What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Oh hell that changes everything.

I've more experience out of the mainstream
Again, homosexuality is a sin because it doesn't produce babies. A primitive society, such as produced both the Bible and the Koran, needs a constant supply of new bodies in order to survive.

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White Catholics are primitive too?

Explain who we're going berserk in war against as we speak?

Explain all the Catholic clergy scientists?

Copernicus was a Polish Catholic clergy leader, and presented the Heliocentric model, Quantity Theory of money, and Gresham's Law of economics.

Gregor Mendel a Austrian Catholic friar formulated genetic inheritance.

Georges Lemaitre a Belgian Catholic priest formulated the Big Bang Theory.

Anyos Jedlik a Hungarian Catholic priest invented the electric Dynamo motor.

Roger Joseph Boscovich a Croatian Catholic priest formulated the prototype of Atomic Theory.

Pierre Gassendi a French Catholic priest formulated the transit of Mercury.

Jean Buridan a French Catholic clergy formulated Imeptus.

Francesco Maria Grimaldi an Italian Catholic priest who formulated Gravitational Constant.

Jan Dzierzon a Polish Catholic priest the founder of modern Bee keeping.

Prokop Diviš a Czech Catholic clergy leader the inventor of the Lightning Rod.
Nothing to get pissed about it is a scientific fact. The only exception I can think of is someone with both male and female genitalia.

Biologically-speaking you're correct; gender is genetically binary except in very rare cases as you mentioned.

Gender dysphoria is a puzzling and difficult-to-treat condition. I know at least a half dozen people, both biologically male and biologically female, who emotionally and mentally belong to the opposite gender. That seems like an awfully high number for one individual to know personally, doesn't it? I suspect that we've always had some ppl with gender dysphoria but society's norms forced them to remain in the role assigned to them at birth. Even with more enlightened attitudes today these guys suffer terribly, even more so than gay folks.
Isn't it interesting, on the other hand, that during part of its history Greece was just the opposite, to the point of some even stating that gay love-making was superior to straight love?
Greece went through a prolonged period where they were the most advanced society in the region. They had only fairly minor internal wars. No external force dared to attack them and they had little interest in territorial expansion. Thus they didn't rely as much on a reliable supply of warm bodies.

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White Catholics are primitive too?

Explain who we're going berserk in war against as we speak?

Explain all the Catholic clergy scientists?

Copernicus was a Polish Catholic clergy leader, and presented the Heliocentric model, Quantity Theory of money, and Gresham's Law of economics.

Gregor Mendel a Austrian Catholic friar formulated genetic inheritance.

Georges Lemaitre a Belgian Catholic priest formulated the Big Bang Theory.

Anyos Jedlik a Hungarian Catholic priest invented the electric Dynamo motor.

Roger Joseph Boscovich a Croatian Catholic priest formulated the prototype of Atomic Theory.

Pierre Gassendi a French Catholic priest formulated the transit of Mercury.

Jean Buridan a French Catholic clergy formulated Imeptus.

Francesco Maria Grimaldi an Italian Catholic priest who formulated Gravitational Constant.

Jan Dzierzon a Polish Catholic priest the founder of modern Bee keeping.

Prokop Diviš a Czech Catholic clergy leader the inventor of the Lightning Rod.
Dzień dobry, Pan Pilecki
Their beliefs are the product of the same primitive society that produced the Bible.

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If you're referring to skid row I have to agree. ROFLMAO

I'm just spitballing but I bet you have not read the most quoted book on the subject.
Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers by Lillian Faderman
Ike was naive like you till he told his driver to get rid of the lesbians in her unit.
Her answer made him change the order.
Biologically-speaking you're correct; gender is genetically binary except in very rare cases as you mentioned.

Gender dysphoria is a puzzling and difficult-to-treat condition. I know at least a half dozen people, both biologically male and biologically female, who emotionally and mentally belong to the opposite gender. That seems like an awfully high number for one individual to know personally, doesn't it? I suspect that we've always had some ppl with gender dysphoria but society's norms forced them to remain in the role assigned to them at birth. Even with more enlightened attitudes today these guys suffer terribly, even more so than gay folks.

There is a huge youth group that find Grumpy,you and me old fools out of touch with the reality that sex and gender have nothing in common.
And they are militant about it
We can just truthfully say that some PEOPLE do bad shit. We don't need to blame or excuse religion for it.

Hitler might have been Atheist too, although he was so wishy-washy it's a bit hard to tell, at times dabbling in Mysticism like Thule Society, Theosophy Society, Vril Society, and even Seances, but also sometimes promoting Christianity, or even promoting Islam as superior.

I would say he had some no-nos of Christianity.

False Idol worship, of the Hindu Swastika.

Of course, Euthanasia is against Christianity.

Yes, putting over 1,000 Catholic priests into the Dachau Concentration Camp, sure isn't Holy either.
There is a huge youth group that find Grumpy,you and me old fools out of touch with the reality that sex and gender have nothing in common.
And they are militant about it

Yes, I know; I go to school with some of them. Because what they see as their reality doesn't affect me in any way, other than feeling compassion for their struggles and worry about their medical decisions, I don't trouble myself about them. I don't know why others seem to be outraged about gender dysphoria.
Hitler might have been Atheist too, although he was so wishy-washy it's a bit hard to tell, at times dabbling in Mysticism like Thule Society, Theosophy Society, Vril Society, and even Seances, but also sometimes promoting Christianity, or even promoting Islam as superior.

I would say he had some no-nos of Christianity.

False Idol worship, of the Hindu Swastika.

Of course, Euthanasia is against Christianity.

Yes, putting over 1,000 Catholic priests into the Dachau Concentration Camp, sure isn't Holy either.

He was also quite enamored of Nordic mythology and enjoyed Wagner's various pieces based on the doings of Odin and the gods.
Yes, I know; I go to school with some of them. Because what they see as their reality doesn't affect me in any way, other than feeling compassion for their struggles and worry about their medical decisions, I don't trouble myself about them. I don't know why others seem to be outraged about gender dysphoria.

This isn't the same as trans!
They just believe they can have male or female sex parts,but that has nothing to do with gender.
Gender is your choice whether you chose to identify as male,female,or neither!
Actually, the modern concept of Satan was first mentioned in the New Testament as a temptor. The “satan” was a messenger of Yahweh in the Old Testament, he was under the Biblical god’s control, unlike the modern Christian concept that acts on his own and defies the god of the Bible.

The Origins of Satan by Elaine Pagels is excellent, im fact, I recommend all of her books.

Satanism is the religion, not the character. I know Satan was created thousands of years before Anton LaVey.
I'm not too crazy about guns, in many societies they might rightfully outlaw them.

In a society like this, guns are kind of needed.

Too many bad guys with guns in America, be it ghetto trash, mass shooters, or the monstrous government.

Guns become the great equalizer here.

Besides, a lot of rural communities that rely on hunting, and guns to protect from Bears & stuff.

Just another reason to reject Christianity.
Agreed about "thou shalt not murder". Otherwise, we'd all starve due to an inability to kill plants and animals for food.....or as Alex Jones suggested, his neighbor's family for cannibalism.

A gun is just a tool. A person can murder with a well swung Bible but that doesn't mean the Bible is evil or wrong. It's just a book. It's the person wielding the book, tool or any other inanimate object who determines if it is used for good or bad.

I have a lot of guns. Many are just for collecting. None of the "ARs" have ever killed anyone. I have a couple of old bolt-action battle rifles that may have killed someone in war, but never while in my possession.

The Bible probably promotes Vegetarianism, in the first place.

Which is why I have to laugh at Republican Christians mocking Vegetarians, which isn't all that uncommon.

Granted, I'm addicted to some level of Meat, but I try to cut down a little.

But, I certainly don't mock Vegetarians.