Unprecedented - Hillary Clinton set to win 2.5 million more votes than Trump

Are you seriously that fragile that 17 million results come back and you dismiss all 17 million because of one? Really?
I could care less what you snowflakes argue for or against. It is always the same denial horseshit anyway.

We've been arguing about voter fraud on this forum for years before you came on, and the results have always been the same. A few random cites usually regarding registration fraud, but no hard evidence of widespread voter fraud to the tune of millions of illegal voters.
Doesnt matter if 1 voted or million. If 1 can vote than what is preventing many many more? I prefer only American Citizens vote.
You cant be "sorta" pregnant. If you have a system that allowed one illegal to vote you have a flawed system. Democrats fight fixing it. Fight it tooth and nail.
The problem they have is they lost anyway :)

By the way I shot some Ferrel cats yesterday in the barn.
A recount doesn't identify who the voter is.

Right, we need to investigate counties with heavy Hispanic populations and look at those ballots. Then we need to revoke all state ID' given to illegals and all voter registration connected to those ID
Then we should have a recount. Something all the cons are whining about because Jill Stein's actually doing it in three states.

Irrelevant to the topic but recount if you must...you'll just recount the very same votes you already counted earlier....
Right, we need to investigate counties with heavy Hispanic populations and look at those ballots. Then we need to revoke all state ID' given to illegals and all voter registration connected to those ID

Looking at ballots in heavily Hispanic areas doesn't change anything. Once ballots are cast we have no idea who cast them.

You're not going to get states to revoke ID's given to illegals. Just not going to happen.
Doesnt matter if 1 voted or million. If 1 can vote than what is preventing many many more? I prefer only American Citizens vote.
You cant be "sorta" pregnant. If you have a system that allowed one illegal to vote you have a flawed system. Democrats fight fixing it. Fight it tooth and nail.
The problem they have is they lost anyway :)

By the way I shot some Ferrel cats yesterday in the barn.

How ............. of you. There are feral cats in my neighborhood and we use the trap-neuter-release system.
Good point. So how are these supposed three million illegal voters going to be ID'd so they don't do it again?

Verify the citizenship requirement for the voters.....it ain't rocket science....

A U.S. elections agency must remove a proof-of-citizenship requirement from a mail-in federal voter registration form used for November’s election in Kansas, Alabama and Georgia, a federal appeals court panel in Washington ordered late Friday, reversing a lower court.

The Supreme Court has declined to hear a case allowing states to require proof of citizenship for those applying to vote in federal elections, effectively upholding a lower court ruling against Kansas and Arizona.

Those states wanted the U.S. Election Assistance Commission to change its registration requirements to include proof of citizenship for those applying to vote in federal elections, as the states require for those using their state forms.
As of November 2016, 31 states enforced voter identification requirements. A total of 16 states required voters to present photo identification, while 15 accepted other forms of identification.
Commonly accepted forms of ID include driver's licenses, state-issued identification cards, and military identification cards.
the Federal Form requires you to certify under penalty of perjury that you are a citizen, but need not prove it.
A drivers licenses certainly DOES NOT prove citizenship...and Democrats refuse to even look for fraud because they insist it doesn't exist....
If you didn't look for food I guess you could come to the conclusion that food doesn't exist either....

Seems pretty obvious that the powers that be refuse to let anyone even check if a voter is a citizen....
this ain't over your head is it ?
Good point. So how are these supposed three million illegal voters going to be ID'd so they don't do it again?

I have a great idea. use social security numbers to identify all willing , consenting voters/ taxpayer citizenslaves. this is a good way to control their life support systems: food, shelter, clothing. sorry. worst case scenario.
Looking at ballots in heavily Hispanic areas doesn't change anything. Once ballots are cast we have no idea who cast them.

You're not going to get states to revoke ID's given to illegals. Just not going to happen.

You can see who voted. Look at the demographics.
You prevent voter fraud by not allowing illegals to register to begin with and then confirming registration at the polls.

I don't know. If it were that easy to identify who's registering illegally we wouldn't have a problem. How much more can be asked without looking like profiling?
Right, we need to investigate counties with heavy Hispanic populations and look at those ballots. Then we need to revoke all state ID' given to illegals and all voter registration connected to those ID

Knock yourself out just like Hillary is going to prison. Just another lie your boy puked out to get elected. Loser.
Verify the citizenship requirement for the voters.....it ain't rocket science....

A U.S. elections agency must remove a proof-of-citizenship requirement from a mail-in federal voter registration form used for November’s election in Kansas, Alabama and Georgia, a federal appeals court panel in Washington ordered late Friday, reversing a lower court.

The Supreme Court has declined to hear a case allowing states to require proof of citizenship for those applying to vote in federal elections, effectively upholding a lower court ruling against Kansas and Arizona.

Those states wanted the U.S. Election Assistance Commission to change its registration requirements to include proof of citizenship for those applying to vote in federal elections, as the states require for those using their state forms.
As of November 2016, 31 states enforced voter identification requirements. A total of 16 states required voters to present photo identification, while 15 accepted other forms of identification.
Commonly accepted forms of ID include driver's licenses, state-issued identification cards, and military identification cards.
the Federal Form requires you to certify under penalty of perjury that you are a citizen, but need not prove it.
A drivers licenses certainly DOES NOT prove citizenship...and Democrats refuse to even look for fraud because they insist it doesn't exist....
If you didn't look for food I guess you could come to the conclusion that food doesn't exist either....

Seems pretty obvious that the powers that be refuse to let anyone even check if a voter is a citizen....
this ain't over your head is it ?

You already give proof when you register. Sounds like you want a "papers, please" society bravs. Let me spell it out for you.

If you're registering here you can use:

  • Pennsylvania driver's license or PennDOT ID card
  • ID issued by any Commonwealth agency
  • ID issued by the U.S. Government
  • U.S. passport
  • U.S. Armed Forces ID
  • Student ID
  • Employee ID

And in order to get one of the above you have to give proof of citizenship, like a birth certificate.
I don't know. If it were that easy to identify who's registering illegally we wouldn't have a problem. How much more can be asked without looking like profiling?

Nothing to do with profiling. There are people in this country illegally of every type of background and every walk of life. I don't think there is anyway to 100% prevent voting fraud. But making sure people are citizens when they register and confirming who they are when they vote are the two best techniques to prevent fraud and have it not be targeting certain groups.
Nothing to do with profiling. There are people in this country illegally of every type of background and every walk of life. I don't think there is anyway to 100% prevent voting fraud. But making sure people are citizens when they register and confirming who they are when they vote are the two best techniques to prevent fraud and have it not be targeting certain groups.

See 216.