Walz, good candidate, wont change the dynamic.

No, I mean the presidents who won the Popular Vote. In other words folks like Obama, not like DJT.

Here's a list of who got what:

every one of them chosen through the electoral college system.....250 years and you folks still don't understand that..

Thats all she can muster
After a week against a guy twho has Fox ,OAN and other stations all Trump all the time, that is pretty impressive. Trump has his own website too. He has infowars all Trump all day. She is expanding her base and Trump blew his black reporter interview bigly and picked a crappy VP. Trump has been very active and very bad.
If anything, Walz will be a 'Sarah Palin.' That is, he's far more likely to hurt than help the ticket. His ultra-radical Leftist positions won't fly with most Americans.
If anything, Walz will be a 'Sarah Palin.' That is, he's far more likely to hurt than help the ticket. His ultra-radical Leftist positions won't fly with most Americans.
His job is to be a pit bull attacking enemies of the Revolution, and to tell men....especially white men....to stand down and do as we are told.

As for helping/hurting the ticket that kind of talk is Old American, the one that was murdered.....irrelevant.

But you would not know about that with your 20 year out of date brain.
lol.....by now you should have figured out that the fault is not with the illegals.....its in the DNC.....
I absolutely agree with you. Why Democrats take on an issue that nobody gives a fuck about, to a group that has no loyalty to Democrats, is just beyond reasoning. 74% of these illegals are not families, they're males...mostly latino's and Muslims all fleeing poverty to come here take jobs and bring their families once settled.
I absolutely agree with you. Why Democrats take on an issue that nobody gives a fuck about, to a group that has no loyalty to Democrats, is just beyond reasoning. 74% of these illegals are not families, they're males...mostly latino's and Muslims all fleeing poverty to come here take jobs and bring their families once settled.
I'm curious why you continue to vote for them now that you realize this?...
The guy is good, and he presents a very good contrast to trump/vance.

My reaction is meh, nothing to change the dynamic. Kamala still has surprising momentum. People seem to be done with trump.
On your coffee break, you might ask yourself, if the VP won't change the dynamic, why did you create multiple OP's and comment in a dozen anti VD Vance threads?
every one of them chosen through the electoral college system.....250 years and you folks still don't understand that..

So you don't understand my point. Got it. All presidents are chosen by the EC, but NOT ALL PRESIDENTS WIN THE POPULAR VOTE.

I'm sad you aren't smart enough to understand that difference.
So you don't understand my point. Got it. All presidents are chosen by the EC, but NOT ALL PRESIDENTS WIN THE POPULAR VOTE.

I'm sad you aren't smart enough to understand that difference.
/shrugs.....and I am sorry you aren't smart enough to understand the popular vote doesn't MAKE a difference.......it never has......it is ALWAYS the electoral college......
/shrugs.....and I am sorry you aren't smart enough to understand the popular vote doesn't MAKE a difference

It DOES show who is a candidate that has more support from the people. Funny how when your guy talks he ALWAYS blathers on about the popular vote. LOLOLOLOL.

......it never has......it is ALWAYS the electoral college......

Which is strange, then, that so many politicians blather on about the popular vote. Almost as if it tells you who is more popular as a candidate!
It DOES show who is a candidate that has more support from the people. Funny how when your guy talks he ALWAYS blathers on about the popular vote. LOLOLOLOL.

Which is strange, then, that so many politicians blather on about the popular vote. Almost as if it tells you who is more popular as a candidate!
I've only ever heard demmycrats talking about "popular" vote as if it had some value......"popular" among the voters of most states is what matters in the US........it been that way ever since the smaller states like NH and VT rejected a government controlled by populous states like NY and VA.....
I've only ever heard demmycrats talking about "popular" vote as if it had some value.

Yeah, as I suspected. Severe confirmation bias. You just haven't been listening to your guy. Remember? The same guy who got a press secretary to LIE ABOUT CROWD SIZE AT HIS INNAUGURATION? Yeah, that guy.

....."popular" among the voters of most states is what matters in the US........it been that way ever since the smaller states like NH and VT rejected a government controlled by populous states like NY and VA.....

Funny but last I checked land doesn't vote. People do.
I'm curious why you continue to vote for them now that you realize this?...

Unlike you people, I go with facts...fact...both houses came up with a good comprehensive bill to address all of this and your guy, that orange bitch made them shoot it down...I can't vote for shit like that? Trump and the GOP put TRUMP FIRST AND NOT THE COUNTRY, NOT PPL LIKE YOU OR ME OR ANYBODY....THAT BILL WOULD HAVE SOLVED A LOT...Please educate yourself before commenting Please!!​

That Depends frankie

What I find so astounding is that for the first time in a long long long time, the GOP have become TARGETS....Its always been liberals, but Trump and MAGA has laid the groundwork for so much division and animist in the country that even their own are turning on them...AND I LOVE IT!! You keep fuckin with snakes, sooner or later, you fools that bitch is gonna bite ya!!, ie MAGA nuts!!​

The guy is good, and he presents a very good contrast to trump/vance.

My reaction is meh, nothing to change the dynamic. Kamala still has surprising momentum. People seem to be done with trump.

Walz dramatically changed the dynamic - just not in the way you had hoped.

He sunk the already floundering campaign.

You think the Oligarchs sat around and said "gee, this is a close race and Kamala is really far left - let's get someone ever more radical, to balance things..."


Hey, I applaud you - instead of choosing Shapiro, you opted for political suicide!
If anything, Walz will be a 'Sarah Palin.' That is, he's far more likely to hurt than help the ticket. His ultra-radical Leftist positions won't fly with most Americans.
I figured you would say something like that. The Trumpys are going full Swift Boat now. When you have no positives on military service, claim the guy who did his military service, was a bad soldier and a real coward. You can always pay someone to disparage a soldier's time in the service. A real patriot is someone like Trump who said his VietNam was avoiding VD when he was draft dodging. He is not ultra-left. His positions will be great for patriotic Americans.