What is REALLY that a person like Trump is even a candidate of one of the major political parties of The United States. Trump is the kind of guy almost any intelligent, sane individual would cross the street not to encounter during a walk. He is repulsive.

THAT is what is really sad.
Trump is repulsive in personality, but then again, so is Biden. They're both jackasses in their own way.

On a different note, Biden is truly an idiot. He's in way over his level of competency. Trump on the other hand is a bulldozer, but he isn't stupid like Biden.

It is really coming down to a choice between the lessor of two evils, and I'll go with the one that won't continue to wreck the nation socially and economically. That means voting for Trump as distasteful as that is. At least Trump isn't a fucking radical Leftist.

On that note, look at what's happening in Europe. Same thing. People are fed up with the excesses and stupidity of the Left there too and are voting them out of office.
Trump is repulsive in personality, but then again, so is Biden. They're both jackasses in their own way.

On a different note, Biden is truly an idiot. He's in way over his level of competency. Trump on the other hand is a bulldozer, but he isn't stupid like Biden.

It is really coming down to a choice between the lessor of two evils, and I'll go with the one that won't continue to wreck the nation socially and economically. That means voting for Trump as distasteful as that is. At least Trump isn't a fucking radical Leftist.

On that note, look at what's happening in Europe. Same thing. People are fed up with the excesses and stupidity of the Left there too and are voting them out of office.
Trump is a fucking moron, TA. The guy handles himself the way a petulant 8 year old would. He is not smart at all.

Joe Biden is not stupid...and he has done a fine job getting this country back on the tracks after being steered by the moron, Trump.

Vote for whom you want. But if you vote for Trump over are kidding yourself that you are voting for the lesser of two evils.
The usual talk radio/Fox bullshit, irony is that Biden did take such a test and it showed nothing Trump and the same talking heads would be screaming “fix,” probably personally attack the administrating medical personnel as biased

You Stalinists are deathly afraid of a drug test before the debates. We all understand why. Bought and Paid for is a zombie - the handlers reanimate him for events by pumping him full of cocaine, adderall, meth, and anything else that will make him alert.

If there is a drug test, you either put the corpse out there to be utterly humiliated by President Trump, or he pops dirty - which none of you jackbooted minions would mind.
Trump has to take blood tests as a Felon About to be sentenced

Oh that’s right

The judge isn’t forcing him to take them like Regular humans have too

Oh how unfair to Trump huh

Hey stupid, the case is under appeal and has zero chance of being upheld.

Because of precedent, I really don't want the NY Appeals court to be the ones to overturn the lynching. It needs to be the SCOTUS so the type of criminal lawfare the National Socialist democrats have engaged in is shut down forever.

It won't matter for the election - I doubt either court will act in time. And that was the plan all along - corrupt the election. Election fraud is the heart of the filthy democrats.
Trump is a fucking moron, TA. The guy handles himself the way a petulant 8 year old would. He is not smart at all.

Joe Biden is not stupid...and he has done a fine job getting this country back on the tracks after being steered by the moron, Trump.

Vote for whom you want. But if you vote for Trump over are kidding yourself that you are voting for the lesser of two evils.
On the economy:

Trump, ~6% inflation, $2.50 gas, steady economic growth that outpaced inflation, low interest rates and a rising housing market.

Biden, ~30% inflation, $4.00 gas, 25% rise in the CPI and grocery costs, economic growth lags inflation, high interest rates and a stagnant housing market.

On foreign affairs:

Trump, got almost half the Arab world to recognize Israel diplomatically. N. Korea stopped shooting missiles every few months. The Chinese backed off from expansion in the S. China Sea. Europe was acting to pay their fair share to NATO. Iran and Venezuela were on the ropes economically.

Biden, worst debacle since the fall of Vietnam in the Afghan withdrawal. Israel is at war with Palestine and Israeli-Arab relations are on the rocks again. The Houthi are shooting missiles at every ship in the Red Sea, Iran is on the verge of nuclear weapons while launching drone strikes on Israel. The Europeans are worried the US won't have their backs if Russia does something. Russia and Ukraine are at war as we squander hundreds of billions to prop up an incompetent dictator in Ukraine.
The Chinese are making headway in more island grabs across the Pacific, N. Korea is back to shooting missiles, while Biden is letting bad actors like Iran and Venezuela sell oil because he won't let companies drill in the US and that has propped up their dictators.


Trump was trying to secure the border. Illegal crossings were down.

Biden has an open border and in less than 4 years has doubled the number of illegals in the US.

Yet, you say Trump is the moron. Biden's record shows clearly he's the dumbfuck here. Yea, Trump is an asshole and a braggard. Biden is a serial liar who lives in some sort of fantasy world through 'fish stories.'

Biden derailed the country with greentard spending and a massive regulatory push.

Yet, you claim Biden's doing things right. Where?
Trump has been demanding that Biden take Drug tests before participating in major debates/speeches since 2020.

This is because in 2020 Biden already had pronounced symptoms of Dementia that rendered him "mentally unfit" (in the words of the 25th Amendment) to discharge the duties and responsibilities of President.

The drugs Biden is taking are called psycho-stimulants and they include such amphetamine-type agents as: Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse and Dexedrine.

These drugs are able to TEMPORARILY mask the symptoms of Dementia-related cognitive decline.

At his SOTU address there is no doubt whatsoever that Biden was highly jacked-up on some form of prescription "speed" - it stood out "like dog's balls."

In any case, if there is concern that Biden has been using psycho-stimulants to mask his Dementia-induced symptoms of severe cognitive impairment, AND , Biden/the Democrat claim he has never used them, you would think Biden would be happy to take a pre or post debate drug test to vindicate himself by proving he was clean (?)

So WHY does Biden refuse to take a drug test before or after the first Presidential debate. Trump has said that he would have no problems in taking one too.

And why does Biden continue to refuse to take a simple psychological test (that Trump has taken and aced twice) that is a very reliable assessment for cognitive function ?

The reason is that Biden knows full-well (or has been advised by the DNC) he would fail both of these tests.

And if he were to attempt debating Trump unmedicated, he would be totally wiped out in the time it takes to crush a cockroach under a boot.

So, it looks like he will get away with cheating and deceiving the American public yet again !

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

They should also demand that they stand for the entire debate and no notes allowed.
Trump should come up with a better, less laughable way of saying, "I am getting out of this debate, because I am going to get my ass kicked."

Biden couldn't kick his way out of a wet paper sack. Are you delusional, dishonest or just plain stupid to not see Biden as the corrupt, serial lying, senile, divisive dumbass he actually is? :palm:
Biden offered the debates. Trump is looking for a way out. The drug test may work. Biden would demand a drug test at the debate for both of them.

Biden won't humble himself that way and Trump knows it and is using the challenge to avoid the debate himself, but Biden could turn the thing around and agree on condition Trump take and release the results of a psychological evaluation.

Anyone who believes Biden can stand for 90 minutes in a toe-to-toe debate without notes and not look like a confused, addled, old dunce is either brain dead or just a sociopathic liar.
The usual talk radio/Fox bullshit, irony is that Biden did take such a test and it showed nothing Trump and the same talking heads would be screaming “fix,” probably personally attack the administrating medical personnel as biased

Get your hip waders on folks, the Bullshit pontificator is at it again and it's going to get very deep in here.

Of course it is. Trump has been accused of taking drugs for years. He refused every time to release his physicals. Did you wonder why? Biden released all of his. Can you figure out which of them has something to hide? I kid. Of course, you cannot. Many of the rest of us can find the logical path, the one you abandoned about 8 years ago.

Lie, lame and patently stupid.

Wrong. Urinalysis--not blood tests-- is the norm but only if the person is either convicted of a drug crime or is suspected of using drugs. Urinalysis is rarely done universally because of the costs involved.

Yes, but Truthy is in and out of jail constantly on drug offenses. So her experience is to be tested. No doubt she got busted cheating on a urine test so is now subject to blood tests.