Trump Sexual Assault Allegations!

Something so minor as EVIDENCE, such as his very contractual demands endorsed and OK'd by the Board? These demands made it clear that sexual deviancy such as rape and coerced sexual favors as a term of employment....were expected and customary as a prerequisite of employment of the Weinstein Corporation. Why else would such language be drafted into a contract and endorsed by the Weinstein Board?

Zippy's trying to equate a private conversation between two guys joking about their sexual prowess with a decades of sexual predation by a Hollyweird donor to the Democrat Party and conspiracy-level cover-up by his benefactors. It's actually quiet amusing to see the lengths liberals will go to justify their addiction...

Obama 'disgusted' by Harvey Weinstein claims, following daughter Malia's internship

Barack Obama has said that he and his wife Michelle Obama are "disgusted" by the recent claims of sexual assault and harassment surrounding Harvey Weinstein. In a statement, the father-of-two said: "Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status."

He continued: "We should celebrate the courage of women who have come forward to tell these painful stories. And we all need to build a culture – including by empowering our girls and teaching our boys decency and respect – so we can make such behavior less prevalent in the future."

As reported earlier this year, Barack and Michelle’s eldest daughter, 19-year-old Malia, interned at the New York office of The Weinstein Company in January.

The statement follows condemnation of the film producer by fellow DEMOCRAT Hillary Clinton. She too said she was "shocked and appalled by the revelations", adding: "The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior."

Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow are the latest actresses to allege they were victims of sexual harassment by Hollywood producer. In an email to the New York Times, Angelina said: "I had a bad experience with Harvey Weinstein, and as a result, chose never to work with him again and warn others. This behavior towards women in any field, any country is unacceptable."




Zippy's trying to equate a private conversation between two guys joking about their sexual prowess with a decades of sexual predation by a Hollyweird donor to the Democrat Party and conspiracy-level cover-up by his benefactors. It's actually quiet amusing to see the lengths liberals will go to justify their addiction...

There's nothing "quiet" about Zappacrite's desperate attempts to shift focus away from DEMOCRATS.
Zippy's trying to equate a private conversation between two guys joking about their sexual prowess with a decades of sexual predation by a Hollyweird donor to the Democrat Party and conspiracy-level cover-up by his benefactors. It's actually quiet amusing to see the lengths liberals will go to justify their addiction...

Indeed simply because the answer was not what he wanted does not mean the question was not asked and answered with evidential findings of fact documented in the perverts own employment contract. In reality, there is not a court in the land that will not side with a Wrongful Termination Suit if Big Harve should decide to fight the ignorant asswipes that OK'd such a deal in the first place. Its a most difficult thing to fire someone for conduct that was previously endorsed as a term of employment.

Perhaps the Femi-Nazi lawyer (Gloria Allred) will come to the defense of Big Harve, as she likes a winner and the fame that is sure to come with this case should it ever see a courtroom...if she truly defends attempted discrimination, as Big Harve made his intent clear in contractual form and was fired because he engaged a clause in his employment contract. This pervert was not fired because of his conduct he was fired to avoid the political fallout of being CAUGHT in a common Hollywood sport....taking advantage of the young, the ignorant and the gullible that are always more than compliant in selling their souls for a little fame that fades just as quick as the next failed blockbuster, as only the real hardcore perverts make it in Hollywood with steady employment as the moral actors are often black listed because of their supposed politics and have to produce their own movies. I think Mel Gibson was correct in apologizing for telling the truth about he said, I am sorry that they are the way they are.

But in reality....Big Harve can write in the amount of a settlement check himself as a Golden Parachute to pay off his accusers, if he has not already done so in private. But I enjoy the fake news and its feigned outrage as if this conduct was not the norm in Hollywood (the same Hollywood that donates billions to keep the enabling democrats in power positions to LOOK THE OTHER WAY or as is the case with the Clintons...join in the fun filled activities themselves in spending the perverted political donations.

Its not like such characters as Roman Polanski existed before Weinstein....or the producer that had a thing for little boy actors such as the Corey boys, Feldman and Haim (who dealt with such activity with self medication that lead to his death...after being raped in the ass God knows how many times just to find work in Hollyweird

I most enjoyed the Black Bitch on the view comments (Who0pi Goldburg) who defended the child rapist Polanski and said, "It was not Rape, Rape....there was consent from the sexual partner." Sure Whoopi....if you consider getting a 12/13 child drunk and drugged as being a type of legal consent. Proving what? The left will always defend their personal ATM known as Hollywood..regardless of the documented immorality and child pornographic activities that are most likely recorded in order to save for kicks and giggles with their perverted friends. There is another good parental guidance counselor.....her daughter was allowed to get knocked up at 15.
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Harvey is fighting back against his dismissal for the Weinstein Company, I heard - and I also heard that sexual assault allegations have surfaced against his brother, too.

I predict that Zappacrite will respond with "what about Trump". :rofl2:
How petty. Why won't you engage in the kind of honest discourse and civility that Zappacrite demands of some all people?

Do you actually expect anyone that endorses leftist immorality to suddenly stop the application of the double standard, race baiting, or the defense of the indefensible? Hell, if Weinstein was a politician it would ensure him of re-election. Which reminds me....I wonder if purple Barney still runs a male prostitution whore house after his retirement, and I wonder if KKK Bob Byrd is wearing a hood and lynching blacks in hell as we speak? I drove up to Pittsburgh the other day to the University of Pitt for an medical examine (as they have one the best GI departments in the nation)....and everywhere you looked there was something named after Robert Byrd....who never did live in the state after winning a seat in the Senate. Makes one wonder about this nation.
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Do you actually expect anyone that endorses leftist immorality to suddenly stop the application of the double standard, race baiting, or the defense of the indefensible? Hell, if Weinstein was a politician it would ensure him of re-election.

How many days did it take Hillary and Obama to "condemn" their "good friend" Weinstein?

How can anyone tell me that Hillary and Obama are smart since they supposedly were "shocked" by the revelations about their "good friend" Weinstein? Lots of people have been talking about his habit of assaulting women for decades.

If they didn't know, they're stupid. If they did know, they are hypocritical liars.
How many days did it take Hillary and Obama to "condemn" their "good friend" Weinstein?

How can anyone tell me that Hillary and Obama are smart since they supposedly were "shocked" by the revelations about their "good friend" Weinstein? Lots of people have been talking about his habit of assaulting women for decades.

If they didn't know, they're stupid. If they did know, they are hypocritical liars.

And they (the Obama's, whose judgment reigned supreme for 8 years, know we know why all his legacies are failing) allowed their daughter to intern for Big Harve...with this pre-knowledge? As I said before, great parenting. This perverted practice of engaging the young and the beautiful for sexual favors as a term of continued employment existed back in the days of Mayers ....better known as the CASTING COUCH. Its more about having the power over another human being than it is about the sex itself.....its a common denominator for perverts all around the world, he who owns the gold makes the golden rules....and the females are just as bad in relation to abusing their power as are the men in power, the problem is its never reported because of male pride (hard to explain how you were raped with an erection).

I simply love the scene in dirty harry where he is explaining how he knew the perk was going to engage in rape and he responded, "Well....when you see a naked man chasing a young lady down the street with an erection in one hand and a butchers knife in the other hand, its a good bet he's not asking the lady out for a picnic in the park..." or something of that nature as it was paraphrased from a poor memory.
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these are your voters guys

how can you ever win if you piss them off.

the racists

the ones who hate chicks for never getting with them

the ones who hate thier mothers or they would believe women when they say they were attacked

the ones willing to post veiled threats to women on the internets when they have no facts to expain why they are acting like caveman sociopaths like trumpy

"I said come here bitch"

is how they deal with women

I feel for the women who have to deal with them

You could have simply said "yes" instead of posting all that indicating yes as the answer.
Something so minor as EVIDENCE, such as his very contractual demands endorsed and OK'd by the Board? These demands made it clear that sexual deviancy such as rape and coerced sexual favors as a term of employment....were expected and customary as a prerequisite of employment of the Weinstein Corporation. Why else would such language be drafted into a contract and endorsed by the Weinstein Board?

Ya know what I find strange? The Obama's allowed their child to be associated and work at such a Company with the pre-knowledge of its behavioral activities in relation to sexual favors as a term of employment for some. Perhaps she was not young enough or was the wrong sex for the one's doing the hiring as she personally interviewed with Weinstein himself for an intern position. Great Kind'a difficult for the production company executives to declare they did not know about big Harves sexual habits before hand, when the terms for such a possibility exists in Big Harve's contract.

That is utter nonsense...there is NO EVIDENCE that Weinstein did what is claimed, other than women's testimony.

We have multiple women who accuse Trump of sexual assault and we have TRUMP'S OWN WORDS that he can do what he likes with women, yet you dismiss his accusations outright.

That is the very definition of hypocrisy.
There's two categories, one they're suing for millions 15 years after the alleged assault or two the allegations didn't come until he announced his candidacy, neither category has any credibility and neither do you.

Then you obviously believe Bill Clinton was also innocent of the charges those women brought.

Each of Clinton's accusers waited YEARS before they decided to sue for millions and they also waited until Clinton announced his candidacy.
Then you obviously believe Bill Clinton was also innocent of the charges those women brought.

Each of Clinton's accusers waited YEARS before they decided to sue for millions and they also waited until Clinton announced his candidacy.

You're a liar plain and simple Juanita Broderick hasn't sought a penny, she has 5 witnesses, and she tried her best to stay out of the spotlight and keep people from finding out but she was forced to come forward when the GOP threatened to subpoena her.
That is utter nonsense...there is NO EVIDENCE that Weinstein did what is claimed, other than women's testimony.

Have you told your fellow DEMOCRATS how outraged you are at their rush to judgment, Zappacrite?

Barack Obama has said that he and his wife Michelle Obama are "disgusted" by the recent claims of sexual assault and harassment surrounding Harvey Weinstein. In a statement, the father-of-two said: "Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status."

He continued: "We should celebrate the courage of women who have come forward to tell these painful stories. And we all need to build a culture – including by empowering our girls and teaching our boys decency and respect – so we can make such behavior less prevalent in the future."

The statement follows condemnation of the film producer by fellow DEMOCRAT Hillary Clinton. She too said she was "shocked and appalled by the revelations", adding: "The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior."

