Tulsa mayor declares civil emergency/curfew ahead of Trump rally,

Which ironically is exactly how we were cursed with the incompetent corrupt TV game show host in 2016 -- the ppl he thinks love him so much were actually voting against Hillary.

I voted for Trump and against Hillary.

Two distinct votes...is that allowed, Mujer de Buho?
Unfortunately I have to agree with this well-written description. The Trumpanzees I see daily posting on other sites have the same attitude towards everyone-who-is-not-one-of-us. Remember when they swore that Obama was going to put them in "FEMA camps"? That's what *they* want to do with us.

Biden says “they are going to put you back in chains.”
Go away, subhuman stalker. Did your toxic gf reject you... again? lol

Today, 09:21 AM
High Level of Addiction

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Which ironically is exactly how we were cursed with the incompetent corrupt TV game show host in 2016 -- the ppl he thinks love him so much were actually voting against Hillary.

Hillary was an awful candidate with an albatross around her neck in the form of James Comey. Which is ironic, given how much the Trump Cult hates Comey. He's President only because of Comey's October surprise, one that should have NEVER happened. People who stayed home or voted for Johnson or Stein were the ones that won the election for Trump. Voter suppression. It was a big part of Russia's effort to help Trump. Because Trump voters believe 'alternative facts' they are unable to evaluate the electorate. They believe many things that are simply not true, and the make decisions based on those untruths. It's remarkable. If there was ever a lesson in voter enthusiasm, it should have been the 2018 election. 2020 will be 2018 on steroids.
Biden has an enthusiasm gap. Shows up in every poll

You are speaking of yourself

I still maintain that Trump will win in November

The question is will YOU accept the results?

Nope. I'm speaking for the all those people being polled who say they are voting for Biden. It isn't because they think he's an excellent candidate. It's because he is the only candidate at this time who can beat Trump. You apparently learned nothing from 2018. What a shame.
Hillary was an awful candidate with an albatross around her neck in the form of James Comey. Which is ironic, given how much the Trump Cult hates Comey. He's President only because of Comey's October surprise, one that should have NEVER happened. People who stayed home or voted for Johnson or Stein were the ones that won the election for Trump. Voter suppression. It was a big part of Russia's effort to help Trump. Because Trump voters believe 'alternative facts' they are unable to evaluate the electorate. They believe many things that are simply not true, and the make decisions based on those untruths. It's remarkable. If there was ever a lesson in voter enthusiasm, it should have been the 2018 election. 2020 will be 2018 on steroids.

I sure hope that for the sake of the country we all love, you're right about that last bit.
When President Trump wins in Nov., these far left loons will be sulking and whining just like in 2016.

The Portuguese stole the election for Trump. Lol

Perhaps President Trump will offer to buy Fingers Biden’s celebratory victory fireworks...for 10 cents on the dollar.
Hillary was an awful candidate with an albatross around her neck in the form of James Comey. Which is ironic, given how much the Trump Cult hates Comey. He's President only because of Comey's October surprise, one that should have NEVER happened. People who stayed home or voted for Johnson or Stein were the ones that won the election for Trump. Voter suppression. It was a big part of Russia's effort to help Trump. Because Trump voters believe 'alternative facts' they are unable to evaluate the electorate. They believe many things that are simply not true, and the make decisions based on those untruths. It's remarkable. If there was ever a lesson in voter enthusiasm, it should have been the 2018 election. 2020 will be 2018 on steroids.

Obama said Hillary was the best candidate ever. Better than him.

Was he wrong?
Fingers Biden’s esposa...you may not like Joe but vote for him anyway.

A ringing endorsement from the one who knows him best.

Hate to say we all seen this coming a mile away ... except those who don’t give a shit about people ...

They will be making themselves known shortly ...

Middle Americans elect presidents and Middle Americans do not like the anarchy, burning, looting and assaults and murders of civilians and police officers in Democrat controlled cities that they will not stop and even condone.

Law and order wins elections.

Earl what about racist law and order????????????????
You leftists think approval ratings and poll results elect presidents. LMFAO
They really bother Trump, he must think the same thing. Parscale says, just wait till Trump comes after Biden and the debates. It gave me a really big chuckle. I can’t wait for the debates. The bingo cards should be hilarious.
They really bother Trump, he must think the same thing. Parscale says, just wait till Trump comes after Biden and the debates. It gave me a really big chuckle. I can’t wait for the debates. The bingo cards should be hilarious.

Do you think the Toadstool will walk around and stand up close behind Biden while he's speaking, to try to intimidate him like he did with Hillary?