Unprecedented - Hillary Clinton set to win 2.5 million more votes than Trump

And just think....especially BAC....if Calif. got their act together, she could had gotten 4 million more votes that went to Trump....

then the mantra would be 6.5 million.....

and you know what that would mean..............................NOTHING...Trump would still be the President-elect...

:0) Get used to it .. 2.5 million, 3 million, or whatever the margin ends up being .. you're going to hear it a LOT over the next 4 years .. especially at Buffoon Time, when Trump hurts this nation with his buffoonery.

You can take solace in the knowledge that you and every other right-winger would be doing the exact same thing if more Americans thought more of Trump than Clinton.

Climb down off that high horse brother. It won't be long before you'll be whining about how Trump is being treated unfairly and about how much he's being attacked .. and how the so-called 'white working class' can't be blamed for Trump.

Welcome to the big show
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President Trump/Republican Senate/House Majority, Majority Conservative Supreme Court, Majority of States with Republican Governors and Legislatures.....
I'm getting used to it. 2018 cant get here fast enough. Another slaughter for the libs. My ol quarter horse isnt that high per se only about 15 hands...but he is pretty high.....thanks for the suggestion.
:0) Get used to it .. 2.5 million, 3 million, or whatever the margin ends up being .. you're going to hear it a LOT over the next 4 years .. especially at Buffoon Time, when Trump hurts this nation with his buffoonery.

You can take solace in the knowledge that you and every other right-winger would be doing the exact same thing if more Americans thought more of Trump than Clinton.

Climb down off that high horse brother. It won't be long before you'll be whining about how Trump is being treated unfairly and about how much he's being attacked .. and how the so-called 'white working class' can't be blamed for Trump.

Welcome to the big show

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, using a bolded / size 5 font, must make it true.

Hillary Clinton is the only representative of the American people. Trump governs without our consent. He is an illegitimate usurper and dictator that only represents some small minority of racists, who aren't American anyway and have no right to cast a vote.
Would you be happy if a dictator Britain voted against in droves seized power anyway?
It is rare for any government over here to get more than 37% of the popular vote. Actually I am surprised that you don't know that it perfectly possible for a party to take power on a smaller popular vote than another party.

Look at UKIP in 2015, they got over four million votes yet only managed to have one MP in Parliament


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The December surprise is coming...
Are you ready?

I can't wait until the EC elects Trump. You'll never show your face here again shithead.