Trump Sexual Assault Allegations!

He was?

Cite the quote wherein Trump admits "he sexually assaults women", Zappacrite.

I'll understand if you can't.

I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.

Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start

kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.
Following is an unedited transcript of the tape in which Donald J. Trump repeatedly made vulgar comments about women. Mr. Trump was filmed talking to the television personality Billy Bush of “Access Hollywood” on the set of “Days of Our Lives,” where Mr. Trump was making a cameo appearance. They are later joined by the actress Arianne Zucker. The transcription is by Penn Bullock of The New York Times.

Donald J. Trump: You know and ...

Unknown: She used to be great. She’s still very beautiful.

Trump: I moved on her, actually. You know, she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it.

Unknown: Whoa.

Trump: I did try and fuck her. She was married.

Unknown: That’s huge news.

Trump: No, no, Nancy. No, this was [unintelligible] — and I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping.

She wanted to get some furniture. I said, “I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.” I took her out furniture —

I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.

Billy Bush: Sheesh, your girl’s hot as shit. In the purple.

Trump: Whoa! Whoa!

Bush: Yes! The Donald has scored. Whoa, my man!


Trump: Look at you, you are a pussy.


Trump: All right, you and I will walk out.


Trump: Maybe it’s a different one.

Bush: It better not be the publicist. No, it’s, it’s her, it’s —

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

Bush: Uh, yeah, those legs, all I can see is the legs.

Trump: Oh, it looks good.

Bush: Come on shorty.

Trump: Ooh, nice legs, huh?

Bush: Oof, get out of the way, honey. Oh, that’s good legs. Go ahead.

Trump: It’s always good if you don’t fall out of the bus. Like Ford, Gerald Ford, remember?

Bush: Down below, pull the handle.

Trump: Hello, how are you? Hi!

Arianne Zucker: Hi, Mr. Trump. How are you? Pleasure to meet you.

Trump: Nice seeing you. Terrific, terrific. You know Billy Bush?

Bush: Hello, nice to see you. How you doing, Arianne?

Zucker: Doing very well, thank you. Are you ready to be a soap star?
So....the prima facie evidence in his signed contract is nonsense and not prosecutable in a court of law as evidence... Really? Nor are the documented previous "8" settlements of the other victims to be used as evidence? As mentioned before....a sure sign of an ignorant leftist is the attempted defense of the "indefensible".

And being a suppose the NY TIMES to be presenting "fake" news when it reports on the documented sexual harassment settlements of at least 8 other previous victims? But you pretend this leftist rag to be the liberal bible of truth when its convenient to report from Mr./Mrs. Anonymous against Mr. Trump? Things that make any reasonable person with the brain of a 5 year go.....hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

FYI: There are many people on death roll that have been convicted of murder with less prima facie evidences presented as court we speak. Blackstone's general rules of law state that truth is established from the eyewitness testimonies of at least "3" different sources....but "8" buy outs/settlement documents are not enough for the average friendly neighborhood sexual predator "enabler" such as you? Again...really?

Conclusion? You ignore validated evidences of demonstrable and objective fact when defending left wing perversion and sexual immorality.....but suggest unprovable accusation against Mr. Trump are true and you wish to compare a LACK of evidential findings with a documented historical court (civil) record of sexual mis-conduct? Again? Really? How can anyone make a logical and reasonable conclusion from such a record in the attempt to compare the 2 different circumstances of evidence v. no evidence? No one can make a logical and reasonable conclusion based upon your false premise of comparison. Does anyone have to wonder why Hollywood donates so much money to keep the blind (to justice) democrats in positions of legal authority? Either you are a liar or stupid...perhaps both when you refuse to acknowledge 2 distinct facts that surround you as a demonstrable truth. 1. Hillary lost the election because of her husband's record and her support of that record as well as ignoring the fact that the democrat party was constructed on the blue collar backs of the same Middle American's that Hillary declared "deplorable" she was the first democrat to lose the 3 democrat strong hold states of Pa., Mich., and Wis. in DECADES. 2. Harvey Weinstein is guilty as hell based upon his own historical record and employment contract that required a special exemption for sexual deviancy payoffs.

Hear that noise? Relax...its simply the wind passing through your brain from one ear to the next void of any obstruction whatsoever....if you expect anyone to purchase the horseshit you are attempting to sell as steak sandwiches.

What evidence?

Cite the "evidence" in his contract you believe exonerates Weinstein.
I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look. Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

In what jurisdiction does that constitute an "admission of sexual assault", Zappacrite?

Who did Trump "admit assaulting", Zappacrite?
I am trying to figure out if Zax is kidding here or not.

He's 100% telling the truth. It's the Republican agenda and the America way.

It's what I have been trying to tell you right wingers all along.

They have built their entire agenda around this and racism.

Perhaps one day, you all will catch up and realize you've been fooled all these years, unless deep down inside, you agree with him.
Did I say Trump claimed he sexually assaulted a specific woman? I said, and Y-O-U quoted it: "Trump admits he sexually assaults WOMEN".

What women did Trump allegedly admit supposedly assaulting, Zappacrite?

Is this a victimless crime, or are you alleging that Trump has admitted assaulting every woman he meets?
He's 100% telling the truth. It's the Republican agenda and the America way. It's what I have been trying to tell you right wingers all along. They have built their entire agenda around this and racism. Perhaps one day, you all will catch up and realize you've been fooled all these years, unless deep down inside, you agree with him.

I just can't understand why more people don't find your arguments compelling. :rofl2:
What evidence?

Cite the "evidence" in his contract you believe exonerates Weinstein.

Woosh! There goes that wind whistling through your head again? Must you defend and enable a sexual predator that has paid off 8 victims previously as compared to Mr. Trumps....-0- sexual misconduct settlements.

Let's spell it REAL SLOW so an uneducated leftist can read it.....



evidence: That concludes in obvious logical truth beyond the reason of any sane person to doubt otherwise minus any objective evidences of fact.

Prima Facie: Evidence that can only be overturned by OBJECTIVE evidences of FACT. Something you sure as hell have not accomplished as all you have presented is conjectural accusations based upon your own subjective opinion void of any evidences whatsoever.

Research Prima Facie and let us know HOW IT APPEARS in a court of first sight. Read a book before you remove all doubt of your lack of intellectual honesty by opening your mouth to objectively prove such as truth. FYI: An accusation is not evidence of anything void of any subjective or objective findings. What I find funny as hell is the fact that one female represented by the femi-nazi Allford...could not prove sexual misconduct by Mr. Trump so she then threatened to sue him for calling her a liar...right after she failed to present any evidences that she was in fact telling the truth. Can we spell S T U P I D as in the slang term for a female dog? Conclusion: She was after a piece of the TRUMP pie by any fashion that she could get a taste...i.e., MONEY!
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Woosh! There goes that wind whistling through your head again? Must you defend and enable a sexual predator that has paid off 8 victims previously as compared to Mr. Trumps....-0- sexual misconduct settlements.

Let's spell it REAL SLOW so an uneducated leftist can read it.....



evidence: That concludes in obvious logical truth beyond the reason of any sane person to doubt otherwise minus any objective evidences of fact.

Prima Facie: Evidence that can only be overturned by OBJECTIVE evidences of FACT. Something you sure as hell have not accomplished as all you have presented is conjectural accusations based upon your own subjective opinion void of any evidences whatsoever.

Research Prima Facie and let us know HOW IT APPEARS in a court of first sight. Read a book before you remove all doubt of your lack of intellectual honesty by opening your mouth to objectively prove such as truth.

You're injecting facts and logic- not fair to Zippy, the dishonest poster.
Woosh! There goes that wind whistling through your head again? Must you defend and enable a sexual predator that has paid off 8 victims previously as compared to Mr. Trumps....-0- sexual misconduct settlements.

Let's spell it REAL SLOW so an uneducated leftist can read it.....



evidence: That concludes in obvious logical truth beyond the reason of any sane person to doubt otherwise minus any objective evidences of fact.

Prima Facie: Evidence that can only be overturned by OBJECTIVE evidences of FACT. Something you sure as hell have not accomplished as all you have presented is conjectural accusations based upon your own subjective opinion void of any evidences whatsoever.

Research Prima Facie and let us know HOW IT APPEARS in a court of first sight. Read a book before you remove all doubt of your lack of intellectual honesty by opening your mouth to objectively prove such as truth. FYI: An accusation is not evidence of anything void of any subjective or objective findings. What I find funny as hell is the fact that one female represented by the femi-nazi Allford...could not prove sexual misconduct by Mr. Trump so she then threatened to sue him for calling her a liar...right after she failed to present any evidences that she was in fact telling the truth. Can we spell S T U P I D as in the slang term for a female dog? Conclusion: She was after a piece of the TRUMP pie by any fashion that she could get a taste...i.e., MONEY!

As I suspected, you've got NO EVIDENCE, you can't prove what you claimed, so now you've gone and gotten yourself all butthurt and you're taking it out on others.
You're injecting facts and logic- not fair to Zippy, the dishonest poster.

Once again.....simply because he does not like the answer to his question does not indicate that answer to be false in any sense, it simply indicates his own bias and bigotry toward anyone that has a different moral compass than he. Some people enjoy a presentation of evidences to go with any horseshit accusation....and some have no sense of morality whatsoever...generally they are called liberal Darwinian cultists.
What women did Trump allegedly admit supposedly assaulting, Zappacrite?

Is this a victimless crime, or are you alleging that Trump has admitted assaulting every woman he meets?

The nameless women he admits he "moves on like a bitch".

The ones he admitted he "just started kissing".

The women he just kisses. "I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it."

The women whose pussies he's grabbed.
Recalcitrant Republicans Refuse to Respond

When Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual assault, everyone took the word of his female accusers.

When Donald Trump was accused of the SAME CRIME, he and his followers simply laughed it off and claimed it was "fake news".

Which begs the question: why the double standard?

Soros paying a bunch of whores to lie about sexual assault is not sexual assault.
Once again.....simply because he does not like the answer to his question does not indicate that answer to be false in any sense, it simply indicates his own bias and bigotry toward anyone that has a different moral compass than he. Some people enjoy a presentation of evidences to go with any horseshit accusation....and some have no sense of morality whatsoever...generally they are called liberal Darwinian cultists.

Still waiting for you to cite the evidence you keep talking about...

When do you think you might get around to doing that?
The nameless women he admits he "moves on like a bitch".

The ones he admitted he "just started kissing".

The women he just kisses. "I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it."

The women whose pussies he's grabbed.

Where are the women that you claim Trump did this to? Where is their testimony?