What is the difference between the old and new covenant ? Frank

you're probably wrong about 98% of the things you write about the Bible, since your only sources of theological knowledge are atheist hate sites.......

Actually I NEVER use hate sites.. Don't you know the difference?

I have a question for you.. What do you think of the wording "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil"? Do you think that is correct?
you're probably wrong about 98% of the things you write about the Bible, since your only sources of theological knowledge are atheist hate sites.......

Actually I NEVER use hate sites.. Don't you know the difference?

I have a question for you.. What do you think of the wording "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil"? Do you think that is correct?
Last time, what is in the Bible is inspired by God, so if Jesus said it that is God.

John 14:9 New King James Version (NKJV)

9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?

Your foul language doesn't change the fact that you are WRONG

I am not wrong...and you do not have the ethical spine to acknowledge that I am not.

Here is what Jesus said about homosexuality:

I DEFY you to add one more word attributed to Jesus about homosexuality to that list.


(Cue the quotes from Paul and John, because there are none coming from Jesus!)
Actually I NEVER use hate sites.. Don't you know the difference?

I have a question for you.. What do you think of the wording "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil"? Do you think that is correct?

I think that we have learned a great deal about interpreting the ancient languages over the years......

I see no significant theological difference between ....

13 And lead us not into temptation,[a]
but deliver us from the evil one.’\

footnotes in NIV
Matthew 6:13 The Greek for temptation can also mean testing.
Matthew 6:13 Or from evil; some late manuscripts one, / for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

and "abandon us not into temptation."....

not being Catholic I doubt I will change just because a pope prefers it......

by the way, there is no atheist theological site which ISN'T a hate site......its why they exist......
I'll ask you a version of the question I asked Wolverine, Ralph:

Is everything you just said a bunch of bullshit...

...or was Jesus a liar?

Jesus was very specific. Not a word, not a letter of a word, not a piece of a letter of a word of the law will change...UNTIL THE EARTH PASSES AWAY.

So either Jesus was lying...or what you asserted in your post makes no sense.

Which do you suppose it is?

Your query depends upon your position. Do you assume the Holy Scriptures to be BS? The question was addressed via presenting the Book, Chapter and Verse of the actual content and context of the Holly Scriptures...not opinion.

As far as the word changing in revelation of script. Nothing has changed. If you wish to live by the letter of the OLD LAW (where you are required to live by the letter of the law in order to find righteous salvation in the eyes of the old covenant....GO FOR IT. Live your entire life void of having sinned once under the terms of the LAW....just as the ultimate sacrificial lamb of God did (Jesus the Christ). If you cannot, carry your sins forward year to year until the Real Christ comes to earth incarnate. Make your annual sacrifices (kill a lamb or two) have all you children as well as yourself physically circumcised, avoid eating certain meats. LIVE BY THE ENTIRE LAW or take bits and pieces of it out of context and go to hell because of spiritual adultery. ITS YOUR SOUL, NOT MINE. I shall continue to rightly divide the word of truth. :bigthink: Not depending upon the traditions of men, but the actual revelations of scripture that reads the same for everyone. ;)

Just as Paul pointed out, you are considered a spiritual adulterer if you attempt to live by BOTH LAWS. You cannot have 2 wives no more than you can live under two different covenants. Question? Why do you not present the book, chapter and verse where anyone observed the Sabbath before the command was delivered to Moses on Mt. Sani? Just one verse where anyone under the covenant of Abraham was required to observe Sabbath worship. Come back when you find the scripture.

One warning from Paul as far as attempting to live by the letter of the Old Law and the New Covenant. "You have been severed from the Christ, you who are attempting to be justified by THE LAW: YOU HAVE FALLEN FROM GRACE." -- Gal. 5:4

Jesus did not change one word in the LAW nor one word of revelation from the Holy Spirit of God......Jesus simply "FULLFILLED" the requirements of the OLD LAW (living a sinless life from birth to death)…He then was offered up as the ultimate sacrificial lamb in order to cover the sins of the world for anyone who would but accept such GRACE via living under the terms and conditions sit forth in His last will and TESTAMENT....the New Testament of Grace. -- Matthew 5:17-18.

…..until all is finished? What do you assume the Christ meant when He declared with His last breath of humanity, "It is finished?" Literally He ushered out the Old Law and ushered in the NEW LAW....a spiritual law.
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I am not wrong...and you do not have the ethical spine to acknowledge that I am not.

Here is what Jesus said about homosexuality:

I DEFY you to add one more word attributed to Jesus about homosexuality to that list.


(Cue the quotes from Paul and John, because there are none coming from Jesus!)

So you are admitting to having your arse handed to you, as the Bible clearly states that if you have seen Jesus you have seen God, that is Jesus talking not Paul that is in red letters. Therefore Jesus is God, and the Bible is inspired by God written by men. You are so far behind you think you are in first place.
Your query depends upon your position. Do you assume the Holy Scriptures to be BS? The question was addressed via presenting the Book, Chapter and Verse of the actual content and context of the Holly Scriptures...not opinion.

As far as the word changing in revelation of script. Nothing has changed. If you wish to live by the letter of the OLD LAW (where you are required to live by the letter of the law in order to find righteous salvation in the eyes of the old covenant....GO FOR IT. Live your entire life void of having sinned once under the terms of the LAW....just as the ultimate sacrificial lamb of God did (Jesus the Christ). If you cannot, carry your sins forward year to year until the Real Christ comes to earth incarnate. Make your annual sacrifices (kill a lamb or two) have all you children as well as yourself physically circumcised, avoid eating certain meats. LIVE BY THE ENTIRE LAW or take bits and pieces of it out of context and go to hell because of spiritual adultery. ITS YOUR SOUL, NOT MINE. I shall continue to rightly divide the word of truth. :bigthink: Not depending upon the traditions of men, but the actual revelations of scripture that reads the same for everyone. ;)

Just as Paul pointed out, you are considered a spiritual adulterer if you attempt to live by BOTH LAWS. You cannot have 2 wives no more than you can live under two different covenants. Question? Why do you not present the book, chapter and verse where anyone observed the Sabbath before the command was delivered to Moses on Mt. Sani? Just one verse where anyone under the covenant of Abraham was required to observe Sabbath worship. Come back when you find the scripture.

Nice evasion.

Either what you said in your earlier post is just a bunch of bullshit...

...OR JESUS LIED when he said he was not here to change any of the law until the Earth passes away.

Don't evade.

Which is it.

Do you think JESUS lied when he said what he said?

If you do not...

...acknowledge that all that bullshit was just bullshit.
So you are admitting to having your arse handed to you...

If you see this as me having my ass handed to me...you are nuts.

I am showing you CLEARLY the inconsistencies in your thinking.

All you are doing it to state your blind guess that the Bible reveals truths that I am supposed to accept because you say I have to accept them.

What the Bible does say is that JESUS says he was not here to change any of the law...NOT ONE WORD...NOT ONE LETTER OF ONE WORD...NOT ONE STOKE OF ONE LETTER OF ONE WORD.

So get off your bullshit...and acknowledge that.

If Jesus was not lying...then every word of the law still applies.

But then again...you've got Paul and John to fall back on.

They contradict Jesus (essentially calling him a liar)...but you go with them...rather than with the person YOU claim is GOD.

Try to catch up...then attempt that debate rhetoric about being so far behind.
Actually I NEVER use hate sites.. Don't you know the difference?

I have a question for you.. What do you think of the wording "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil"? Do you think that is correct?

Jesus did not ask us to pray that God would not tempt us but rather that He would not lead us into temptation. Thus, the implication is not that God Himself might tempt us, but rather that He is the one guiding our lives and that we desire Him to lead us away from evil influences that might tempt us to sin. Indeed, the request to not lead us into temptation is followed by the phrase "but deliver us from evil."
Go, Kudzu.

Apparently Wolverine does not see the illogicality of what he just wrote.

Oh, my...these people actually have to entreat their god not to lead them into temptation.
Your query depends upon your position. Do you assume the Holy Scriptures to be BS? The question was addressed via presenting the Book, Chapter and Verse of the actual content and context of the Holly Scriptures...not opinion.

As far as the word changing in revelation of script. Nothing has changed. If you wish to live by the letter of the OLD LAW (where you are required to live by the letter of the law in order to find righteous salvation in the eyes of the old covenant....GO FOR IT. Live your entire life void of having sinned once under the terms of the LAW....just as the ultimate sacrificial lamb of God did (Jesus the Christ). If you cannot, carry your sins forward year to year until the Real Christ comes to earth incarnate. Make your annual sacrifices (kill a lamb or two) have all you children as well as yourself physically circumcised, avoid eating certain meats. LIVE BY THE ENTIRE LAW or take bits and pieces of it out of context and go to hell because of spiritual adultery. ITS YOUR SOUL, NOT MINE. I shall continue to rightly divide the word of truth. :bigthink: Not depending upon the traditions of men, but the actual revelations of scripture that reads the same for everyone. ;)

Just as Paul pointed out, you are considered a spiritual adulterer if you attempt to live by BOTH LAWS. You cannot have 2 wives no more than you can live under two different covenants. Question? Why do you not present the book, chapter and verse where anyone observed the Sabbath before the command was delivered to Moses on Mt. Sani? Just one verse where anyone under the covenant of Abraham was required to observe Sabbath worship. Come back when you find the scripture.

One warning from Paul as far as attempting to live by the letter of the Old Law and the New Covenant. "You have been severed from the Christ, you who are attempting to be justified by THE LAW: YOU HAVE FALLEN FROM GRACE." -- Gal. 5:4

The Sabbath was created at the very beginning of human history.

In Genesis 2:1-3 we read that God blessed and sanctified the seventh day:

"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."

The Hebrew word translated "sanctified" in Genesis 2:3 and "hallowed" in Exodus 20:11 is qadash, a word meaning "to hallow, to pronounce holy, to consecrate, to set apart for holy use."
Go, Kudzu.

Apparently Wolverine does not see the illogicality of what he just wrote.

Oh, my...these people actually have to entreat their god not to lead them into temptation.

The proposed NEW language for the prayer is "Do NOT ABANDON US to temptation"..

The argument being God never temped anyone to do evil.. Even when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness .. that was Satan, not God.
Jesus did not ask us to pray that God would not tempt us but rather that He would not lead us into temptation. Thus, the implication is not that God Himself might tempt us, but rather that He is the one guiding our lives and that we desire Him to lead us away from evil influences that might tempt us to sin. Indeed, the request to not lead us into temptation is followed by the phrase "but deliver us from evil."

God doesn't LEAD anyone into sin or evil.. Bad theology and probably bad translation.
The proposed NEW language for the prayer is "Do NOT ABANDON US to temptation"..

The argument being God never temped anyone to do evil.. Even when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness .. that was Satan, not God.

But they now are suggesting that they must entreat their god NOT TO LEAD them in that direction. And even if the new language is used...they will be praying that their god NOT ABANDON THEM to go in that direction.

Some god!
Nice evasion.

Either what you said in your earlier post is just a bunch of bullshit...

...OR JESUS LIED when he said he was not here to change any of the law until the Earth passes away.

Don't evade.

Which is it.

Do you think JESUS lied when he said what he said?

If you do not...

...acknowledge that all that bullshit was just bullshit.

Jesus didnot declare......that the Law would not be fulfilled until the earth passes away. Jesus said, the earth would pass away before He failed to complete His mission on earth. "DO NOT THINK THAT I CAME TO DESTORY THE LAW OR THE PROPHETS. I DID NOT COME TO DESTROY (make the earth pass away) BUT TO FULFILL. FOR ASSUEDLY, I SAY TO YOU, TILL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, ONE JOT OR ONE TITTLE WILL BY NO MEANS PASS FROM THE LAW UNTIL ALL IS FULFILLED." -- Matt. 5:17-18.

Just a little comprehension 101 would go a long way. Jesus said He came to fulfill the law not destroy it. He then declared He had fulfilled that mission, He fulfilled the requirements of the Old Law, "These are the things that I said to you (His Apostles) while I was still with you (living, before His sacrifice on the cross), ALL THINGS MUST BE FULFILLED WHICH WERE WRITTEN IN THE LAW OF MOSES AND THE PROPHETS AND THE PSLAMS CONCERNING...."ME". -- ACTS 1:3-8

The Law and Prophets (the old law) was to be taught until John (the Baptist)…….Since that time the Kingdom of God (the church that Christ established) has been preached, with everyone pressed into it." -- Luke 16:16
Jesus didnot declare......that the Law would not be fulfilled until the earth passes away. Jesus said, the earth would pass away before He failed to complete His mission on earth. "DO NOT THINK THAT I CAME TO DESTORY THE LAW OR THE PROPHETS. I DID NOT COME TO DESTROY (make the earth pass away) BUT TO FULFILL. FOR ASSUEDLY, I SAY TO YOU, TILL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, ONE JOT OR ONE TITTLE WILL BY NO MEANS PASS FROM THE LAW UNTIL ALL IS FULFILLED." -- Matt. 5:17-18.



Jesus H. Christ...if you have to lie in order to defend what is said in the Bible...where the hell are you?


Jesus H. Christ...if you have to lie in order to defend what is said in the Bible...where the hell are you?

Not one word did pass away......until Jesus the Christ declared, "IT IS FINISHED." -- John 19:30. Since that time we are no longer bound by the Laws of Moses. In reality not one Gentile was ever bound to the Laws of Moses as the Old Law was specific to the nation of Biblical Israel only. The Sabbath was a unique covenant between Israel and God the Father, not to any other nation on earth -- Ez. 20:5, 10-12.
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