What is White Privilege?

White privilege is the product of white envy.
Poor whites are acting as if they don’t need to borrow money lmao.

I just received a $250,000 ppe loan and my prior $30k ppe loan was forgiven! I don’t even have to pay that shit back.

What those who criticize Stone fail to recognize is the power of OPM. Which is why they hate Trump.

Example, one year my biz made 400,000 dollars and my tax was 20k. I got it down to 10k. I guess they don’t teach that in school bp?

Btcihes please.

I Bless you my child

Biden President’s official new name:
Bitch Please

I Bless you my child
Not all at the Capitol were violent.
How do you like those Apples?

Roman, our politicians left and right deserved the massive break in. They are the worst among us. They are funded by the worst public school system on the planet. Among whom Bitch Please (Biden President) is employed.

I Bless you my child
Based on your behaviors here, I'm quite confident that you and all of those you know deserved it.

^ And there you have it folks. Whites deserve to be violently beaten and murdered for being white.
Not sure how one calls that white privilege.
^ And there you have it folks. Whites deserve to be violently beaten and murdered for being white.
Not sure how one calls that white privilege.

No, only for being racist POSs who whine incessantly about victimhood.

And you call liberals snowflakes? Cry more, cunt.
One of my employees a 6’5” Samoan stud came from Compton to live in Honolulu.

He said that the black gangs are so out of control that he and his church mates created their own blood gang in Compton. After putting the fear of God in the fatherless blacks they now are considered the Head Niggas in LA

I Bless you my child

Imagine saying this, much less thinking it.

You're a terrible fucking person, and I honestly someone, anyone, beats you to death.
You can quit trolling now. Go read post #167, then download yourself a better life. This one sucks. :rofl2:

Fact is we're not that much different. I too have friends and relatives that are black, native, Pacific islander, etc.
I just don't agree with that white privilege BS. Sure it existed in the 60s I guess (I was too young to pay any attention). But pretty much my entire adult life those of different races treated each other with respect.
If there was any privilege based on race one can make a pretty strong argument that black privilege exists these days.
Examples: black only colleges, AA, murder rates and crime in general skyrocketing in cities because LEO's now have to be treat blacks extra careful or don't enforce the law otherwise BLM could start a riot.