What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

It's a bit hard to tell how guns would be received, considering guns weren't invented yet during Biblical times.

But, gun control has been used in America, first against Black slaves, and Native Americans like in Wounded Knee Massacre.

I do however, agree that Jesus commands us to help the poor, however.

FYI we live in "Bibical times"
There you go. Christians had to make up a being called Satan in order to blame all the diseases, wars, unlucky life events, etc. on. Oh and also too, to blame their own sinful behaviors on as well. Satan isn't a figure in Judaism.

No, that's just what idiots and the extortionists do.
You only hear of the more radical leanings of Christianity. The Christians and churches I know are more tolerant today and believe God will accept gays into heaven than the were 30 years ago.

They were forced to by changing times and progressive ideals. Not only was their medieval attitude driving away gay people, but it was also alienating the friends and family of those gay people. If nothing else, Jesus was an inclusive soul who hung out with those who were despised and called sinners back in His day. Pretty sure that He would not be approving of His alleged followers discriminating against other human beings.

But that isn't the point Stone was trying to pin me down because I used the term natural. He refuses to accept that the subject of homosexuality is much more complex that a simple it's natural or un-natural.

StoneByStone is a female. lol

Homosexuality is a natural variant of human sexuality. It is also a natural (although rare) variant among various other Earthly species.
Because Gay Pride is about equal rights. Gay people want the same rights as straight people.
Straight people, already having full rights, don't need "Straight Pride." That's why the only people who want to have Straight Pride parades are people who don't want equal rights, rather they want to maintain their straight privilege.

Another point of Gay Pride is taking pride in being out of the closet. There's no pride in being openly straight because there is no oppression against straight people. Straight Pride exists only to oppress gays.

I'm a fan of "Straight Pride"!
How was that an ad hom? I didn't insult you. You referenced yourself, so I granted you what you said.

You in no way explained how I was wrong about the Republicans being forced to accept gay marriage due to the public accepting it.

Typical lib- can't even man up to committing an ad hom.
I mean in the political sphere. I'm sure there are some churches that still preach against premarital sex, some of them maybe even for males too. But there is no push among politicians to regulate premarital sex like there is for homosexuality. Christians believe that atonement for sin is a private issue, except when it comes to the gays and all their gayness.

If they preach sex is for married couples only,they mean male and female.
I believe that myself and wish I had ,had the self control to keep it at that.
No, the extortionist fake Christian Televangelists got many of them going on that God finds wealth and status as Christian doctrine. It's commendable and part of being holy so buy me... I mean buy us that private jet. Those poor saps.

Kenneth Copland always preaches that,his flock makes more money the more jets they can buy him
The Bible does not say "thou shall not kill", that's a lazy translation, besides which the Bible mandates killing in many cases, and celebrates it in many others. The more accurate translation is "thou shalt not murder", or kill unlawfully. Self defense is quite lawful.

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You don't kill any person unless there is no other option and they pose a danger to lives. Even then it isn't really commendable justice like many would claim, it just isn't damning. You respect life and the living things one must consume to survive.
And unlike multiracialism and multiculturalism, homosexuality isn't harmful to society.

If we were to eliminate all of these laws that force integration, most people would self-segregate based on race. Some right-wing dipshits would refuse to work with gays, but most of white America would be fine with having gay people working in their businesses, living in their apartments, and teaching in their schools.

Let the right stack the Supreme Court it's just a matter of time before they would push to over turn gay marriage