What is the difference between the old and new covenant ? Frank


This isn't an argument about what you think of believers, it is an indictment of your supposed superior knowledge on old and new testament, which is squat. I have countered everyone of your little nonsensical posts with scripture, only to have you claim victory, you are very funny if nothing else. what did god do to make you so mad at him?
I think you are also bound to kill children who misbehave.

Old Covenant, can you cite scripture, and verse, in the bible where that ever happened? Also I am now bound by the laws of the Authorities placed over me which is also biblical.
This isn't an argument about what you think of believers, it is an indictment of your supposed superior knowledge on old and new testament, which is squat. I have countered everyone of your little nonsensical posts with scripture, only to have you claim victory, you are very funny if nothing else. what did god do to make you so mad at him?

Do you honestly think you have done that???

You have got to be kidding.

Everything Jesus said indicates that the law of the Old Testament applies right on until the Earth passes.

And you quote Paul and John to call Jesus a liar...and then claim victory/

Go back to my #21.

That is the entire story of the supposed difference between the old and new covenants, Wolverine.

The rest is all bullshit...made up because you guys are at least smart enough to see the god of the Bible as the monster it is...and you want to pretend that you are not worshiping THAT god...


You are the funny one here, W.

I am no more "mad" at your god than I am at Santa Claus.
Old Covenant, can you cite scripture, and verse, in the bible where that ever happened? Also I am now bound by the laws of the Authorities placed over me which is also biblical.

What difference is it if it never happened?

It IS what your god ordered!

Now...if people decided not to follow the dictates of that god because they are sane...what difference would it make?
Do you honestly think you have done that???

You have got to be kidding.

Everything Jesus said indicates that the law of the Old Testament applies right on until the Earth passes.

And you quote Paul and John to call Jesus a liar...and then claim victory/

Go back to my #21.

That is the entire story of the supposed difference between the old and new covenants, Wolverine.

The rest is all bullshit...made up because you guys are at least smart enough to see the god of the Bible as the monster it is...and you want to pretend that you are not worshiping THAT god...


You are the funny one here, W.

I am no more "mad" at your god than I am at Santa Claus.

Everything you posted has between myself, and Bobb, been refuted. Now maybe in a forum full of teenagers you can get away with this, not here, I understand that Christ came as a living sacrifice for sin we are now in the age of grace. I am aware that he settled our debt once and for all. We are still to live by the word but we are under grace. You go worship the world, as for me and my house we will worship the Lord.
What difference is it if it never happened?

It IS what your god ordered!

Now...if people decided not to follow the dictates of that god because they are sane...what difference would it make?

Didn't say it didn't happen which means it was effective evidently, now if I am subject to the authorities over me I would be committing murder.
Didn't say it didn't happen which means it was effective evidently, now if I am subject to the authorities over me I would be committing murder.


...your god ordered you to do it.

Are you saying you would not give up your life for what your god requires of you?

Your defense could be..."my god told me to do it."

And you could claim that not allowing you to do it...would be violating your religious "beliefs."
Old Covenant, can you cite scripture, and verse, in the bible where that ever happened? Also I am now bound by the laws of the Authorities placed over me which is also biblical.

Indeed, you are bound by the laws of the land....to the point they become unrighteous in a personal manner. Example: Laws in a republic such as the US are representative of the moral traits of this society. Not all laws reflect Biblical Morality but they are the laws of the land. Such an immoral law would be that of ABORTION ON DEMAND.....its the law based upon a personal decision not a government mandate. You have the liberty to personally exercise that supposed immoral right.....OR NOT if you are a devoted follower of the teachings contained in the Holy Scriptures. Immoral societies make immoral laws, moral societies make moral laws. As long as there is a free will choice only those who freely choose to be immoral are at risk of falling from grace.

Who is to revenge all those innocent children offered as a sacrifice to human secularism? God.....not the Christian, "Vengeance is Mine.....I will repay, says the Lord." -- Romans 12:19

What do the scriptures declare about following the laws of the land? A Christian is to serve God and His righteous laws first and foremost, these laws exceed the immoral laws of man that are contrary to the laws of God. If for instance the government decides to place a limit upon the number of children that you might freely decide to have....then that law becomes personal and there is no sin in following the laws of God over the laws of man.

There is scripture for such a position. "But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: "We ought to obey GOD rather than man". -- Acts 5:29. In context there is no contradiction between the revelations found in the Book of Romans. We as Christians should obey the laws of the land.....to the point those laws place ones soul into danger. In other words....each of us is commanded to make many free will decisions in relation to what is moral and what is immoral....personally. "So then each of us shall give an accounting of himself to God." -- Romans 14:12
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...your god ordered you to do it.

Are you saying you would not give up your life for what your god requires of you?

Your defense could be..."my god told me to do it."

And you could claim that not allowing you to do it...would be violating your religious "beliefs."

Old Covenant, keep up!
Indeed, you are bound by the laws of the land....to the point they become unrighteous in a personal manner. Example: Laws in a republic such as the US are representative of the moral traits of this society. Not all laws reflect Biblical Morality but they are the laws of the land. Such an immoral law would be that of ABORTION ON DEMAND.....its the law based upon a personal decision not a government mandate. You have the liberty to personally exercise that supposed immoral right.....OR NOT if you are a devoted follower of the teachings contained in the Holy Scriptures. Immoral societies make immoral laws, moral societies make moral laws. As long as there is a free will choice only those who freely choose to be immoral are at risk of falling from grace.

Who is to revenge all those innocent children offered as a sacrifice to human secularism? God.....not the Christian, "Vengeance is Mine.....I will repay, says the Lord." -- Romans 12:19

What do the scriptures declare about following the laws of the land? A Christian is to serve God and His righteous laws first and foremost, these laws exceed the immoral laws of man that are contrary to the laws of God. If for instance the government decides to place a limit upon the number of children that you might freely decide to have....then that law becomes personal and there is no sin in following the laws of God over the laws of man.

There is scripture for such a position. "But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: "We ought to obey GOD rather than man". -- Acts 5:29. In context there is no contradiction between the revelations found in the Book of Romans. We as Christians should obey the laws of the land.....to the point those laws place ones soul into danger. In other words....each of us is commanded to make many free will decisions in relation to what is moral and what is immoral....personally. "So then each of us shall give an accounting of himself to God." -- Romans 14:12

Obey Those in Authority

13 All of you must obey those who rule over you. There are no authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen by God. 2 So whoever opposes the authorities opposes leaders whom God has appointed. Those who do that will be judged.

What then do we do with this?
Jesus told you that you are still obligated to the old covenant.

Yeah, I know...Paul says Jesus is full of shit.

But you shouldn't pay that much attention to Paul.

John...now, John...that is a bunch of shit!

Obey Those in Authority

13 All of you must obey those who rule over you. There are no authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen by God. 2 So whoever opposes the authorities opposes leaders whom God has appointed. Those who do that will be judged.

What then do we do with this?
Obey Those in Authority

13 All of you must obey those who rule over you. There are no authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen by God. 2 So whoever opposes the authorities opposes leaders whom God has appointed. Those who do that will be judged.

What then do we do with this?

Juezzzusss H. Keerist, Wolverine...are you telling us that your god is responsible for that bag of garbage now sitting in the Oval Office.

Have you no respect for your god at all?
There is no "new" testament

The Formation and Creation of the Bible's New Testament


And the goyim's understanding of the Hebrew Tanakh is laughable at best

The Tanakh has nothing to do with the goyim

At first I was somewhat amused at your use of the term goyim, and then TaNaK, however, you are now becoming an irritant with your childish outlook on a subject you obviously know little of.
Juezzzusss H. Keerist, Wolverine...are you telling us that your god is responsible for that bag of garbage now sitting in the Oval Office.

Have you no respect for your god at all?

Why do you wish to cherry pick the scripture in order to suit your own belief system?

Scripture says "There is no God". Do you believe that also?

You see, you want to believe that the Law still exists as if Christ did not fulfill the law with His sacrifice so that we are no longer under the burden of the law. Do you wish to make Christs sacrifice of no effect?

And if God had not wanted Trump in office to perform whatever God has planned, who are you to say He could not have stopped him from being elected?