What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Look at it like this. There was no internet porn in ancient times. However, because Judaism, Christianity, and Islam teach that lust and masturbation are sins, we can logically deduce that internet porn is a sin in these religions.
So while guns weren't around in Biblical times, we know Jesus would be against owning a gun because its use is for something he considered a sin.

A lot of Christians hate Gays as Sinners, but then don't hate on those who don't' practice Abstinence without procreation with the same Sinful fervor.

Of course, many moons ago, people were treated with disgust for not practicing Abstinence without procreation.
A lot of Christians hate Gays as Sinners, but then don't hate on those who don't' practice Abstinence without procreation with the same Sinful fervor.

Of course, many moons ago, people were treated with disgust for not practicing Abstinence without procreation.

That's part of why I don't take Christians seriously when they say they oppose gay marriage for religious reasons. They're just using religion to justify their Boomer homophobia.
That's part of why I don't take Christians seriously when they say they oppose gay marriage for religious reasons. They're just using religion to justify their Boomer homophobia.

I don't think it's just "Boomers"

When I grew up my Millennial peers were very intolerant, they called bad things Gay, they also called bad things Jewish, they spoke slurs against Gays, Jews, Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, Poles, Latinos, and Asians too etc.

They even threw rocks at my Jamaican friend at the time for no reason.

Another Millennial attacked my Jamaican friend at the time for no reason too.
I don't think it's just "Boomers"

When I grew up my Millennial peers were very intolerant, they called bad things Gay, they also called bad things Jewish, they spoke slurs against Gays, Jews, Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, Poles, Latinos, and Asians too etc.

They even threw rocks at my Jamaican friend at the time for no reason.

Another Millennial attacked my Jamaican friend at the time for no reason too.

That's the exception for Millennials. It's much more common among Boomers.
Young Americans Are Increasingly 'Uncomfortable' With LGBTQ Community, GLAAD Study Shows


Being uncomfortable isn't the same as hatred. The article even says that these people who are uncomfortable around LGBT people still support equal rights for them. That's very different from the Boomers, many of who actually do hate gays and don't want them to be able to get married.

I think a lot of people are uncomfortable around trannies because they're different, even if they understand trannies aren't bad. Eventually, as there is more transgender representation and they become more normalized, most people won't be uncomfortable around them.
Being uncomfortable isn't the same as hatred. The article even says that these people who are uncomfortable around LGBT people still support equal rights for them. That's very different from the Boomers, many of who actually do hate gays and don't want them to be able to get married.

I think a lot of people are uncomfortable around trannies because they're different, even if they understand trannies aren't bad. Eventually, as there is more transgender representation and they become more normalized, most people won't be uncomfortable around them.

I certainly don't feel comfortable around Trannies.
When did human life (yours, your children/grandchildren) "begin"?

As individuals, at conception, but the cells were always alive. You wash "human life" down the toilet every day....given you don't use an outhouse.
^Forum idiot

Correction: Banned forum idiot. What a fucking asshole. He's the reason why Jesus said:

"Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’" (Matt. 7:22-23)
Correction: Banned forum idiot. What a fucking asshole. He's the reason why Jesus said:

"Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’" (Matt. 7:22-23)

When an account is banned, are all socks banned too?...or puppeteers as the case may be.
This isn't the same as trans!
They just believe they can have male or female sex parts,but that has nothing to do with gender.
Gender is your choice whether you chose to identify as male,female,or neither!

It's a choice how you self-identify. It's not a choice what DNA and organs you are born with. Transgender people have gender dysphoria.