What about freedom FROM religion?

My argument has lots of merit, but as I mentioned, I expect you morons to "dismiss" it.

Although you are doing a piss poor job of dismissing it. In fact, you are giving it more lie.

no. you NEED to believe it has merit, but i've shown you that this is just your desire, not reality. trying to explain to you why you are wrong is not dismissing your argument. dismissing arguments is what illogical leftists do.

I should be free from the "one nation under Zeus" and "in Zeus we trust" bullshit also, but you just are not smart enough to see the merit of that.

So...go back to helping me by not dismissing my comments.

and again, you have no right to not be offended. nobody has that right. nobody has a right to be free FROM religion........you simply get to choose not to participate. this is not any different than what you leftists offered the non vaxxers..........don't want the jab, you're free to stay in your home and not work.
Go ahead and demand freedom from the WOKE Religion and then watch how you are destroyed for your lack of obedience.

Imagine if there was a coin that said... In Transgender we trust.

That would be the equivalent.

But the government is forcing us to signify that we are a "nation under god" in order to pledge our allegiance to this Republic.

And the money we use to pay or bills still indicates that we "trust" this god of yours.

I haven't said the pledge of allegiance since second grade, and I don't think words printed on a coin are a big enough deal to worry about.

I think Christian nationalism is a threat to democracy, and the assault on reproductive freedom is a form of religious governance.
I want them to start thread banning you to prove a point. No one will take me up on it because then it proves they are liars...like you, Perry PhD.

I honestly don't see how that would prove anything. If you threadban me but you show up it just shows you use a different e-mail log in and MAYBE a VPN. So how would it prove you aren't me and I'm not you?
If Lincoln the man is known for anything, it was for his fierce honesty and sense of integrity. His presidential speeches are littered with references to divine providence and the will of God. His second inaugural address is a prime example.

Lincoln was not so cravenly deceitful as to craft rhetoric he would have felt was utterly phony.

The widely held view is that the young Lincoln rebelled against his father's strict Calvinist dogma. And he was certainly never a genuine practicing Christian. But taking his life as a whole, he did have a Deist approach to God and religion probably in much the same way Thomas Jefferson did.

I honestly don't see how that would prove anything....
It's because you really aren't what you claim to be, Perry. You are free to claim you are a PhD, but the more you post, the more your education, maturity, intelligence and sanity levels are revealed.

Yes, people like you, Sailor, Legion and others can violate the ban with a VPN. However, if they slip up, just once, then they are busted. Even if it was from last year. By pushing the issue, I hope to let people like you become ensnared in your own deceptions.
no. you NEED to believe it has merit, but i've shown you that this is just your desire, not reality. trying to explain to you why you are wrong is not dismissing your argument. dismissing arguments is what illogical leftists do.

Son...you do try hard...and I want you to know that I am laughing AT you not WITH you.

You do not argue with enough logic or vitality to show anyone to be wrong...and you most assuredly have not shown me to be wrong.

and again, you have no right to not be offended. nobody has that right. nobody has a right to be free FROM religion........you simply get to choose not to participate. this is not any different than what you leftists offered the non vaxxers..........don't want the jab, you're free to stay in your home and not work.

When you grow up...IF you grow up...you will see that those of us who want to be free from religion are not actually free from religion here in America at this time. This "in god we trust" and "one nation under god" simply intrudes.

I don't expect you to grok that now, but I do hope that day comes. In the meantime, I will have to be content with the humor you provide.

It's because you really aren't what you claim to be, Perry. You are free to claim you are a PhD, but the more you post, the more your education, maturity, intelligence and sanity levels are revealed.

I'd say the guy who says the kind of shit you say is far more likely be called immature.

But the government is forcing us to signify that we are a "nation under god" in order to pledge our allegiance to this Republic.

And the money we use to pay or bills still indicates that we "trust" this god of yours.

Are students actually forced to say "under God"? Do they even say the Pledge of Allegiance in classrooms anymore?

While I agree that the Cold War addition of "under God" pushes against First Amendment rights, if someone is actually punished for not saying the words, then I agree they have a solid argument of having their rights infringed.
No no no, I"m trying to figure out how threadbanning ME proves YOU aren't me. YOu could still post because you are on the thread (different IP address, different e-mail, etc.) but it could be to outside observers that I am just not posting. It proves nothing. Unless they can track down all IP addresses associated with your account.

And that's for the VPN to take care of.

I honestly don't get how threadbanning me would prove you aren't just another sock of mine.
I know this is difficult for you, Perry, but it's data gathering. Again, if you and I were the same but using a different VPN, all it takes is one mistake, one drunken night and "we'd" be busted. Both would be banned.

Dumbass; every time you log on, your VPN is added. Any mod can look at your VPNs and see the list. When I was traveling, my VPNs were from all over the nation plus from Canada and Mexico. The mods could see it.

FWIW, your PMs aren't private. LOL Why? Because it's a national security issue and also a liability issue for the owners of JPP.
Are students actually forced to say "under God"? Do they even say the Pledge of Allegiance in classrooms anymore?

While I agree that the Cold War addition of "under God" pushes against First Amendment rights, if someone is actually punished for not saying the words, then I agree they have a solid argument of having their rights infringed.

I don't think there was ever a time when a person would be punished for not saying "under god"...and there certainly is no penalty now. In fact, there is no penalty for simply not saying the pledge.

BUT...the fact that those words are there in the National Pledge...is saying that we are not free from religion.

We simply are not...whether we say them or not.

I was a regular attendee at township council sessions...and before each one, the pledge was recited. I stood, placed my hand over my heart, and recited with them...although I just left off the "under god." But that means that it would be hypocritical of me to recite our nation's pledge...and there is no way it should come to that.
Son...you do try hard...and I want you to know that I am laughing AT you not WITH you.

You do not argue with enough logic or vitality to show anyone to be wrong...and you most assuredly have not shown me to be wrong.

no amount of your willful ignorance and denial of reality is going to change the fact that your arguments have no merit. laugh all you want, it's not going to change the legalities of your no merit argument.

When you grow up...IF you grow up...you will see that those of us who want to be free from religion are not actually free from religion here in America at this time. This "in god we trust" and "one nation under god" simply intrudes.

I don't expect you to grok that now, but I do hope that day comes. In the meantime, I will have to be content with the humor you provide.
whatever delusions and infantile foot stomping you need to do in order to justify your idiocy, please indulge yourself. Just don't expect the really real world to take you seriously on it.
I don't think there was ever a time when a person would be punished for not saying "under god"...and there certainly is no penalty now. In fact, there is no penalty for simply not saying the pledge.

BUT...the fact that those words are there in the National Pledge...is saying that we are not free from religion.

We simply are not...whether we say them or not.

I was a regular attendee at township council sessions...and before each one, the pledge was recited. I stood, placed my hand over my heart, and recited with them...although I just left off the "under god." But that means that it would be hypocritical of me to recite our nation's pledge...and there is no way it should come to that.

While I agree that just pushing the idea of a God violates Freedom of Religion, that fact no penalties apply means it's unlikely the atheists will get it removed anytime soon since they can't prove harm.

Why is it hypocritical of you to not say "under God"?
no amount of your willful ignorance and denial of reality is going to change the fact that your arguments have no merit. laugh all you want, it's not going to change the legalities of your no merit argument.

You are so much fun, I should be paying you. ;)

My major argument is that I read an interesting op ed piece in the Washington Post...and recommended it to the forum.

How do you think that argument has no merit?

C'mon, Boy. Tell us. We could use the laugh.

whatever delusions and infantile foot stomping you need to do in order to justify your idiocy, please indulge yourself. Just don't expect the really real world to take you seriously on it.

You an American conservative, StupiderThanEverybody. What makes you think you know anything about the real world.

While I agree that just pushing the idea of a God violates Freedom of Religion, that fact no penalties apply means it's unlikely the atheists will get it removed anytime soon since they can't prove harm.

I think there is absolutely NO CHANCE WHATEVER to have that crap removed. It was an "in your face" move by Christians...and there are enough of those kinds of Christians around to insure it will not be changed.

I hope you didn't think that was where I was heading.

I am simply commenting on the state of things.

Why is it hypocritical of you to not say "under God"?

I said it would be hypocritical of me to say our nation's pledge of allegiance. I would be, because I an agnostic about whether there actually are any gods for us to be "under"...and I have no idea if any gods that might exist want us to be "under" it.

I can modify our nation's pledge of allegiance...which I do. I shouldn't have to.
You are so much fun, I should be paying you. ;)

My major argument is that I read an interesting op ed piece in the Washington Post...and recommended it to the forum.

How do you think that argument has no merit?

C'mon, Boy. Tell us. We could use the laugh.
I gave you the links to the court cases. can you read? or do you need your mommy to do it for you?

You an American conservative, StupiderThanEverybody. What makes you think you know anything about the real world.
thank you for proving that I am smarter than you.......

We have had two atheist presidents. Donald Trumpf and Dick Nixon. Reagan came close, but he was probably more agnostic.

There was lots of speculation that FDR was either an Atheist was agnostic on the issue.

Also Thomas Jefferson, while nominally classified as a Deist, was closer to what today is called "agnostic" on the issue.