What defines a Christian?

Well thanks... Most of the NT was written in Greek.. Its important to know what the words meant before they were translated.. There's no good reason to change the text.

That bothered me since I was a kid and read the book back to back, 2 or 3 times. How do we know that the translations into English are accurate, if we have no foundation in the original language(s)? Have you studied Greek, Latin, and/or Aramaic?
That bothered me since I was a kid and read the book back to back, 2 or 3 times. How do we know that the translations into English are accurate, if we have no foundation in the original language(s)? Have you studied Greek, Latin, and/or Aramaic?

I have not.. but anytime there is a concept or language that doesn't quite ring true, I research the key words.

Evangelicals state emphatically that Jesus was the "suffering servant"... but throughout the Bible Israel is referred to as the suffering servant or slave of God.. You see what a difference that makes?
Matt. 13:40 reads: “As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.” However, “world” here is translated from the Greek word “aion” which means “age, dispensation, era, or a period of time.

Jesus tells them quite clearly that the end would come in “this generation” . The word “generation” means: “those who are contemporaries or live at the same time.”

So, the age that was to end was the Jewish age. It would end with the destruction of the Jewish temple and the city Jerusalem. The end of the age did not happen at the cross or at Pentecost but at the destruction of Jerusalem. The world was not going to end but the age of Judaism was.

you have plenty of head knowledge, but you do not have heart knowledge/ "rhema" http://biblehub.com/greek/4487.htm . this is how The Lord teaches us his preserved word/ "logos" http://biblehub.com/greek/3056.htm . the logos is hidden and a mystery without the revealing rhema. the rebirth imparts an unction from the Holy Spirit. esp.20- http://biblehub.com/kjv/1_john/2.htm you seem to be unregenerate and yet spiritually dead. if you deny the Son, you have not the Father; ye are of your father the devil and have not been "born again" from above. it is very common for people to have head knowledge and try to do good and be perfect and believe they are without sin. if you deny the Son of God, you are still in your sins. ye must be born again... http://biblehub.com/kjv/john/3.htm Pharisees always touted their education and standing. is that who you are? are you a modern Pharisee ? saducee? Herodian? I see the characteristics of all these in you. testify.
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you have plenty of head knowledge, but you do not have heart knowledge/ "rhema" http://biblehub.com/greek/4487.htm . this is how The Lord teaches us his preserved word/ "logos" http://biblehub.com/greek/3056.htm . the logos is hidden and a mystery without the revealing rhema. you seem to be unregenerate and yet spiritually dead. if you deny the Son, you have not the Father; ye are of your father the devil and have not been "born again" from above. it is very common for people to have head knowledge and try to do good and be perfect and believe they are without sin. if you deny the Son of God, you are still in your sins. ye must be born again... http://biblehub.com/kjv/john/3.htm Pharisees always touted their education and standing. is that who you are? are you a modern Pharisee ? saducee? Herodian? I see the characteristics of all these in you. testify.

Don't be absurd.. Who are you to tell me I don't have the Son?
is Jesus Christ The Lord, The Son of God ? testify truly. do not be ashamed of The Lord Jesus. shut me up.

You're one of those asses that makes assumptions of others. Faith is very personal. Pray in private instead of making a spectacle of yourself.
I have not.. but anytime there is a concept or language that doesn't quite ring true, I research the key words.

Evangelicals state emphatically that Jesus was the "suffering servant"... but throughout the Bible Israel is referred to as the suffering servant or slave of God.. You see what a difference that makes?

?????.....actually it is the Messiah who is referred to specifically as the suffering servant and Israel is referred to as slaves to their sin.......you see what a difference that makes?.....
You're one of those asses that makes assumptions of others. Faith is very personal. Pray in private instead of making a spectacle of yourself.

a simple question.....which you cannot answer truthfully without discrediting yourself.........faith is NOT something private......
?????.....actually it is the Messiah who is referred to specifically as the suffering servant and Israel is referred to as slaves to their sin.......you see what a difference that makes?.....

Nope.. The suffering servant is Israel all thru scripture over and over again.. just like Israel is the Whore of Babylon or the Great Harlot.. compared some 80 times to a faithless woman.
sorry, but you just made that up......

Nope.. The scripture says the suffering servant will be hated.. and by all accounts people didn't hate Jesus.. they flocked to see him..
Or were you talking about the Whore of Babylon? Israel is the great harlot..

Your training is right out of the depression era fundamentalism
That bothered me since I was a kid and read the book back to back, 2 or 3 times. How do we know that the translations into English are accurate, if we have no foundation in the original language(s)? Have you studied Greek, Latin, and/or Aramaic?

I haven't but I have memorized every word in the urban dictionary, an enlightening website for people with enquiring minds with the need to know.
No wonder Jews look at you fundy goyim as uneducated lower forms of intelligence


Sad IMO.. It doesn't have to be like that.

Identity of the Suffering Servant.

Isaiah chapters 42, 49 and 50.) Though the “servant” in Isaiah 53 is not openly identified – these verses merely refer to “My servant” (52:13, 53:11) – the “servant” in each of the previous Servant Songs is plainly and repeatedly identified as the Jewish nation. Beginning with chapter 41, the equating of God’s Servant with the nation of Israel is made nine times by the prophet Isaiah, and no one other than Israel is identified as the “servant”:
•“You are My servant, O Israel” (41:8)
•“You are My servant, Israel” (49:3)
•see also Isaiah 44:1, 44:2, 44:21, 45:4, 48:20

The Bible is filled with other references to the Jewish people as God’s “servant”; see Jeremiah 30:10, 46:27-28; Psalms 136:22. There is no reason that the “servant” in Isaiah 53 would suddenly switch and refer to someone other than the Jewish people.
No wonder Jews look at you fundy goyim as uneducated lower forms of intelligence


Good link, guno.

But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham, my friend. [Isaiah 41:8]

Remember these things, O Jacob, and Israel, for you are my servant; I formed you, you are my servant; O Israel, you will not be forgotten by me. [Isaiah 44:21]

For the sake of my servant Jacob, and Israel my chosen, I call you by your name, I surname you, though you do not know me. [Isaiah 45:4]

And He said to me, 'You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will be glorified.' [Isaiah 49:3]

And see also Isaiah 43:10; 44:1; 48:20, 49:7