Tulsa mayor declares civil emergency/curfew ahead of Trump rally,

trolling for sure when you get to million hits, but Trump packs them in like a rock star with tens of thousands overflow,,they expect 100k including the protestors
:laugh: it’s hilarious Trumpublicans keep making the lame claim that Joe is in his basement. It’s sad that’s all they’ve got.
I hope they all know Tulsa has a Republican Mayor. They are pissing over the left in the few quotes I can actually see. Maybe they are that deluded.
So, you do reared my posts that you say you don’t.

Are you still altering threads by AProudLefty who was proven to be a sock?

The thread “Respect” was started by the sock, AProudLefty. He banned RockX who was perma-banned four years before the sock joined JPP.

The thread was moved to "In Memoriam" and then removed entirely from the JPP site because it proved that the sock is a sock.

Then it reappeared in the "Off Topic" section and now does not show that RockX was banned by the sock.

This was done, in my opinion, by Phantasmal, a mod who abuses her mod privileges.

Soon to be seen in other sections of JPP.
So, you do reared my posts that you say you don’t.

Are you still altering threads by AProudLefty who was proven to be a sock?

The thread “Respect” was started by the sock, AProudLefty. He banned RockX who was perma-banned four years before the sock joined JPP.

The thread was moved to "In Memoriam" and then removed entirely from the JPP site because it proved that the sock is a sock.

Then it reappeared in the "Off Topic" section and now does not show that RockX was banned by the sock.

This was done, in my opinion, by Phantasmal, a mod who abuses her mod privileges.

Soon to be seen in other sections of JPP.
Don’t be spazzing up threads with repetitive posts, this is your warning.
Don’t be spazzing up threads with repetitive posts, this is your warning.

Posting a thread that proves AProudLefty is a sock is spazzing?

He has responded about 20 times this morning on the Respect thread in the Off Topic section.

Is he spazzing?

So, you don’t read my posts?

welcome to the tolerant left , 2020. Get ready to rumble

And what, exactly, in his statement leads you to believe that the possible "unrest" will be caused by your favorite boogeyman, the ephemeral and imaginary "the left"? Oh that's right. You're a Trumpanzee. You have no need of reality or truth. :laugh:
thats it. "Groups from outside the area"
I saw a story on Santa Monica promenade that was all smashed and looted -including pharmacies.
They were organized gangs that smashed and looted

And you could tell from the pictures that the culprits were "the left," is that correct? :rofl2:
:laugh: it’s hilarious Trumpublicans keep making the lame claim that Joe is in his basement. It’s sad that’s all they’ve got.

National polls show Biden 12-15 pts ahead of the Toadstool. Just think how big the gap will be when he comes out of the imaginary basement.
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I hope they all know Tulsa has a Republican Mayor. They are pissing over the left in the few quotes I can actually see. Maybe they are that deluded.

Yes, they are. Prediction: Toadstool will spend part of the Nuremberg rally bragging how he saved us all from the 'rona and the uppity darkies. The rest of the screech will be about those big bad libs and their Antifa friends and how only he can save the rubes from us. :laugh:
Poor pEarl. Still flaccid after all that treatment. lol

Today, 08:26 AM
High Level of Addiction

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:laugh: it’s hilarious Trumpublicans keep making the lame claim that Joe is in his basement. It’s sad that’s all they’ve got.

I think the question is what’s Joe got lol?

He figured out how to condemn the rioting and anarchy without ‘stepping on the wrong toes’ yet?