Trump Sexual Assault Allegations!

That is utter nonsense...there is NO EVIDENCE that Weinstein did what is claimed, other than women's testimony.

We have multiple women who accuse Trump of sexual assault and we have TRUMP'S OWN WORDS that he can do what he likes with women, yet you dismiss his accusations outright.

That is the very definition of hypocrisy.

More lies we have Weinstein on tape sexually harassing a woman and admitting to groping her against her will:

From "well the assaults by Trump took place YEARS ago..."


"Trump was only accused after he became a candidate..."


"that Zappa guy is fat..."

The excuses vomited up by JPP Trumpkins covering for their messiah get more and more outlandish as they get more desperate and fall all over themselves trying to find ways to explain their hypocrisy.
That is utter nonsense...there is NO EVIDENCE that Weinstein did what is claimed, other than women's testimony.


You're a liar plain and simple Juanita Broderick hasn't sought a penny, she has 5 witnesses, and she tried her best to stay out of the spotlight and keep people from finding out but she was forced to come forward when the GOP threatened to subpoena her.

"Forced to come forward by the GOP"??

Finally, in an interview with Dateline NBC that aired on February 24, 1999, Broaddrick told her story in public in full for the first time, this time stating that she had indeed been raped by Clinton.

If she was raped and had witnesses, then why didn't she follow through with her allegations?

Your hypocrisy is unbelievable.
Have you told your fellow DEMOCRATS how outraged you are at their rush to judgment, Zappacrite?

Barack Obama has said that he and his wife Michelle Obama are "disgusted" by the recent claims of sexual assault and harassment surrounding Harvey Weinstein. In a statement, the father-of-two said: "Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status."

He continued: "We should celebrate the courage of women who have come forward to tell these painful stories. And we all need to build a culture – including by empowering our girls and teaching our boys decency and respect – so we can make such behavior less prevalent in the future."

The statement follows condemnation of the film producer by fellow DEMOCRAT Hillary Clinton. She too said she was "shocked and appalled by the revelations", adding: "The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior."



More nonsensical diversions from another Trumpkin who can't seem to explain his double standard regarding women who make sexual assault allegations.

He believes Weinstein's accusers but dismisses Trump's accusers.
"Forced to come forward by the GOP"?? Finally, in an interview with Dateline NBC that aired on February 24, 1999, Broaddrick told her story in public in full for the first time, this time stating that she had indeed been raped by Clinton. If she was raped and had witnesses, then why didn't she follow through with her allegations? Your hypocrisy is unbelievable.


More nonsensical diversions from another Trumpkin who can't seem to explain his double standard regarding women who make sexual assault allegations.

He believes Weinstein's accusers but dismisses Trump's accusers.

I don't recall stating that I believe "Weinstein's accusers but" dismiss "Trump's accusers".


But the Obamas and Hillary seem to believe Weinstein's accusers, based on their own statements.

Barack Obama has said that he and his wife Michelle Obama are "disgusted" by the recent claims of sexual assault and harassment surrounding Harvey Weinstein. In a statement, the father-of-two said: "Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status."

He continued: "We should celebrate the courage of women who have come forward to tell these painful stories. And we all need to build a culture – including by empowering our girls and teaching our boys decency and respect – so we can make such behavior less prevalent in the future."

The statement follows condemnation of the film producer by fellow DEMOCRAT Hillary Clinton. She too said she was "shocked and appalled by the revelations", adding: "The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior."

Recalcitrant Republicans Refuse to Respond

When Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual assault, everyone took the word of his female accusers.

When Donald Trump was accused of the SAME CRIME, he and his followers simply laughed it off and claimed it was "fake news".

Which begs the question: why the double standard?

NINE + pages now and there STILL hasn't been a single JPP Trumpkin who can answer the question.

I wonder why that is?
I'd like to know why either didn't get arrested.

Sure, Bill was accused of drugging, but both of these two are accused of rape and/or sexual assault, both which warrant reason for arrest.

Why no arrest?
That is utter nonsense...there is NO EVIDENCE that Weinstein did what is claimed, other than women's testimony.

We have multiple women who accuse Trump of sexual assault and we have TRUMP'S OWN WORDS that he can do what he likes with women, yet you dismiss his accusations outright.

That is the very definition of hypocrisy.

So....the prima facie evidence in his signed contract is nonsense and not prosecutable in a court of law as evidence... Really? Nor are the documented previous "8" settlements of the other victims to be used as evidence? As mentioned before....a sure sign of an ignorant leftist is the attempted defense of the "indefensible".

And being a suppose the NY TIMES to be presenting "fake" news when it reports on the documented sexual harassment settlements of at least 8 other previous victims? But you pretend this leftist rag to be the liberal bible of truth when its convenient to report from Mr./Mrs. Anonymous against Mr. Trump? Things that make any reasonable person with the brain of a 5 year go.....hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

FYI: There are many people on death roll that have been convicted of murder with less prima facie evidences presented as court we speak. Blackstone's general rules of law state that truth is established from the eyewitness testimonies of at least "3" different sources....but "8" buy outs/settlement documents are not enough for the average friendly neighborhood sexual predator "enabler" such as you? Again...really?

Conclusion? You ignore validated evidences of demonstrable and objective fact when defending left wing perversion and sexual immorality.....but suggest unprovable accusation against Mr. Trump are true and you wish to compare a LACK of evidential findings with a documented historical court (civil) record of sexual mis-conduct settlements as revealed by the Weinstein Production Company itself? Again? Really? How can anyone make a logical and reasonable conclusion from such a record in the attempt to compare the 2 different circumstances of evidence v. no evidence? No one can make a logical and reasonable conclusion based upon your false premise of comparison.

Does anyone have to wonder why Hollywood donates so much money to keep the blind (to justice) democrats in positions of legal authority? Either you are a liar or stupid...perhaps both when you refuse to acknowledge 2 distinct facts that surround you as a demonstrable truth. 1. Trump nor the Russians won the last election.... Hillary lost the election because of her husband's record (only the 2nd US president to face impeachment...and even Dick Nixon was not one of them because he was not stupid enough to lie under oath...along with her support of that record as well as ignoring the fact that the democrat party was constructed on the blue collar backs of the same Middle American's that Hillary declared "deplorable" she was the first democrat to lose the 3 democrat strong hold states of Pa., Mich., and Wis. in DECADES. 2. Harvey Weinstein is guilty as hell based upon his own historical record and employment contract that required a special exemption for sexual deviancy payoffs.

Hear that noise? Relax...its simply the wind passing through your brain from one ear to the next void of any obstruction whatsoever....if you expect anyone to purchase the horseshit you are attempting to sell as steak sandwiches.
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