What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

You made up that term. There used to be something called "family values" back in the 80s. I never heard of Christian values in a political setting, but that's the problem with you libs, you never got the hang of that "separation of Church and State" thing. You think Christian = Republican.

Republicans have pretend only the Evangelical Christians are real Christians
My mentioning them is one thing, others insulting them is another. But hey, insults are what you do.

Oh, so if I don't want my parents attacked, I shouldn't bring them up? What reasons have I given for them to be attacked?
Oh, that's right, my father flew the American flag on a flagpole in his front yard because he sought attention, according to you.
That's how you roll, apparently nothing has changed, has it?

Show me where I insulted your mother -- and your father for that matter. We'll wait, lil snowflake. You questioned my statement about "Chickenpox Parties" and I showed you that it's a thing. So you instantly deflected into some bullshit about your mother being insulted. She wasn't. You just made a fool of yourself. Something you have had a lot of practice doing.

Let's face it. You have a chip the size of Manhattan on your shoulder. That's why you are so quick to leap straight into outrage when you are proven wrong on an anonymous discussion board. We've all seen you do it, over and over again. That's why you feel the need to brag about your pop guns, your car(s), your other possessions. It's what insecure, unhappy, angry people do. If anything I feel sorry and embarrassed for you.

Now put me on ignore and we'll both be happy.
Sarah Palin was one of them. Tim Tebow and his girlfriend. There have been a couple of beauty queen types who took a stand on premarital sex. The quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks. And every time someone does, the loony left drags them over the coals.
Agreed. More accurately, it's the anti-religious, atheist sub-section of the Loony Left who does that. The majority of Democrats are religious with about half of them Christians.
But you begged Mason for the Lilly W sock account.
You got busted with the True Companion sock account?
You might try to fool Dutch!
But your modus operandi is known to us that have known you a long time

Says the biggest lying POS Puppeteer on the forum. You still owe me an apology and a retraction, M. V. Mason/Miss Margot Frank/Anne Frank and any other cocksucking puppets you play with.
And justice demands that both face capital punishment for their crimes of Treason.

Where is the treason in their actions? Being a selfish lying asshole isn't treasonous. Look at M. V. Mason, Truth Detector and the other nutjobs on the forum. See what they say.
Where is the treason in their actions? Being a selfish lying asshole isn't treasonous. Look at M. V. Mason, Truth Detector and the other nutjobs on the forum. See what they say.

The Constitution is almost dead, the country is a wreck, and you ask me that......
It is what is True and what is Not True that The Better People track....not who has been saying what for how long.

Agreed being able to differentiate between True and "Not True" is a good thing. Who are "The Better People"?
Sarah Palin was one of them. Tim Tebow and his girlfriend. There have been a couple of beauty queen types who took a stand on premarital sex. The quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks. And every time someone does, the loony left drags them over the coals.

So one politician, two sports athletes, and some random beauty queens.

The fact that this is the best you can come up with proves my point. There was no call to not recognize marriages where the couple aren't virgins. There was no president who ran on a platform of opposition to premarital sex, like Bush did. Even Palin, who was a total joke anyway, didn't actually try to work her views on premarital sex into law.

You can blame this on the Left, but the truth is that most Righties would also reject any politician who did that. The Right doesn't care about Christianity outside of homophobia, transphobia, and banning abortion.