What is REALLY that a person like Trump is even a candidate of one of the major political parties of The United States. Trump is the kind of guy almost any intelligent, sane individual would cross the street not to encounter during a walk. He is repulsive.

THAT is what is really sad.

What's sadder is watching you lie your dumb ass off and illustrate what a serious mental disease TDS is.
It's quite funny how you said no leftie here could debate your facts and then this is your argument?
Refusing to believe a doctor's report because it doesn't fit with your reality is NOT relying on facts. It is simply denying facts because you don't like them. You are not the great debater you claim. You are an ignoramus that is out of touch with reality because you don't like reality.
Do you really think that Biden, or his people, would allow a doctor's report to say anything negative about Joke? He's already getting beaten down in public opinion that he's too old, senile, and stupid to be president. Having an official report that confirms it would be disastrous. So, his health records are 'adjusted' to show he's fit.
Of course it is. Trump has been accused of taking drugs for years. He refused every time to release his physicals. Did you wonder why? Biden released all of his. Can you figure out which of them has something to hide? I kid. Of course, you cannot. Many of the rest of us can find the logical path, the one you abandoned about 8 years ago.

What a pathetic lie.

You're like a two year old screaming NUHN UHN - YOOOO

Grow up.
Trump is screaming about drug tests hoping that Biden will fight them. Biden HAS released his physicals and has nothing to hide. Trump has controlled and smothered his.
Anyone thinking Biden will fight them is operating under a delusion. This is a Trump trick that will fail. It is another reason that Trump will refuse the debates. Trump is trying to find as many excuses as he can. Trump is fooling Gardner again.
Trump is screaming about drug tests hoping that Biden will fight them. Biden HAS released his physicals and has nothing to hide. Trump has controlled and smothered his.
Anyone thinking Biden will fight them is operating under a delusion. This is a Trump trick that will fail. It is another reason that Trump will refuse the debates. Trump is trying to find as many excuses as he can. Trump is fooling Gardner again.

So, you're afraid of Quid Pro taking a drug test 10 minutes before the debate? The team could just forgo pumping him full of drugs - but that would be a disaster....

One of the debate questions should be "Mr. Biden, President Trump, were you both willing to take a drug test prior to this debate? If you refused, why? Mr. Biden, are you under the influence of amphetamines right now?"
Trump has been demanding that Biden take Drug tests before participating in major debates/speeches since 2020.

This is because in 2020 Biden already had pronounced symptoms of Dementia that rendered him "mentally unfit" (in the words of the 25th Amendment) to discharge the duties and responsibilities of President.

The drugs Biden is taking are called psycho-stimulants and they include such amphetamine-type agents as: Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse and Dexedrine.

These drugs are able to TEMPORARILY mask the symptoms of Dementia-related cognitive decline.

At his SOTU address there is no doubt whatsoever that Biden was highly jacked-up on some form of prescription "speed" - it stood out "like dog's balls."

In any case, if there is concern that Biden has been using psycho-stimulants to mask his Dementia-induced symptoms of severe cognitive impairment, AND , Biden/the Democrat claim he has never used them, you would think Biden would be happy to take a pre or post debate drug test to vindicate himself by proving he was clean (?)

So WHY does Biden refuse to take a drug test before or after the first Presidential debate. Trump has said that he would have no problems in taking one too.

And why does Biden continue to refuse to take a simple psychological test (that Trump has taken and aced twice) that is a very reliable assessment for cognitive function ?

The reason is that Biden knows full-well (or has been advised by the DNC) he would fail both of these tests.

And if he were to attempt debating Trump unmedicated, he would be totally wiped out in the time it takes to crush a cockroach under a boot.

So, it looks like he will get away with cheating and deceiving the American public yet again !

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Everyone knows how this is gonna go.

Trump is going to accuse Biden of taking the same drugs Trump takes himself.

Probably 24-48 hours before the debate is supposed to happen, Trump is going to come up with an excuse to not attend.

I'm making the prediction now that Trump will not show up to any debates with Biden...especially if those debates are not held in front of a live audience.

But it only matters in the case of Biden who will again be amped up on cocaine and adderall.
Biden is definitely not on amphetamines, but Trump definitely is.

You can see it in his fucking eyes with the way his pupils are dilated, even when his eyes are barely open. Because he squints. He doesn't ever look at anyone with open eyes. It's all through squinting, which is a side effect from excessive drug abuse. It's in the spittle that collects at the side of his mouth. It explains his randomness and string of barely conscious thought that pours from that sphincter he calls a mouth.

If you think Trump isn't a raving, drug-addled psychopath, then you probably are one too.
Trump should come up with a better, less laughable way of saying, "I am getting out of this debate, because I am going to get my ass kicked."
Why should Biden pick the rules like. Only the media outlet he wants, no audience, and the moderator that he wants but Trump can't say we both should take drug tests. What are you and Biden afraid of? :thinking:
Biden won't humble himself that way and Trump knows it and is using the challenge to avoid the debate himself, but Biden could turn the thing around and agree on condition Trump take and release the results of a psychological evaluation.
Yeah Biden won't humble himself by admitting he needs dopaminergic drugs to compete with Trump in a debate.
Do any of the Trumpkins actually think that an obese 78 year old Trump who rambles endlessly on and on would actually take a drug test?

This is like all his trials where he says he is going to testify but never testifies, same bullshit
Do you really think that Biden, or his people, would allow a doctor's report to say anything negative about Joke? He's already getting beaten down in public opinion that he's too old, senile, and stupid to be president. Having an official report that confirms it would be disastrous. So, his health records are 'adjusted' to show he's fit.
I see. You have decided to triple down on your lack of logic and facts. The doctor's report is false simply because you think it must be false. And you accuse others of not being able to argue with facts.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Why should Biden pick the rules like.
Because the Asshole Trump said he would debate him anytime, anywhere, any place.

So...Joe Biden picked the time and place.

And when Joe Biden set the time, place, and other rules he wanted...Trump agreed.

Only the media outlet he wants, no audience, and the moderator that he wants but Trump can't say we both should take drug tests.

Because Trump agreed to what he agreed...doesn't mean that Joe Biden is obligated to agree to some other bullshit. Joe Biden should not be held to account for Trump being such a piss poor negotiator.

What are you and Biden afraid of? :thinking:
Afraid of?

Only thing I am afraid of is that you are gonna have a fucking heart attack by blowing a gasket...or whatever else you blow.

Take it easy every once in a while. These discussions do not have to be this tense 24/7. Take it easy.
You Stalinists are deathly afraid of a drug test before the debates. We all understand why. Bought and Paid for is a zombie - the handlers reanimate him for events by pumping him full of cocaine, adderall, meth, and anything else that will make him alert.

If there is a drug test, you either put the corpse out there to be utterly humiliated by President Trump, or he pops dirty - which none of you jackbooted minions would mind.
Why is Trump demanding Biden take a drug test, but Trump won't take a drug test himself?