UN demands actions

I've already seen it and I think they are perfectly entitled to take any action to defend their ship in international waters. Anyway who is to say that the footage is authentic, it could very well be faked. The Israelis have a long record of lying and obfuscation going right back to the USS Liberty.

Let me ask you this.... if a ship approached a US carrier in the middle of the ocean and continued on a course directly for the carrier... would it be wrong for the Carrier to stop it?
I read the AI report on the use. Ok... now tell me why it is that I am supposed to defend its use.

As I stated, I am not here to defend every bad thing Israel has done, nor am I here to suggest they are not partly at fault for what has gone on between them and Palestine over the past four decades+.

So save your faux outrage for someone else.

Again, it is all about proportionality and Israel's refusal to adhere to any international standards of behaviour, be it the use of phosphorus in a heavily populated area, attacking a ship in international waters or imposing an illegal blockade.

This time however they have committed a real shooting in the foot scenario which has meant that Turkey and the UAE, their only real friends in that region, have turned on them.
Let me ask you this.... if a ship approached a US carrier in the middle of the ocean and continued on a course directly for the carrier... would it be wrong for the Carrier to stop it?

Interestingly enough that is more or less what the Israelis did to the USS Liberty in 1967.
What's laughable is the assertion that the people with sticks and bars were the aggressors against IDF agents who FORCIBLY BOARDED THEIR SHIP ARMED WITH MACHINE GUNS.

Who do they think they are fooling?

This shit will not work anymore.

YEAH; I know I was always taught that when it comes to a fight, that sticks and bars will always trump a Machine Gun. :good4u:

I don't see how this failed!!
No. They were transporting aid. Which they could have easily delivered via the Israeli port rather than trying to go through the Israeli AND Egyptian blockade.

Which again displays the intent of the flotilla. The primary goal was not to deliver the aid.... it was to break the blockade by Egypt and Israel.

If aid was not being received in Gaza, then there might have been a point to trying to break the blockade. But that is not the case.

I do understand your position... you hate the Jews. We get that.

I agree with your entire post.

This is like a Peace march, where the marchers riot.
1) I agree that it was wrong to confront the flotilla in International waters.

2) To proclaim it was murder is a bit of a reach given the Israelis were attacked brutally as they were landing. It is also a reach given the flotilla was told it would not be allowed through the blockade. As I stated, the flotilla's primary intent was confrontation.... and they got just that.

Next time, maybe the ships should just mysteriously sink.
I agree with your entire post.

This is like a Peace march, where the marchers riot.

No it's like a peace march where a natural survival instinct kicks in when they're assaulted by crowd control goon who are anti-freedom.

the blockade is illegal. there is no WAR here. Israel is not at war with Turkey.
What I heard this morning was that all the shootings were done by side arms and that the Israelis actually had paintball guns that they were going to use because they hurt like hell. It was only one ship that put up any fight and that the people on board were the first to use agressive actions. I think I might be agressive as well if my vessel was boarded in international waters. I might have been real agressive.

So when someone decides to run a Police road block, they have the RIGHT to attack the Police when they're finally stopped.
Yes. They are. They are trying to destroy people by starving them and depriving them of needed items, and villifying people who try to help the victims of the israeli blockade.

"let us give them the goods", as israel has stated, is a fools notion, considering that THEY HAVE AN EMBARGO IN PLACE.

Your brainwashed status is showing again.

And what needed item is being denied??
Please be specific.
I say when you illegally commandeer a boat with guns in hand you should expect to get your ass beat a little.

Your refusal to see Israel as the obvious agressor indicates mental dysfunction.

Would you care to put what limit you have on, for "beat a little"??
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No it's like a peace march where a natural survival instinct kicks in when they're assaulted by crowd control goon who are anti-freedom.

the blockade is illegal. there is no WAR here. Israel is not at war with Turkey.

I call BS, on your entire offering; because you're to full of hate to see that you're wrong.

The next time the Police have a DUI check point set up, I want you to barrel through it and then attack the Police when they finally get you stopped.
Then use the same arguments when you see the Judge.
I call BS, on your entire offering; because you're to full of hate to see that you're wrong.

The next time the Police have a DUI check point set up, I want you to barrel through it and then attack the Police when they finally get you stopped.
Then use the same arguments when you see the Judge.

Maybe STY will bust 'im outa jail!