What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

The difference being that the right wants to force you to follow the, essentially random, beliefs of their religion. While the left is trying to improve your health.

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random? like they were just pulled out of your ass?
Ohh wait..that's the contents of this post
Both are seeking to dictate what people should believe, how they should think and what they should do. That's not what the Founders wanted for Americans.

Sent from Lexington using a .60 musket ball
founders wanted religious freedom. what you CHOOSE to believe is your freedom. no one can dictate to you if you don't want to be told what to think
You just hit the crux of the issue! It's the woman who determines whether to have sex or not!!!!!! Oh and there is no such thing as a forced birther! The only way I can force you to have a child is to lock you up for 9 months so get off I'm the victim bullshit. If the laws of this country are changed making abortion on demand illegal then and only then can you say you are being forced to have children.

You haven't noticed that the trend in recent years is to make abortion more and more unavailable? Millions of otherwise sane ppl voted for Trump in the hopes that his SCt appointments would result in a total ban on abortion. So yes -- you guys are not "pro-life." You are forced-birthers.

First you claim that it takes two to make a baby, but now it's the woman's faul... er, decider about sex. In other words, you want to make the female the scapegoat and let the male completely off the hook. Don't you think that men should be taught about birth control, abstinence in the absence of birth control, and self-control? If she says "yeah baby!" and he hops on, he bears no responsibility after that? That's what you are saying, you know.
random? like they were just pulled out of your ass?
Ohh wait..that's the contents of this post

It's "random" in that they only want people to follow a few certain parts of Christianity.
Though I don't know if I'd say it's random. The few Christian values that the Right has are really about othering certain groups of people.
That has nothing to do with abortion. If the mother wants to include the dad in the decision, that is her choice. He has zero right to force her to give birth, any more than she has zero right to force him to get a vasectomy.

See, it's all about choice. Apparently the forced-birthers only believe in body autonomy when it is THEIR bodies, not ours.
the state has a duty to protect innocent life. Sensible rules for abortion are not unConstitutional.
But they are debatable
Jesus effing Christ, do you ever write anything intelligent, insightful, topical??
He told you he is not a sock, and that has been confirmed by a mod. Spreading innuendo about other posters based on guesswork, unsubstantiated gossip, and supposition is the hallmark of poor character.
Are you ever going to write about politics on a political message board?

No. That would require having the ability to be intelligent, insightful, topical. She's only here to get reactions and scold everyone. She's always been an attention whore. Reactions are the coin she's paid in. lol
It's "random" in that they only want people to follow a few certain parts of Christianity.
Though I don't know if I'd say it's random. The few Christian values that the Right has are really about othering certain groups of people.
who is they? I choose to follow only "parts of Christianity". I choose to use what works for me.
I do the same with Buddhism..what others my want from me i do not care.
Yes it takes two, but only one is burdened with the health risks and, to a large extent, the upbringing and care of the baby.

Get back to me when deadbeat dads are lined up and sterilized for failing in their duties.
that is a societal failure. A case can be made that welfare programs encourage absentee fathers
( fathers living with a family that work can't get welfare -single mother's can)
the state has a duty to protect innocent life. Sensible rules for abortion are not unConstitutional.
But they are debatable

The SCt ruled long ago that banning abortion is a state invasion of privacy.

So what's your take on the Covidiot Crusaders prancing around sans masks, flourishing weapons and Nazi/Confederate flags, and demanding that governments open everything back up so they can get manicures and cheeseburgers again? You stated that "the state has a duty to protect innocent life." Does that mean you oppose the Crusaders?
Do you have the right to force your non-beliefs on us? You sure are on the "front lines" of your "displeasure" with our beliefs.
Are you against adoption as an option? As an adoptee, do you wish my birth mother would have aborted me?
I have no idea why Progs are so put off about religion. certainly our hedonist society is not something to be proud of
who is they? I choose to follow only "parts of Christianity". I choose to use what works for me.
I do the same with Buddhism..what others my want from me i do not care.

Purists and fundamentalists would have a big problem with you for this. As a pagan, I've sometimes been subjected to their unwanted opinions. We all must walk our own paths. It's good that you found yours.
You haven't noticed that the trend in recent years is to make abortion more and more unavailable? Millions of otherwise sane ppl voted for Trump in the hopes that his SCt appointments would result in a total ban on abortion. So yes -- you guys are not "pro-life." You are forced-birthers.

First you claim that it takes two to make a baby, but now it's the woman's faul... er, decider about sex. In other words, you want to make the female the scapegoat and let the male completely off the hook. Don't you think that men should be taught about birth control, abstinence in the absence of birth control, and self-control? If she says "yeah baby!" and he hops on, he bears no responsibility after that? That's what you are saying, you know.

I told you at this time there is no such thing as a forced birther. Show me one instance where a woman was physically prevented from having an abortion.

A man and a woman have a romantic evening together and the wind up in bed. As the man make his move the woman say stop but he has penetration anyway is that or is that not rape and illegal?

Now let's go in the other direction. They have sex and she gets pregnant and they decide to abort as far as I know they share the costs unless you have facts that prove otherwise. Or she goes full term has the baby and the man pays child support for the next 18 years. In neither scenario does the man get off Scott free.

Sorry Owl but like it or not when it comes to conception the woman calls the shots (exception safe sex failure).

I am really surprised that a mother and grand mother would take the stance you take. But that is your choice.
who is they? I choose to follow only "parts of Christianity". I choose to use what works for me.
I do the same with Buddhism..what others my want from me i do not care.

We're talking about Conservatives and their use of religion. Read the OP.
Purists and fundamentalists would have a big problem with you for this. As a pagan, I've sometimes been subjected to their unwanted opinions. We all must walk our own paths. It's good that you found yours.
no man can lay claim to the truth see my sig:
" Trust the person who seeks truth and mistrust the person who claims he has found it " - Buddha.