What is the difference between the old and new covenant ? Frank

Yes I read it.. but God does NOT lead us into temptation.. Its poor theology.

You must be a literalist.

I think its pretty clear that God permits us to be tempted and tested.......the book of Job clearly teaches us that lesson.......whether you argue that God is leading or merely permitting is a game of semantics that you and the pope seem to be playing........personally I find it boring..........
It should be clear how the God who in the “Our Father” leads into temptation is the same God who has Jesus say: “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” (Mk 15:34).

it communicates to us the humanity of the incarnate God.....separated even from his divine rights by our sins that he assumed.......
If it were the literal word of God, it wouldn't have so many contradictions and anachronisms and errors of geography.

that's not a problem of God's literal communication.......its a problem of your illiterate translation.........

It was written for Bronze age people..

and yet what it says is actually easy for anyone with an open mind to understand........
So wait, even Catholics believe Jesus is God, where do you get your rantings, I mean it's clear in the bible. You just have a really limited understanding of what you have read evidently. The Bible is clear about homosexuality, period, you may not like that, but don't pretend it isn't there.

It would be weird if we didn't, otherwise the belief would only be 500 years old.
Are you actually saying that secular law is more important to you than what your god instructs you?

But if secular law demand that you serve all customers...your god's instructions take precedence?

And you dare ask ME to "just admit defeat?"

You are being slaughtered here...because you are defending what cannot be defended. It is, as you say, a "faith" thing...simply saying a thing is so and sticking to it with stone-headed tenacity.

You still are not even trying to answer the question: What does "Jesus fulfilled the law" mean?

Or the question, "How did Jesus fulfill any of the laws I mentioned?"

Your "faith" (meaning your stone-headedness about your blind guesses)...are fine. You are entitled to them. But if you are going to come into a forum designed for political discussions...you had better be prepared to do a hell of a lot better job of defending your bullshit, because people here are not going to buy that crap.

Now...go in peace...but above all else...GO. Or STFU about your god.

No law says I must abandon my faith

I am saying God instructs us to be

Submit to Government

13 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will [a]bring judgment on themselves.
If it were the literal word of God, it wouldn't have so many contradictions and anachronisms and errors of geography. It was written for Bronze age people... and underwent a combining of the different stories of Israel and Judah in the 5th century BC.

No contradictions
No law says I must abandon my faith

I am saying God instructs us to be

Submit to Government

13 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will [a]bring judgment on themselves.

Well then if secular law says a public business must accommodate all customers...why are you supportive of someone opposed to baking of a fucking cake on religious grounds?

Only to those who close their minds...are there none.

Live with that in peace. Go...and kowtow to your god however you will in private.

Or stick around and do your thing in public...and deal with the fact that not everyone will put up with your bullshit.

I'd suggest the former.

Almost any priest, minister, rabbi, or imam would suggest the same.
Only to those who close their minds...are there none.

Live with that in peace. Go...and kowtow to your god however you will in private.

Or stick around and do your thing in public...and deal with the fact that not everyone will put up with your bullshit.

I'd suggest the former.

Almost any priest, minister, rabbi, or imam would suggest the same.

Actually if they did suggest that, they would be ignoring Jesus!
Matthew 28:19 New King James Version (NKJV)

19 Go [a]therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Actually if they did suggest that, they would be ignoring Jesus!
Matthew 28:19 New King James Version (NKJV)

19 Go [a]therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,


You are actually saying you are one of Jesus' disciples doing what Jesus said back then???
Well then if secular law says a public business must accommodate all customers...why are you supportive of someone opposed to baking of a fucking cake on religious grounds?

Why are fags such fascist pigs, demanding some guy bake them a fucking cake when they can easily find a dozen other places to get a cake from?
Why are fags such fascist pigs, demanding some guy bake them a fucking cake when they can easily find a dozen other places to get a cake from?

Has anyone ever called you a jerk-off, Bobb.

I mean...during the last 15 seconds or so.