What is the difference between the old and new covenant ? Frank

We are both having a ball then.


Let's keep at it.

I am laughing my ass off at you...and you are laughing your ass off at me.

Great for the health of us both.

And I can keep at this without tiring! I hope you can also.

This is terrific.

Oh...if you are going to ask a question...YOU REALLY GOTTA USE A QUESTION MARK AS PUNCTUATION.

Do you know what a punctuation mark is?

Look at the end of that last sentence (which was a question)...and the punctuation at the end is a question mark.

See...we can even help each other. I can correct your abysmal grammar and English usage...and you can...uhhhh...well, you can go fuck yourself, cocksucker.

I spit my coffee out laughing at this one, trying to salvage victory after being scripturaly curb stomped, it's ok your ilk do it all the time boy.

Does that look like a question to you? It's actually a statement. Now I am laughing even harder. You sure like to use the words cocksucker! Freudian slips i suppose?
If you do not believe then what the fuck are you doing in this discussion with your bull shit? No answer is going to satisfy your hatred for Christ since you "don't do believing".

Don't you know how learn ed he is when it comes to the difference between old, and new testament? Ask him, he will tell you, then not prove it. If he didn't use such nasty languange I could actually like him I do not hate all who differ in opinion from mine.
If you do not believe then what the fuck are you doing in this discussion with your bull shit?

Fuck you.

I do not do "believing." If you are suggesting that because of that I cannot participate in a discussion like this...

...well, fuck you again.

No answer is going to satisfy your hatred for Christ since you "don't do believing".

I do not hate Christ...or anyone else for that mattter.

I think I show more respect for the teachings of Jesus every day...than most of the supposed Christians who post here do.

Fact is, most of the agnostics and atheists I see posting here show more respect for the teachings of Jesus than the supposed Christians do.

And if I forgot to tell you to go fuck yourself...consider yourself told now.
I spit my coffee out laughing at this one, trying to salvage victory after being scripturaly curb stomped, it's ok your ilk do it all the time boy.

You don't even realize how badly you are doing in this discussion.

Good. It make me laugh even harder.

Does that look like a question to you?

Yeah...your sentence here does look like a question to me. Just like the question I asked earlier...the one to which you probably referred.

It's actually a statement.

Gotta school you again.

Your "it's" has lost meaning. Reference what the fuck you are talking about, child...or continue to use English like a not especially bright grammar school kid.

What is "actually a statement?" (That is a question also. Notice the use of the question mark. By the way...not all question form sentences require one, if that is what you are (unsuccessfully) getting at.

Now I am laughing even harder.

Great! We both are.

This is big time win/win.

Let's keep at it. Try not to slink off just because I am kicking your ass as hard as I am.

You sure like to use the words cocksucker! Freudian slips i suppose?

Oh, I only use it on cocksuckers like you. Well...almost only on cocksuckers like you.

Ball in your court.

Try not to whiff.
Horse shit.

If your god is the reason that abomination is in office...you should be pissing on it rather than kneeling before it.

Donald Trump is the worst president we've ever had...and I suspect Hillary Clinton could have been one of the best.

Fuck you...your idiotic conservatism...and your god.

Of course......what opinion would anyone expect from the those who call themselves "LEFTISTS"......HUMAN SECULARS......PROGRESSIVE HUMANISTS.....i.e., GODLESS....other than to promote the lie that anyone who supports the Judeo/Christian philosophy is the enemy. Yes, Donald John Trump is the enemy of those who set on the left hand of God awaiting judgment for their immoral acts of deceit.

Regardless of what opinion you or anyone has of the God of Creation.....you are powerless in relation to His everlasting OMNIPRESSENCE and OMNIPOTENT command of all that is reality. God does not change the laws of physical reality in order to prove His power, He manipulates the present to bring about the Actions He forecasts for the future. Not even the God of Creation can control events that have not happened....the Future. There is no such animal as TIME TRAVEL in this plane of reality. The scriptures describe in detail just how He manipulates this reality in order to control the actions of men.

God plans for future events while in the present. "I have declared the former things from the beginning (He planned). They (His plans) went forth from My mouth and I caused them to hear it. Suddenly I did them, and they come to pass." -- Isaiah 48:1

When God makes a plan...…."There is no peace, says the Lord....FOR THE WICKED." -- Isaiah 48:22

Cry, Whine, Grind Teeth, Snarl, Hiss.....spit...curse.....YOU ARE POWERLESS to interrupt the plans of the Al Mighty.
Fuck you.

I do not do "believing." If you are suggesting that because of that I cannot participate in a discussion like this...

...well, fuck you again.

I do not hate Christ...or anyone else for that mattter.

I think I show more respect for the teachings of Jesus every day...than most of the supposed Christians who post here do.

Fact is, most of the agnostics and atheists I see posting here show more respect for the teachings of Jesus than the supposed Christians do.

And if I forgot to tell you to go fuck yourself...consider yourself told now.

Problem is dumb fuck, you interject your crap as if you had some form of knowledge on the subject, and in order to have that knowledge one has to believe. You are free to participate, just don't act as if you have a clue as to what you are talking about.
Of course......what opinion would anyone expect from the those who call themselves "LEFTISTS"......HUMAN SECULARS......PROGRESSIVE HUMANISTS.....i.e., GODLESS....other than to promote the lie that anyone who supports the Judeo/Christian philosophy is the enemy. Yes, Donald John Trump is the enemy of those who set on the left hand of God awaiting judgment for their immoral acts of deceit.

Regardless of what opinion you or anyone has of the God of Creation.....you are powerless in relation to His everlasting OMNIPRESSENCE and OMNIPOTENT command of all that is reality. God does not change the laws of physical reality in order to prove His power, He manipulates the present to bring about the Actions He forecasts for the future. Not even the God of Creation can control events that have not happened....the Future. There is no such animal as TIME TRAVEL in this plane of reality. The scriptures describe in detail just how He manipulates this reality in order to control the actions of men.

God plans for future events while in the present. "I have declared the former things from the beginning (He planned). They (His plans) went forth from My mouth and I caused them to hear it. Suddenly I did them, and they come to pass." -- Isaiah 48:1

When God makes a plan...…."There is no peace, says the Lord....FOR THE WICKED." -- Isaiah 48:22

Cry, Whine, Grind Teeth, Snarl, Hiss.....spit...curse.....YOU ARE POWERLESS to interrupt the plans of the Al Mighty.

You really do carry blind guessing to an extreme!
Problem is dumb fuck, you interject your crap as if you had some form of knowledge on the subject, and in order to have that knowledge one has to believe.

I am a student of the Bible...and one does not have to "believe" in order to discuss the subject.

I have lots of knowledge about the subject...a hell of a lot more than some of the people arguing here, including you and Wolverine.

You are free to participate, just don't act as if you have a clue as to what you are talking about.

I do not need your permission to participate.

I am going to participate.

Fuck you.

Take those in whatever order you want.
You really do carry blind guessing to an extreme!

A "guess" would infer blind faith void of any real information. The Book, Chapter and Verse are provided from the Word of God...thus there is nothing "blind" concerning the TRUTH. Truth is the only element in this reality that has the power to set you FREE. As THE BOOK details....your faith or the lack thereof cannot deter the God of Creation from manipulating His creation. You act as if the created has authority over the power that created you. Any sum can never be greater than the total from which it was substracted. Its common logic and reason. If human secularism is so authoritative....explain and then reproduce LIFE from nothing. Take a dead example of biological life and reanimate it through the scientific method.

"If you abide in My Word, then you are truly disciples of Mine, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." -- John 8:31-32

A universal TRUTH: Men are often full of lies; deceit and treachery (Jer. 9:3-9). We as individual peoples have a tendency to follow a lie before we accept the truth....why? Because lies tickle our ears and tell us things we want to hear......not what we need to hear...THE TRUTH. (Thess. 2:9-12).

Science is a creation of man....should we expect it to be filled with universal truths 100% accurate all the time? Explain how the age of the earth continues to change when the scientific method is engaged. When I was a child learning in school....the age of the earth was theorized by science to be 1 billion years old.....50+ years later the earth's age has changed from 1 billion to several billion. Someone was lying then or now.

How can this be? Accept this truth from Carl Sagan, "Science thrives on errors.....cutting them away one by one. False conclusions are drawn all the time through science....but they are drawn tentatively. Hypothesis are formed so they can be disproved....Science gropes and staggers toward understanding." -- Carl Sagan What is Mr. Sagan really saying? Science does not really have the truth at this moment in time and it may never find the truth anytime in the future but men believe they are getting closer to the truth all the time.

Belief void of evidence: The quint essential description of Blind FAITH. I simply present THE TRUTH provided in the Holy Bible, its not MY TRUTH, its not YOUR TRUTH, its God's Truth. To destroy my faith simply prove anything presented in the Word of God to be an absolute lie with no possibility of truth found to exist via a presentation of history actual or applied science.

Problem is dumb fuck, you interject your crap as if you had some form of knowledge on the subject, and in order to have that knowledge one has to believe. You are free to participate, just don't act as if you have a clue as to what you are talking about.

Are you a preterist or historist or what?

Some people study the Bible in tandem with history and archaeology..
Are you a preterist or historist or what?

Some people study the Bible in tandem with history and archaeology..

I received my Masters in Theology, and my Doctorate in Bibliology.

I suppose if I have to accept a label it would be as a Futurist even though I accept the idea that approximately 90% of Biblical prophecy has been fulfilled. Then too, I also believe that prophecy can be past, present, or future. And while some are prophetical others are allegorical.
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I received my Masters in Theology, and my Doctorate in Bibliology.

I suppose if I have to accept a label it would be as a Futurist even though I accept the idea that approximately 90% of Biblical prophecy has been fulfilled. Then too, I also believe that prophecy can be past, present, or future. And while some are prophetical others are allegorical.

So you must have studied at an Evangelical school???
A "guess" would infer blind faith void of any real information. The Book, Chapter and Verse are provided from the Word of God...thus there is nothing "blind" concerning the TRUTH. Truth is the only element in this reality that has the power to set you FREE. As THE BOOK details....your faith or the lack thereof cannot deter the God of Creation from manipulating His creation. You act as if the created has authority over the power that created you. Any sum can never be greater than the total from which it was substracted. Its common logic and reason. If human secularism is so authoritative....explain and then reproduce LIFE from nothing. Take a dead example of biological life and reanimate it through the scientific method.

"If you abide in My Word, then you are truly disciples of Mine, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." -- John 8:31-32

A universal TRUTH: Men are often full of lies; deceit and treachery (Jer. 9:3-9). We as individual peoples have a tendency to follow a lie before we accept the truth....why? Because lies tickle our ears and tell us things we want to hear......not what we need to hear...THE TRUTH. (Thess. 2:9-12).

Science is a creation of man....should we expect it to be filled with universal truths 100% accurate all the time? Explain how the age of the earth continues to change when the scientific method is engaged. When I was a child learning in school....the age of the earth was theorized by science to be 1 billion years old.....50+ years later the earth's age has changed from 1 billion to several billion. Someone was lying then or now.

How can this be? Accept this truth from Carl Sagan, "Science thrives on errors.....cutting them away one by one. False conclusions are drawn all the time through science....but they are drawn tentatively. Hypothesis are formed so they can be disproved....Science gropes and staggers toward understanding." -- Carl Sagan What is Mr. Sagan really saying? Science does not really have the truth at this moment in time and it may never find the truth anytime in the future but men believe they are getting closer to the truth all the time.

Belief void of evidence: The quint essential description of Blind FAITH. I simply present THE TRUTH provided in the Holy Bible, its not MY TRUTH, its not YOUR TRUTH, its God's Truth. To destroy my faith simply prove anything presented in the Word of God to be an absolute lie with no possibility of truth found to exist via a presentation of history actual or applied science.


You are making a TOTALLY BLIND GUESS that a god exists...and that the god is a "creator" god.

Then you are making a TOTALLY BLIND GUESS that the god is the kind of god that wants to "reveal" itself to humans.

Then you are making a TOTALLY BLIND GUESS that the Bible tells the story of that "revelation"...that it tells us, among other things, what pleases and offends that god.

Like I said...you are carrying BLIND GUESSING to an extreme.
You don't even realize how badly you are doing in this discussion.

Good. It make me laugh even harder.

Yeah...your sentence here does look like a question to me. Just like the question I asked earlier...the one to which you probably referred.

Gotta school you again.

Your "it's" has lost meaning. Reference what the fuck you are talking about, child...or continue to use English like a not especially bright grammar school kid.

What is "actually a statement?" (That is a question also. Notice the use of the question mark. By the way...not all question form sentences require one, if that is what you are (unsuccessfully) getting at.

Great! We both are.

This is big time win/win.

Let's keep at it. Try not to slink off just because I am kicking your ass as hard as I am.

Oh, I only use it on cocksuckers like you. Well...almost only on cocksuckers like you.

Ball in your court.

Try not to whiff.

Keep patting yourself on the back while losing your arse. Should it not be "This is A big time win/win"?

You lost the argument, so now you resort to changing the subject to grammar, and name calling. Typical!
I am a student of the Bible...and one does not have to "believe" in order to discuss the subject.

I have lots of knowledge about the subject...a hell of a lot more than some of the people arguing here, including you and Wolverine.

I do not need your permission to participate.

I am going to participate.

Fuck you.

Take those in whatever order you want.

You are a student of what you think you want the Bible to say, so you can not believe, and act superior! I pity you!!!!!! It's one thing to not believe, you take it to the extreme, signaling that you as those reprobates in Romans, you have been given over to your debased mind. Just like most atheists you should not believe more quietly!!!!!!!
A "guess" would infer blind faith void of any real information. The Book, Chapter and Verse are provided from the Word of God...thus there is nothing "blind" concerning the TRUTH. Truth is the only element in this reality that has the power to set you FREE. As THE BOOK details....your faith or the lack thereof cannot deter the God of Creation from manipulating His creation. You act as if the created has authority over the power that created you. Any sum can never be greater than the total from which it was substracted. Its common logic and reason. If human secularism is so authoritative....explain and then reproduce LIFE from nothing. Take a dead example of biological life and reanimate it through the scientific method.

"If you abide in My Word, then you are truly disciples of Mine, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." -- John 8:31-32

A universal TRUTH: Men are often full of lies; deceit and treachery (Jer. 9:3-9). We as individual peoples have a tendency to follow a lie before we accept the truth....why? Because lies tickle our ears and tell us things we want to hear......not what we need to hear...THE TRUTH. (Thess. 2:9-12).

Science is a creation of man....should we expect it to be filled with universal truths 100% accurate all the time? Explain how the age of the earth continues to change when the scientific method is engaged. When I was a child learning in school....the age of the earth was theorized by science to be 1 billion years old.....50+ years later the earth's age has changed from 1 billion to several billion. Someone was lying then or now.

How can this be? Accept this truth from Carl Sagan, "Science thrives on errors.....cutting them away one by one. False conclusions are drawn all the time through science....but they are drawn tentatively. Hypothesis are formed so they can be disproved....Science gropes and staggers toward understanding." -- Carl Sagan What is Mr. Sagan really saying? Science does not really have the truth at this moment in time and it may never find the truth anytime in the future but men believe they are getting closer to the truth all the time.

Belief void of evidence: The quint essential description of Blind FAITH. I simply present THE TRUTH provided in the Holy Bible, its not MY TRUTH, its not YOUR TRUTH, its God's Truth. To destroy my faith simply prove anything presented in the Word of God to be an absolute lie with no possibility of truth found to exist via a presentation of history actual or applied science.


Wow that is brilliant, thank you, but do not suppose it will shut him up. He has been claiming victory in defeat for awhile now.
You are making a TOTALLY BLIND GUESS that a god exists...and that the god is a "creator" god.

Then you are making a TOTALLY BLIND GUESS that the god is the kind of god that wants to "reveal" itself to humans.

Then you are making a TOTALLY BLIND GUESS that the Bible tells the story of that "revelation"...that it tells us, among other things, what pleases and offends that god.

Like I said...you are carrying BLIND GUESSING to an extreme.

Wow, he disposed of your nonsense, and you still try to claim victory, you have no sense of losing with dignity!