Tulsa mayor declares civil emergency/curfew ahead of Trump rally,

Poor pEarl. Still flaccid after all that treatment. lol

Today, 08:26 AM
High Level of Addiction

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You read them, Mujer de Buho. You know that you read them.

No post on JPP goes unread.

You even replied on one of my threads.
And what, exactly, in his statement leads you to believe that the possible "unrest" will be caused by your favorite boogeyman, the ephemeral and imaginary "the left"? Oh that's right. You're a Trumpanzee. You have no need of reality or truth. :laugh:
what do you call ANTIFA or socialist anarchists? you dont have a problem tossing 'Reichwing' around like a meme.
da' left indeed
what do you call ANTIFA or socialist anarchists? you dont have a problem tossing 'Reichwing' around like a meme.
da' left indeed

What do I call Antifa? I-m-a-g-i-n-a-r-y.

You Reichwingers need an enemy, a boogeyman, someone/something to hate and fear. In 2016 it was the Mexicans. This time it's the imaginary "group" Antifa, and of course the Chinese. Notice who most often uses those words when discussing things that they are worried about.

Think how much better we would all be off if, instead of focusing your candidates' campaigns on negatives like fear, racism, bigotry, hate -- you instead focused on positives? Instead of running on "only I can keep the ____ away", you ran on "we can do great things together -- fix health care, fix our infrastructure, promote peace, stamp out racism"?
What do I call Antifa? I-m-a-g-i-n-a-r-y.

You Reichwingers need an enemy, a boogeyman, someone/something to hate and fear. In 2016 it was the Mexicans. This time it's the imaginary "group" Antifa, and of course the Chinese. Notice who most often uses those words when discussing things that they are worried about.

Think how much better we would all be off if, instead of focusing your candidates' campaigns on negatives like fear, racism, bigotry, hate -- you instead focused on positives? Instead of running on "only I can keep the ____ away", you ran on "we can do great things together -- fix health care, fix our infrastructure, promote peace, stamp out racism"?
right. imaginary streetfighters in black that riot and loot.. 'just my imagination running away from me' eh?
get reality based thought
What do I call Antifa? I-m-a-g-i-n-a-r-y.

You Reichwingers need an enemy, a boogeyman, someone/something to hate and fear. In 2016 it was the Mexicans. This time it's the imaginary "group" Antifa, and of course the Chinese. Notice who most often uses those words when discussing things that they are worried about.

Think how much better we would all be off if, instead of focusing your candidates' campaigns on negatives like fear, racism, bigotry, hate -- you instead focused on positives? Instead of running on "only I can keep the ____ away", you ran on "we can do great things together -- fix health care, fix our infrastructure, promote peace, stamp out racism"?
It’s what Biden’s new ads have been doing. I hope he gets his message out and let’s the Lincoln Project trash Trump. They are very good at it.
What do I call Antifa? I-m-a-g-i-n-a-r-y.

You Reichwingers need an enemy, a boogeyman, someone/something to hate and fear. In 2016 it was the Mexicans. This time it's the imaginary "group" Antifa, and of course the Chinese. Notice who most often uses those words when discussing things that they are worried about.

Think how much better we would all be off if, instead of focusing your candidates' campaigns on negatives like fear, racism, bigotry, hate -- you instead focused on positives? Instead of running on "only I can keep the ____ away", you ran on "we can do great things together -- fix health care, fix our infrastructure, promote peace, stamp out racism"?

It's psychology 101. Every tin pot dictator has run exactly the same playbook. Demonize intellect. Denigrate the free press. Find an enemy and blame every problem you have on them. Make the people fear that enemy, and abdicate the eradication of that enemy to Dear Leader. Hitler. Mussolini. Trump. If the cult members on this board had their way, democrats would be executed en masse. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind about that. That's how much they hate their fellow citizens.
What do I call Antifa? I-m-a-g-i-n-a-r-y.

You Reichwingers need an enemy, a boogeyman, someone/something to hate and fear. In 2016 it was the Mexicans. This time it's the imaginary "group" Antifa, and of course the Chinese. Notice who most often uses those words when discussing things that they are worried about.

Think how much better we would all be off if, instead of focusing your candidates' campaigns on negatives like fear, racism, bigotry, hate -- you instead focused on positives? Instead of running on "only I can keep the ____ away", you ran on "we can do great things together -- fix health care, fix our infrastructure, promote peace, stamp out racism"?

Is this imaginary, Mujer de Buho?

Amid protests, Trump says he will designate Antifa as terrorist ...in.reuters.com › article › minneapolis-police-trump-antifa
May 31, 2020 - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday the U.S. government will designate anti-fascist group Antifa as a terrorist organization, a move ...
Majority of likely voters think Biden is in early stages of dementia

Yeah he is really 14 points ahead

This happens every four years. Early polls show huge leads then miraculously “tighten”

Leftists glom onto early polls saying “it is over” then they say “we always knew they would tighten”

Ignore these polls
Anyone who believes Biden has a real 14 point lead over Trump is breathing too much of their own CO2

I have looked at the internals of these polls and Biden has two big problems heading into November

1) huge enthusiasm gap
2) he has less black support than Crooked Hillary who only had 88%. One poll had Biden getting 80%

Now don’t be retarded and think #2 means that blacks will vote Trump. Although some will it more than likely means they will stay home

Democrats have a real problem. Don’t buy the so called conventional wisdom
There is now rioting, burning, looting and murders of police officers and civilians in Democrat controlled cities.

The Democrat mayors and governors are now complicit with this anarchy. They give up public and private property in Seattle and other cities to ANTIFA, BLM and other terrorist groups.

Middle America is watching and Middle Americans prefer law and order and they will respond accordingly in November.
Anyone who believes Biden has a real 14 point lead over Trump is breathing too much of their own CO2

I have looked at the internals of these polls and Biden has two big problems heading into November

1) huge enthusiasm gap
2) he has less black support than Crooked Hillary who only had 88%. One poll had Biden getting 80%

Now don’t be retarded and think #2 means that blacks will vote Trump. Although some will it more than likely means they will stay home

Democrats have a real problem. Don’t buy the so called conventional wisdom

Nope. You don't understand the electorate. Most Biden voters don't really care who they are voting for. They care only who they are voting against. It's that simple. The election is a referendum on Trump. He will be destroyed.
Nope. You don't understand the electorate. Most Biden voters don't really care who they are voting for. They care only who they are voting against. It's that simple. The election is a referendum on Trump. He will be destroyed.

Which ironically is exactly how we were cursed with the incompetent corrupt TV game show host in 2016 -- the ppl he thinks love him so much were actually voting against Hillary.
It's psychology 101. Every tin pot dictator has run exactly the same playbook. Demonize intellect. Denigrate the free press. Find an enemy and blame every problem you have on them. Make the people fear that enemy, and abdicate the eradication of that enemy to Dear Leader. Hitler. Mussolini. Trump. If the cult members on this board had their way, democrats would be executed en masse. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind about that. That's how much they hate their fellow citizens.

Unfortunately I have to agree with this well-written description. The Trumpanzees I see daily posting on other sites have the same attitude towards everyone-who-is-not-one-of-us. Remember when they swore that Obama was going to put them in "FEMA camps"? That's what *they* want to do with us.
Nope. You don't understand the electorate. Most Biden voters don't really care who they are voting for. They care only who they are voting against. It's that simple. The election is a referendum on Trump. He will be destroyed.

Biden has an enthusiasm gap. Shows up in every poll

You are speaking of yourself

I still maintain that Trump will win in November

The question is will YOU accept the results?