Trump Sexual Assault Allegations!

Trump's not the one being pilloried in today's headlines for sexual assault, is he, Zappacrite?

Y O U dredged up old allegations in a desperate deflection attempt, didn't you, Zappacrite?

I simply asked why the sexual assault claims of Trump's accusers were dismissed outright by the GOP, but Weinstein's accusers are believed.

Apparently that question is too difficult for most JPP Trumpkins to answer.
I simply asked why the sexual assault claims of Trump's accusers were dismissed outright by the GOP, but Weinstein's accusers are believed.

Simple things are apparently the limit of your capabilities.

BTW, didn't Obama and Hillary finally issue statements about their "good friend" that suggest that they think Harvey is guilty?
He probably can't get it up at all, or can't find it if he did. lol

Ah yes!

GBA and Rightie are so desperate to divert the discussion away from the GOP's hypocrisy, they once again resort to petty personal insults.

Thanks for admitting neither of you can explain your hypocrisy.
Do you not comprehend the difference between an "anonymous" allegation that is not subject to criminal investigation and "actual" people who openly come forth to help prosecute a real criminal investigation? Where are all the people that alleged criminal activity by Mr. Trump? Where is the ongoing investigation into sexual misconduct as was the case with BJ BILL who lied under oath? Where are all the murdered people that suddenly had convenient accidents or witnesses that had their pets killed and tossed on their front porch as happened to those who charged BJ BILL with rape and misconduct? They don't exist....because Mr./Mrs anonymous can't carry out or engage in threats as neither exist except in the minds of those in the media who made up the stories.

Something else that does not exist with Mr. Trump's contract with the people who hired him....there are no constitutional clauses that allow for sexual perversion as long as the President pays all fines, penalties, and settlements from his own bank coffers as was in the contract the Board had with preknowledge as to the actual character of this sexual deviant that heavenly contributed to the Clinton Machine. Which begs to ask of Mrs. BJ BILL.....will you and your hubby give back all the funds donated by this person you find to be so disgusting?

This employment contract would be the first piece of evidence presented to establish the character of the person being charged......Why did the language exist if it was not applicable to employment terms? Clearly that type of contractual language exists because its a "common practice" in Hollywood. Just ask some child actors such as Corey Haim (opps! can't because he's dead) or Corey Feldman....or, some perverted, convicted child rapist producers such as Polanski, etc., Now those who accept money from these deviant SOBs act surprised? Really?

Lo and behold...

An ACTUAL person accusing Trump of sexual assault!

She's even got a name and everything!

Summer Zervos, a former contestant on The Apprentice, made her allegations against then-candidate Trump last October.
Remember when Trump said we couldn't elect Hillary because she'd be under a "cloud of investigation" the whole time?

Ah, the good ol' days...
Here is the difference and its clear...

Rumppers don't care about sexual assault and Democrats do.
But now you are concerned about someone Grabbing a willing pussy (willing because they freely chose to associate themselves with Trump in order to get close to the intoxicating power)

Oh. My. GOD.

Behold the latest, most disgusting "excuse" the GOP have put forth to excuse their hypocrisy.

The women sexually assaulted by Trump were WILLING to be molested!

You can't make this shit up, folks!
Ah yes!

GBA and Rightie are so desperate to divert the discussion away from the GOP's hypocrisy, they once again resort to petty personal insults.

Thanks for admitting neither of you can explain your hypocrisy.

"Petty", means "small". There is nothing small about you, except your intellect.
Still mad no one will grab your pussy?

these are your voters guys

how can you ever win if you piss them off.

the racists

the ones who hate chicks for never getting with them

the ones who hate thier mothers or they would believe women when they say they were attacked

the ones willing to post veiled threats to women on the internets when they have no facts to expain why they are acting like caveman sociopaths like trumpy

"I said come here bitch"

is how they deal with women

I feel for the women who have to deal with them
I simply asked why the sexual assault claims of Trump's accusers were dismissed outright by the GOP, but Weinstein's accusers are believed.

Apparently that question is too difficult for most JPP Trumpkins to answer.

Something so minor as EVIDENCE, such as his very contractual demands endorsed and OK'd by the Board? These demands made it clear that sexual deviancy such as rape and coerced sexual favors as a term of employment....were expected and customary as a prerequisite of employment of the Weinstein Corporation. Why else would such language be drafted into a contract and endorsed by the Weinstein Board?

Ya know what I find strange? The Obama's allowed their child to be associated and work at such a Company with the pre-knowledge of its behavioral activities in relation to sexual favors as a term of employment for some. Perhaps she was not young enough or was the wrong sex for the one's doing the hiring as she personally interviewed with Weinstein himself for an intern position. Great Kind'a difficult for the production company executives to declare they did not know about big Harves sexual habits before hand, when the terms for such a possibility exists in Big Harve's contract.
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Recalcitrant Republicans Refuse to Respond

When Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual assault, everyone took the word of his female accusers.

When Donald Trump was accused of the SAME CRIME, he and his followers simply laughed it off and claimed it was "fake news".

Which begs the question: why the double standard?

There's two categories, one they're suing for millions 15 years after the alleged assault or two the allegations didn't come until he announced his candidacy, neither category has any credibility and neither do you.