What is White Privilege?

No, only for being racist POSs who whine incessantly about victimhood.

And you call liberals snowflakes? Cry more, cunt.

I'll have to add this to my list of things for which I've been called a racist on this board.
I'm a racist because super predators ganged up a beat me to a pulp for jogging in the park.
I'm a racist because two friends and an uncle were murdered .
It's already been established that I'm racist for advocating a healthy diet.

I honestly don't see how people like you and owl make it through life with that mindset.
Having the Time to Construct your own Gallows, Hang a Noose ... and Dance and Sing around it, and be home in time to feed the kids and get them ready for school.

A made up idea by leftist shit stains to divide America. They did an excellent job


Go climb into the sewer before the boot kicks you in
I'll have to add this to my list of things for which I've been called a racist on this board.
I'm a racist because super predators ganged up a beat me to a pulp for jogging in the park.
I'm a racist because two friends and an uncle were murdered .
It's already been established that I'm racist for advocating a healthy diet.

I honestly don't see how people like you and owl make it through life with that mindset.

You're not a racist because those things happened to you. You're a racist because you remember those events purely because of the race of the perpetrators, and it's colored your reprehensible beliefs ever since, clearly.

Seek help. I mean that sincerely.
I just don't agree with that white privilege BS. Sure it existed in the 60s I guess (I was too young to pay any attention). But pretty much my entire adult life those of different races treated each other with respect.
If there was any privilege based on race one can make a pretty strong argument that black privilege exists these days.
Examples: black only colleges, AA, murder rates and crime in general skyrocketing in cities because LEO's now have to be treat blacks extra careful or don't enforce the law otherwise BLM could start a riot.

Black people were enslaved from 1619 through 1865, then the South used vagrancy laws and the loophole in the 13th amendment (slavery is legal for punishment of a crime) to continue to enslave blacks throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They prohibited black people from voting until at least 1965. Throughout the 1870s -- 1960s blacks were systematically targeted by white terrorism in the South. Every time blacks pulled themselves up by their bootstraps to create economic success, white mobs or white police destroyed those neighborhoods under false pretenses (Tulsa in 1921, Rosewood, FL in 1923 etc.).

Whites engineered the drug war in the 1960s and 70s and 80s to silence and punish black people throughout the south (read about the Southern Strategy). This became worse with the crime bill and mandatory minimums in the 1990s.

Redlining in neighborhoods prohibited even educated, wealthy blacks from purchasing homes in nice neighborhoods, which prohibited their children from attending better public schools until the 1970s. To this day, Realtors steer blacks from wealthy neighborhoods, and banks practice discriminatory lending. Black farmers, too, suffer from quicker foreclosure and discriminatory lending practices by banks: https://thecounter.org/usda-black-farmers-discrimination-tom-vilsack-reparations-civil-rights/

And to this day, cops are 7x more likely to kill an unarmed black man than an unarmed white man.

The claims you made in your post are UNIVERSALLY false. NO OTHER RACE IN AMERICA has been so principally the target of physical and political and economic terrorism in America. No amount of HBCUs or AA laws have come CLOSE to making up for that history of systemic racism and white terrorism.

If you think that the Rockefellers or Vanderbilts benefited from having wealthy ancestors, you have no choice but to accept that the degradation and destruction of black wealth over past generations has deleteriously affected black people today.
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Imagine thinking "anti-racist" is a bad thing.

You're a fat, stupid Nazi.

Yes, the bad guys tend to have less Oxytocin & racists tend to have more Oxytocin.

You're a stupid, volatile anti Racist.?


Fun Fact: Psychopaths, sociopaths, and people with severe autism produce significantly less oxytocin or have alterations in their oxytocin receptors compared to other humans.


The 'Love Hormone' Can Make You Hate: Study
Ecstasy pills.
Ecstasy pills. DEA/Reuters
APRIL 4, 2014 1:35 AM EDT
Corrected: April 5.

The oxytocin hormone is often described as the “love hormone” or “cuddling chemical,” but there might be a darker side to it. Not only does it make you feel all loved-up and happy, but also contribute to intolerance and violence, a 2011 study suggests.

In the study, professor of psychology at the University of Amsterdam Carsten de Dreu found that the loved-up feeling you get when flooded with oxytocin — which is also released by the popular party drug Molly, also known as Ecstasy or MDMA — only extends to your “in-group.”

Oxytocin, he wrote, “motivates in-group favoritism” and “derogation” of outsiders. According to the study, oxytocin had “a role in the emergence of intergroup conflict and violence.”

According to a Vice report published this week, the study’s participants — all Dutch males — were told that they had to choose five persons out of six that would gain access to a life-saving lifeboat.

The men on oxytocin were more likely to deny men with Muslim or German-sounding names access and save the men with Dutch names, while the men who were given a placebo didn’t pay attention to the origin of the names.

Correction: The original story has been updated to reflect that the study examined the effects oxytocin on behavior, not MDMA, and was published in 2011.
He shouldn’t be talking about other cities in other states when the crime rates in Alaska’s major cities are higher than the National average.

Yeah, that was another reason (cost of living being #1, distance from Outside #2) for choosing where we are now over Alaska. We didn't want to live in or near Anchorage, Fairbanks was too expensive and far. Then there was the economy too. It's sad; Alaska is a wonderful place minus the crime.
This talk of "black violence" is such bullshit. Gun violence is FAR higher in red states than blue. The top-10 highest states for gun-death rates include 9 red states.


[TABLE="class: wikitable sortable jquery-tablesorter"]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #EAECF0, align: center"]State[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort headerSortDown, bgcolor: #EAECF0, align: center"]Rate[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #EAECF0, align: center"]Deaths[/TH]
[TD]Alaska (AK)[/TD]
[TD]Alabama (AL)[/TD]
[TD]Louisiana (LA)[/TD]
[TD]Mississippi (MS)[/TD]
[TD]Oklahoma (OK)[/TD]
[TD]Missouri (MO)[/TD]
[TD]Montana (MT)[/TD]
[TD]New Mexico (NM)[/TD]
[TD]Arkansas (AR)[/TD]
Black people were enslaved from 1619 through 1865, then the South used vagrancy laws and the loophole in the 13th amendment (slavery is legal for punishment of a crime) to continue to enslave blacks throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They prohibited black people from voting until at least 1965. Throughout the 1870s -- 1960s blacks were systematically targeted by white terrorism in the South. Every time blacks pulled themselves up by their bootstraps to create economic success, white mobs or white police destroyed those neighborhoods under false pretenses (Tulsa in 1921, Rosewood, FL in 1923 etc.).

Whites engineered the drug war in the 1960s and 70s and 80s to silence and punish black people throughout the south (read about the Southern Strategy). This became worse with the crime bill and mandatory minimums in the 1990s.

Redlining in neighborhoods prohibited even educated, wealthy blacks from purchasing homes in nice neighborhoods, which prohibited their children from attending better public schools until the 1970s. To this day, Realtors steer blacks from wealthy neighborhoods, and banks practice discriminatory lending. Black farmers, too, suffer from quicker foreclosure and discriminatory lending practices by banks: https://thecounter.org/usda-black-farmers-discrimination-tom-vilsack-reparations-civil-rights/

And to this day, cops are 7x more likely to kill an unarmed black man than an unarmed white man.

The claims you made in your post are UNIVERSALLY false. NO OTHER RACE IN AMERICA has been so principally the target of physical and political and economic terrorism in America. No amount of HBCUs or AA laws have come CLOSE to making up for that history of systemic racism and white terrorism.

If you think that the Rockefellers or Vanderbilts benefited from having wealthy ancestors, you have no choice but to accept that the degradation and destruction of black wealth over past generations has deleteriously affected black people today.

Most Indian Hindus have only been here less than 40 years.

They're a religious & racial minority.

Indian Hindus are the highest earners in the USA.

What are they doing right & what are African Americans & Latino Americans doing wrong!!?
Most Indian Hindus have only been here less than 40 years.

They're a religious & racial minor.

Indian Hindus are the highest earners in the USA.

What are they doing right & what are African Americans & Latino Americans doing wrong!!?

If you want continued world history tutoring, you're going to need to pay. I charge $50 per hour, minimum.
He shouldn’t be talking about other cities in other states when the crime rates in Alaska’s major cities are higher than the National average.

It's gotten worse, no doubt. Like Seattle and Portland many crimes like shoplifting and car theft are no longer enforced. Our former mayor, who did an Anthony Weiner impersonation and resigned, and a complicit city council have allowed this to happen. Murder isn't the problem it is in St. Louis, Baltimore , N.O., etc. and the high number of rapes are mostly confined to the Native population.
Personally I'd rather live in Palmer where the coronavirus infection is very low, very few mask, and it's business as usual in bars and restaurants .
But yes, our local politicians are trying very hard to emulate a typical West Coast shithole with all their problems.

At least we have citizens that are still trying. We're not Portland yet.

Signature gathering underway to recall Anchorage Assembly Chair Felix Rivera

Recall effort against Assembly Chair Felix Rivera submits 4,999 signatures to municipal clerk