President in the firs place.
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If....a bullfrog had wings. If this liberal defender of Nazi Bitches "COULD" bring down Trump, You would be kissing the ass of Queen Hillary as we speak. :) Sometimes the most obvious prima facie evidence is the simplest and most logical. Even the highest paid defenders of deviancy must have "evidence", if its a glove that does not fit used as a prop to sway the ignorant gullible. Again there are no evidences of fact because none exists (its all accusational and subjective void of any objective evidences that can be tested for TRUTH).....If (the bullfrog if...if it had wings it would not bump its ass every time it jumped)...the left had the least bit of prosecutable evidence against Trump...he would have never been President in the firs place.

Wasn't that long ago Gary Hart was out for a GF.
Now we elect,a confessed pussy grabber!
That says more about America than it does Trump!
Wasn't that long ago Gary Hart was out for a GF.
Now we elect,a confessed pussy grabber!
That says more about America than it does Trump!

Indeed that says a great deal about "both" political parties and the way corruption has run rampant in our Central Government when THE PEOPLE with premeditation choose to elect a self professed womanizing blue collar billionaire reality TV star over the supposed MOST QUALIFIED candidate ever to run for president (according to the leftest propaganda machine).....Hillary Clinton.

Hell the propaganda worked when the DNC and the STATE RUN MEDIA told people they should elect the first black man in history because well (He was very under-qualified and experienced only in taking tax payer money as employment, having never worked in the private sector he would be attempting to regulate)....he's black dam'it and its the progressive thing to do in being part of history, NOW lets use the same Goebbels (Nazi) type of propaganda to elect a person because of their gender. I laughed until I cried when the "Glass Ceiling" was not broken in a glassed ceiling building, chosen specifically because of that design characteristic. Now that's IRONY and funny as hell. It made an old Blue Dog democrat like me laugh for the first time in 40 years...since my party divorced itself from the principles that made it the working man's friend (the actual support of working class people instead of special interest groups with power and money). That is what lost the democrats/DNC the election in forgot the people who constructed its foundation...middle class working stiffs....who could give a rats ass about a little pussy grabbing and the feigned outrage from the same people that take billions from such people every election cycle.

It(the election of Trump) says that middle America looked around and gave the middle finger to both corrupt parties and elected the first candidate in decades that actually is attempting to perform the promises made during a campaign. It says that America (the real America between the 2 left coasts) pissed in all the criminals political soup and gravy trains with biscuit wheels (and the art of fleecing the US TAX PAYER while growing personal bank accounts). When Middle Americans were presented with the choice between Trump and Clinton...they not only said no to another Clinton being in the white house...they said HELL NO with one voice as both Red and Blue states elected Trump.

Correct me if I am wrong.....which I never am concerning the left as they leave a demonstrably simple evidential trail that even Ray Charles could prosecute (and he's blind and dead)....but the left endorses and takes billions in campaign contributions from PUSSY GRABBERS, PERVERTED QUEER CHILD RAPISTS (Hollywood producers, directors and actors) CONVICTED FELON TERRORISTS (Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohm, CRIMINALLY BASED SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS (The New Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, the Queer Mafia that equally supports both corrupt parties as long as their queer agenda is propagated and tolerated on the hill).

But now you are concerned about someone Grabbing a willing pussy (willing because they freely chose to associate themselves with Trump in order to get close to the intoxicating power)....grabbing pussy (accused with no finding of facts in evidence, just fame seeking (15 minutes of fame) accusations void of any objectively demonstrable finding of facts)? Really? Seems just the least bit Hypocritical. What? Is the taste of sour grapes still lingering as you still fail to accept the fact that middle America gave your party (which ever one you support as the finger was an equal opportunity pointer) and the Rhino's of the RNC the proverbial MIDDLE FINGER and gave the left just a taste of their own tactics? LMAO:dunno: If anyone is stupid and gullible enough to think that Trump is an actual Republican....I'd like just a tiny toke of the weed they are smoking. Trump duped everyone as he made history....the first 3rd party candidate to run and win on a mainstream party ticket. He indeed knows the ART of the DEAL, especially when he's the one doing the shuffling.

Ever hear of the "goose/gander" principle? Some call it Karma. I simply say as would my pap....WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND. Not only did Trump grab pussy....he grabbed the white house away from some pompous over confident political criminals....that have actually grabbed more pussy than Trump could ever dream of...just ask BJ BILL and his enabler (Mrs. BJ BILL who most likely has grabbed her share of pussy over the years as clearly she could care less about Bills heterosexual habits of grabbing any pussy that was close by...,she only cared when BJ was caught and in danger of pulling her career ladder out from beneath her own she openly attacked and silenced any female victim that come forth in public to accuse her ticket to political fame and wealth....hubby BJ).

Indeed it says a great deal about deceit and hypocrisy also...or do you often wear horse blinders when you post?
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