vegetarianism in our future?

Yep I remember that AH. Sorry, but full employement now. Just my handyman and his wife.
0% unemployment in USCland.
Drill anwar
use nuke
Allow telecommuting on a grand scale.


2 & 3 sound good, but not 1

i wonder how many people in their 60's would who are or can become computer literate would be willing to work from with fed ex or ups as an intermediary or just plain email
It's curious that more don't allow employees to telecommute. Economically, it makes a lot of sense; telecommuting = low overhead.


maybe with the reduced cost of teleconferencing and more internet backbones, but still there is the basic cost of paying a us worker (with benefits) versus paying a non-us worker

incentives may be the answer, but what about the manufacturing end of things

2 & 3 sound good, but not 1

i wonder how many people in their 60's would who are or can become computer literate would be willing to work from with fed ex or ups as an intermediary or just plain email

why are you against drilling in anwar DQ?
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Yes, there is a Mr. 4all!!! lmao....

But you can do all of this for yourself, and from what I've seen on your posts, you would think that YOU of all people :D, would have this all figured out and set aside for your own survival, once or optimistically...when and if, the proverbial "shit" hits the fan!



i would make such a proposition but my wife would take umbrage and i am more than satisfied with her - hmm, would polygamy maybe work or polyandry or group marriage...:)

hope all is well with you and yours :clink:
why are you against drilling in anwar DQ?

i would like to leave some things unspoiled for my grandkids

besides, if things go really bad, we may need all those parks and preserves so lets put them in the bank for now

ps we really need to change the mining (mineral rights) laws - right now they are just give aways and the laws were passed and not revised since the 1800's
i would like to leave some things unspoiled for my grandkids

besides, if things go really bad, we may need all those parks and preserves so lets put them in the bank for now

ps we really need to change the mining (mineral rights) laws - right now they are just give aways and the laws were passed and not revised since the 1800's

LMAO, oh man you just reminded me of something a co-worker said recently to this girl who's an environmentalist (i work in real estate and we invest pension fund money on our client's behalf and that includes development), and my friends a Democrat which is partly why it was so funny but he said "Ma'am, where you see a park I see a skyscraper". And this girl got pissed. It was probably one of those you had to be there moments but it had me rolling.
i would like to leave some things unspoiled for my grandkids

besides, if things go really bad, we may need all those parks and preserves so lets put them in the bank for now

ps we really need to change the mining (mineral rights) laws - right now they are just give aways and the laws were passed and not revised since the 1800's

How about your kids. they have to succeed before your grandkids can. Lives in the future are not more important than lives in the present. You're an idiot.
yeah. I have a 10,000 gal cistern that I collect rainwater in for yard and garden watering.

I think KY is going to change the law so you can eat nuisance deer and such that you kill. Just have to report em.

Not sure about turkeys though, have to ask the fish and game guy about that.

Darned things are everywhere here. some seem to have orange blotches on them from paintballs :rolleyes:

this rain barrel thing is only 75 gallons i think, 10,000 gallons? lol. i know where matt and i are going if water's tight! :D

turkeys are absolutely out of control here, they own the roads....constantly running in to flocks crossing the road, taking their good ole time! and they even feed in my yard....btw, what the hell are they eating? do i have grubs, or clover or seeds from rye grass that they eat? what are they eating that a really, really, messed up lawn could have???? hahahaha! man oh man, its a good 10 years before this yard beats out my last home on the yard....but it does have alot more potential withe the apple trees and 50 ft high christmas trees....but the rocks...they are everywhere, tough to dig out the gardens i want to build....the only thing in favor up here is it is mostly in the high 70's all summer, so it is hard to break out in to a sweat! lol


i would make such a proposition but my wife would take umbrage and i am more than satisfied with her - hmm, would polygamy maybe work or polyandry or group marriage...:)

hope all is well with you and yours :clink:

same here DonQ, hope all is well with you and yours too!!!!

Holy shit ..................!

yeah. I have a 10,000 gal cistern that I collect rainwater in for yard and garden watering.
I think KY is going to change the law so you can eat nuisance deer and such that you kill. Just have to report em.

Not sure about turkeys though, have to ask the fish and game guy about that.

Darned things are everywhere here. some seem to have orange blotches on them from paintballs :rolleyes:

Thats called a really need to get out in the world more!:shock:
How about your kids. they have to succeed before your grandkids can. Lives in the future are not more important than lives in the present. You're an idiot.

Blow it all now forget tomorrow.
I see it all the time, people who worked all their lives to pay for a home or farm or business dies. the children inherit and just blow it all.
That is how I got finiancially secure. a 32 yr old inherited land and just wanted to sell it. I saw a good deal went out on a big limb and bought it. I turned a fantastic profit in a short time and am now secure for the rest of my life. The 32 yr old has already blown his ineritance and it facing reposession on his home because he is eyeball deep in debt and has a variable mortgage on far more home than he needs.

His parents worked hard all their life and scrimped to pay for the farm and send the kid to college....
Blow it all now forget tomorrow.
I see it all the time, people who worked all their lives to pay for a home or farm or business dies. the children inherit and just blow it all.
That is how I got finiancially secure. a 32 yr old inherited land and just wanted to sell it. I saw a good deal went out on a big limb and bought it. I turned a fantastic profit in a short time and am now secure for the rest of my life. The 32 yr old has already blown his ineritance and it facing reposession on his home because he is eyeball deep in debt and has a variable mortgage on far more home than he needs.

His parents worked hard all their life and scrimped to pay for the farm and send the kid to college....

But it's also true that there are no grandkids if the parents die from government policies which induce massive calamity. it's still true that lives in the far future are not more important than lives in the the near future.

Now if you're talking about elites saving all the fuel for their children, that may be what's going on. they don't care what happens to the rest of us.

that kid was just an idiot. Or maybe didn't value land the way you do. Some people like to be ELITE CITY FOLK, as you well know.
an awfully lot of kids now-a-days appear to be idiots in the same way as that guy. spoiled and wanting it all now.

That song by queen ?

I wan't it all, and I wan't it now!

the song of the last couple of generations.

And one of the main reasons for our current finiancial mess.
an awfully lot of kids now-a-days appear to be idiots in the same way as that guy. spoiled and wanting it all now.

That song by queen ?

I wan't it all, and I wan't it now!

the song of the last couple of generations.

And one of the main reasons for our current finiancial mess.
As a whole we have become a society of entitlement. There is a large section of youth that never have to earn a thing for themselves all the way through college. Wasn't there a Kennedy that actually bragged he had never worked a day in his life? Spoiled does not even begin to describe our current society.

I fully agree that it is the primary factor in the current economic mess. The economy has been floating on deficit spending for decades, and the consequences of that false inflated economy are coming home to roost.

I find it puzzling that people can recognize the dangers inherent in deficit spending when it comes to government, and call (futilely) for a balanced budget. Then they go home and put a big screen TV on tehir credit card. Do they not recognize that personal deficit spending is every bit as bad - if not worse - than government deficit spending?
As a whole we have become a society of entitlement. There is a large section of youth that never have to earn a thing for themselves all the way through college. Wasn't there a Kennedy that actually bragged he had never worked a day in his life? Spoiled does not even begin to describe our current society.

I fully agree that it is the primary factor in the current economic mess. The economy has been floating on deficit spending for decades, and the consequences of that false inflated economy are coming home to roost.

I find it puzzling that people can recognize the dangers inherent in deficit spending when it comes to government, and call (futilely) for a balanced budget. Then they go home and put a big screen TV on tehir credit card. Do they not recognize that personal deficit spending is every bit as bad - if not worse - than government deficit spending?

The thing is the fascist controllers WANT us in debt. Do you hear politicians REGRETTING that the stimulus package may be used to pay down personal debt instead of going to corporations for new shit we don't need?
The thing is the fascist controllers WANT us in debt. Do you hear politicians REGRETTING that the stimulus package may be used to pay down personal debt instead of going to corporations for new shit we don't need?
Yes, I heard. But it isn't anything new. Every administration since Nixon has pushed credit buying to help prop up the economy. Carter tripped on his shoelaces and ended up almost upsetting the apple cart with double digit inflation and loan-shark interest rates. (Interest rate still allowed today even without the high inflation to justify them.) Even Reagan, for all his "trickle-down theory" recognized that the economy is driven from BOTH ends, and did his part in pushing a credit economy.

But it is not to keep us in debt, per se. It is because the more we buy, the better the economic growth that can be pointed to when running for office. In truth, the economy never truly recovered from the Great Depression. (which was, in great part, a post war depression from the deficit spending of the First World War.) First came WWII, starting with lend lease and other packages to prop up the Brits, and ending with a full blown war economy. When the post WWII economy started to slide, the first credit props started being pushed. And ever since then every administration and congress have been putting band-aids on a cancerous growth, hoping it won't blow on their shift.
Yes, I heard. But it isn't anything new. Every administration since Nixon has pushed credit buying to help prop up the economy. Carter tripped on his shoelaces and ended up almost upsetting the apple cart with double digit inflation and loan-shark interest rates. (Interest rate still allowed today even without the high inflation to justify them.) Even Reagan, for all his "trickle-down theory" recognized that the economy is driven from BOTH ends, and did his part in pushing a credit economy.

But it is not to keep us in debt, per se. It is because the more we buy, the better the economic growth that can be pointed to when running for office. In truth, the economy never truly recovered from the Great Depression. (which was, in great part, a post war depression from the deficit spending of the First World War.) First came WWII, starting with lend lease and other packages to prop up the Brits, and ending with a full blown war economy. When the post WWII economy started to slide, the first credit props started being pushed. And ever since then every administration and congress have been putting band-aids on a cancerous growth, hoping it won't blow on their shift.

It is to keep us in debt. Economics is ultimately about control. SOme people MUST be poor so they MUST work to do all the stuff that needs to be done.
A select group making money out of thin air, causing rampant inflation is the perfect control mechanism. Tell me, Bonne Chance, what is your opinion of the statist, totalitarian and insane fiat currency system?