What about freedom FROM religion?

I gave you the links to the court cases. can you read? or do you need your mommy to do it for you?

There was not a single court case you offered that said I could not recommend that article to the people here, Boy. Not a one.

thank you for proving that I am smarter than you.......

I doubt your are smarter than most here in JPP. You are a mouthy little boy...but fun. I mean that. You are fun.

There was lots of speculation that FDR was either an Atheist was agnostic on the issue.

Also Thomas Jefferson, while nominally classified as a Deist, was closer to what today is called "agnostic" on the issue.

I never heard of Jefferson being called an agnostic. Why call him that. He had a Bible with miracles crossed out.
I think there is absolutely NO CHANCE WHATEVER to have that crap removed. It was an "in your face" move by Christians...and there are enough of those kinds of Christians around to insure it will not be changed.

I hope you didn't think that was where I was heading.

I am simply commenting on the state of things.

I said it would be hypocritical of me to say our nation's pledge of allegiance. I would be, because I an agnostic about whether there actually are any gods for us to be "under"...and I have no idea if any gods that might exist want us to be "under" it.

I can modify our nation's pledge of allegiance...which I do. I shouldn't have to.

I never heard of Jefferson being called an agnostic. Why call him that. He had a Bible with miracles crossed out.

He had a lot more crossed out than the miracles, BP. He essentially made his own Bible. But much of what he said indicates the kinds of doubts now thought of as agnosticism.

T. H. Huxley coined the word in 1869, long after Jefferson's death. He was the kind of guy who probably would have used it...although I acknowledge it is purely speculation on my part.
He had a lot more crossed out than the miracles, BP. He essentially made his own Bible. But much of what he said indicates the kinds of doubts now thought of as agnosticism.

T. H. Huxley coined the word in 1869, long after Jefferson's death. He was the kind of guy who probably would have used it...although I acknowledge it is purely speculation on my part.

So, no evidence Jefferson was agnostic.
Okay. You disagree.

We'll see if it is changed. My bet would be...not a chance.

It could be 20 years, but it will change. You act like someone in 1857 saying "Slavery will never end" after the Dredd-Scott decision.

I know this is difficult to ask an avowed atheist, but try having some faith, Frank. :)
It could be 20 years, but it will change. You act like someone in 1857 saying "Slavery will never end" after the Dredd-Scott decision.

Not sure where you are coming from here, Doc. But if you think it will change in 20 years...fine. I appreciate you sharing that with me.

I know this is difficult to ask an avowed atheist, but try having some faith, Frank. :)

There is no way I will ever be an atheist, Doc...let alone "an avowed" one. Not sure where you got that idea, but I am not one.
Trump never said he was an atheist. I don't remember Nixon saying such a thing either.

It is what I surmise. Neither attended church as adults, neither expressed the slightest genuine interest in religion, none of their public or private writings suggest even the remotest genuine attachment to anything spiritual.
I've studied Jefferson and never saw him talking about whether or not he believed in God. Can you cite something?

Seems like you want to think Jefferson was not closer to being an agnostic than any other descriptor that might be available.

I have no problem with that.
So? Lots of Christians are assholes.
Lot's of atheists are assholes, look in the mirror
Nixon and Trump are not christians. Seems like you really want them to be, but there isn't the slightest evidence they practiced any form or practice of religion as adults
Not sure where you are coming from here, Doc. But if you think it will change in 20 years...fine. I appreciate you sharing that with me.

There is no way I will ever be an atheist, Doc...let alone "an avowed" one. Not sure where you got that idea, but I am not one.

As slow as it is, along with missteps like Dredd-Scott, the United States has always moved toward more freedom and equality. The US has been in transition and reinventing itself ever since the Cold War ended...it began with a lying, draft-dodging adulterer who was impeached and peaked (bottomed-out?), IMO, with a lying, draft-dodging adulterer who was impeached. We may see another 10-20 years of bullshit before stabilizing again.

While 30 years seems like a long time, let's not forget that the time between 1776 and 1812 was 36 years. These things take time. A lifetime for most of us.

My mistake. You strike me as solidly on the Left and all that it entails; stripping rights from others while screaming about your rights. My mistake if that's not true.
We have had two atheist presidents. Donald Trumpf and Dick Nixon. Reagan came close, but he was probably more agnostic.

Definitely Trump since he worships money but I'm not sure of Tricky Dick. He strikes me as more of a non-denominational, non-practicing, lip-service Christian much like most JPP Trumpers.