Unprecedented - Hillary Clinton set to win 2.5 million more votes than Trump

Oh good Gawd man! Texas prosecuted hundreds in 2012. There are so many "facts" you cannot ignore it is happening at a significant rate.
Texas officials claim that the law is needed to prevent fraud, but only 15 cases have been prosecuted by the office of the attorney general of Texas between the 2012 primary election and July of this year, according to a News21 review of more than 360 allegations the office received in that time.

Eleven of those 15 are cases are similar to Verino’s, in which “politiqueras” – people hired by local candidates in predominantly Latino communities – collect and mail ballots for mostly elderly local voters. Texas election laws restrict who can have assistance while voting by mail and require a signature on the ballot from the person who assisted the voter.

“We used to work street by street seeing people, talking about the candidates, and those times, it kind of used to help the people,” Verino said, now two years after her arrest for voter fraud.

In Virginia
But “in the eight [out of 130-plus] jurisdictions that provided us with lists of aliens recently removed from their voter rolls, we discovered that 31 non-citizens had cast a total of 186 votes between 2005 and 2015,” said the report, given first to Breitbart News.

“This is just a fraction of the aliens caught in just eight counties in a state with over 130 counties,” Adams said. “Even with such a small sample, the number of aliens who got on the voter rolls is staggering. The aliens are casting ballots in a state where elections have been decided by a few hundred votes.”
Even small amounts of illegal voting can make a decisive difference — Democratic Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring defeated Republican Mark Obenshain in 2013 by a mere 165 votes out of 2.2 million votes cast.

This is silly.....you want me to provide a link that the sun come up this morning for proof?

Here.............. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=illegals+voting
Oh good Gawd man! Texas prosecuted hundreds in 2012. There are so many "facts" you cannot ignore it is happening at a significant rate.
Texas officials claim that the law is needed to prevent fraud, but only 15 cases have been prosecuted by the office of the attorney general of Texas between the 2012 primary election and July of this year, according to a News21 review of more than 360 allegations the office received in that time.

Eleven of those 15 are cases are similar to Verino’s, in which “politiqueras” – people hired by local candidates in predominantly Latino communities – collect and mail ballots for mostly elderly local voters. Texas election laws restrict who can have assistance while voting by mail and require a signature on the ballot from the person who assisted the voter.

“We used to work street by street seeing people, talking about the candidates, and those times, it kind of used to help the people,” Verino said, now two years after her arrest for voter fraud.

In Virginia
But “in the eight [out of 130-plus] jurisdictions that provided us with lists of aliens recently removed from their voter rolls, we discovered that 31 non-citizens had cast a total of 186 votes between 2005 and 2015,” said the report, given first to Breitbart News.

“This is just a fraction of the aliens caught in just eight counties in a state with over 130 counties,” Adams said. “Even with such a small sample, the number of aliens who got on the voter rolls is staggering. The aliens are casting ballots in a state where elections have been decided by a few hundred votes.”
Even small amounts of illegal voting can make a decisive difference — Democratic Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring defeated Republican Mark Obenshain in 2013 by a mere 165 votes out of 2.2 million votes cast.

This is silly.....you want me to provide a link that the sun come up this morning for proof?

So you have no evidence of even thousands of illegal voters, let alone the millions that Trump claims.

I'm not taking Inforwars word for it, sorry.
Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’
Law firm uncovers illegal immigrants, convicted felons on rolls — and some have voted in crucial swing state


In just eight Virginia counties, 1,046 alien non-citizens successfully registered to vote. Mind you, these are just the aliens who were accidentally caught because when they renewed their driver’s license, they told the truth that they were a non-citizen.


POLS ON THE STREET: We Can’t Stop Illegals From Registering To Vote

I have looked, and the only thing I've found are right-wing sites repeating the claim and not offering proof.

You don't have the ability to look....even the R's were stopped from even trying to verify voters registration 30 years ago and now nobody bothers...
So you have no evidence of even thousands of illegal voters, let alone the millions that Trump claims.

I'm not taking Inforwars word for it, sorry.

Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’
Law firm uncovers illegal immigrants, convicted felons on rolls — and some have voted in crucial swing state


In just eight Virginia counties, 1,046 alien non-citizens successfully registered to vote. Mind you, these are just the aliens who were accidentally caught because when they renewed their driver’s license, they told the truth that they were a non-citizen.


POLS ON THE STREET: We Can’t Stop Illegals From Registering To Vote


Keep not looking and you'll keep not finding any illegals voting.....
Oh good Gawd man! Texas prosecuted hundreds in 2012. There are so many "facts" you cannot ignore it is happening at a significant rate.
Texas officials claim that the law is needed to prevent fraud, but only 15 cases have been prosecuted by the office of the attorney general of Texas between the 2012 primary election and July of this year, according to a News21 review of more than 360 allegations the office received in that time.

Eleven of those 15 are cases are similar to Verino’s, in which “politiqueras” – people hired by local candidates in predominantly Latino communities – collect and mail ballots for mostly elderly local voters. Texas election laws restrict who can have assistance while voting by mail and require a signature on the ballot from the person who assisted the voter.

“We used to work street by street seeing people, talking about the candidates, and those times, it kind of used to help the people,” Verino said, now two years after her arrest for voter fraud.

In Virginia
But “in the eight [out of 130-plus] jurisdictions that provided us with lists of aliens recently removed from their voter rolls, we discovered that 31 non-citizens had cast a total of 186 votes between 2005 and 2015,” said the report, given first to Breitbart News.

“This is just a fraction of the aliens caught in just eight counties in a state with over 130 counties,” Adams said. “Even with such a small sample, the number of aliens who got on the voter rolls is staggering. The aliens are casting ballots in a state where elections have been decided by a few hundred votes.”
Even small amounts of illegal voting can make a decisive difference — Democratic Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring defeated Republican Mark Obenshain in 2013 by a mere 165 votes out of 2.2 million votes cast.

This is silly.....you want me to provide a link that the sun come up this morning for proof?

Here.............. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=illegals+voting

I clicked on the link and the first site that came up said FALSE.
Not a bubble my man to ask for evidence backing the statement of which you have none.
OK. I'll go through life knowing illegals vote and you can go through life saying they dont. There is tons of proof showing illegals voting and being prosecuted since 2012. You ignore it. Fine by me man :)
I clicked on the link and the first site that came up said FALSE.
Are you seriously that fragile that 17 million results come back and you dismiss all 17 million because of one? Really?
I could care less what you snowflakes argue for or against. It is always the same denial horseshit anyway.
You don't have the ability to look....even the R's were stopped from even trying to verify voters registration 30 years ago and now nobody bothers...

Then we should have a recount. Something all the cons are whining about because Jill Stein's actually doing it in three states.
OK. I'll go through life knowing illegals vote and you can go through life saying they dont. There is tons of proof showing illegals voting and being prosecuted since 2012. You ignore it. Fine by me man :)

Trump claimed millions voted illegally. Yes there are illegals who vote. Show me evidence of thousands of illegals voting, let alone millions.

Support the claim with evidence.