What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Yes it takes two, but only one is burdened with the health risks and, to a large extent, the upbringing and care of the baby.

Get back to me when deadbeat dads are lined up and sterilized for failing in their duties.

Two different things. Most expectant fathers offer all the support they can to the mother. As to the health risks are they any different for a married woman wanting children and a single woman not wanting children? Call me old fashioned but I believe that unless there are extenuating circumstances such as health risks to the mother, rape, incest etc. children should be allowed to be born and put up for adoption if the mother wishes. Yes I understand antipregnancy devices are not 100% effective but that is a risk the woman must take, as she is the one who will have to carry the child for 9 months.
Two different things. Most expectant fathers offer all the support they can to the mother. As to the health risks are they any different for a married woman wanting children and a single woman not wanting children? Call me old fashioned but I believe that unless there are extenuating circumstances such as health risks to the mother, rape, incest etc. children should be allowed to be born and put up for adoption if the mother wishes. Yes I understand antipregnancy devices are not 100% effective but that is a risk the woman must take, as she is the one who will have to carry the child for 9 months.

It's fine to have your beliefs but do you have the right to force them on others?
No sinning here;)
Simply not necessary...
Interesting to see the guilty coming forth at an astounding rapid pace, though;)
That has nothing to do with abortion. If the mother wants to include the dad in the decision, that is her choice. He has zero right to force her to give birth, any more than she has zero right to force him to get a vasectomy.

See, it's all about choice. Apparently the forced-birthers only believe in body autonomy when it is THEIR bodies, not ours.


I totally disagree. Don't want to have a child nothing stops you from keeping your legs together. Try masturbation that is what the ancient Greeks did when sex was unavailable.
Masturbation is the ultimate form of safer sex — there's no risk of pregnancy or infection. It is possible for frequent masturbation to cause skin irritation, but using plenty of lubricant can prevent this from happening. Some people are concerned that they may masturbate too much or too often.Aug 3, 2011

Does excessive masturbation have health risks?
www.plannedparenthood.org › teens › ask-experts › do...
I totally disagree. Don't want to have a child nothing stops you from keeping your legs together. Try masturbation that is what the ancient Greeks did when sex was unavailable.

You giving that same advice to males, right, Grumps? As you pointed out, it takes two. Why is it only the woman who is told to "keep your legs together"? Why aren't we telling males to "keep it zipped"?

Forced birthers hate that women love having sex too. They want to punish them for enjoying the same pleasures and freedom that men have traditionally enjoyed with few repercussions other than STDs.
That's a lie the left throws out every now and then and it never holds water. We hear the same crap from you every time we object to anything.

Oh really? Which Conservatives have made an opposition to premarital sex part of their politics? Which of them have invoked "Christian values" for things other than homosexuality and banning abortion?
It's fine to have your beliefs but do you have the right to force them on others?

Do you have the right to force your non-beliefs on us? You sure are on the "front lines" of your "displeasure" with our beliefs.
Are you against adoption as an option? As an adoptee, do you wish my birth mother would have aborted me?
No...sorry....I don't need to lie;...it's simply not necessary...)
Socks are socks..they are what they are...If you stay here long enough, you'll learn...

Actual bearing false witness is frowned upon by the law...a good thing to keep in mind;)

Jesus effing Christ, do you ever write anything intelligent, insightful, topical??

He told you he is not a sock, and that has been confirmed by a mod. Spreading innuendo about other posters based on guesswork, unsubstantiated gossip, and supposition is the hallmark of poor character.

Are you ever going to write about politics on a political message board?
You giving that same advice to males, right, Grumps? As you pointed out, it takes two. Why is it only the woman who is told to "keep your legs together"? Why aren't we telling males to "keep it zipped"?

Forced birthers hate that women love having sex too. They want to punish them for enjoying the same pleasures and freedom that men have traditionally enjoyed with few repercussions other than STDs.

You just hit the crux of the issue! It's the woman who determines whether to have sex or not!!!!!! Oh and there is no such thing as a forced birther! The only way I can force you to have a child is to lock you up for 9 months so get off I'm the victim bullshit. If the laws of this country are changed making abortion on demand illegal then and only then can you say you are being forced to have children.
If God is both omnipotent and omniscient, then evil only exists because He allows it to exist. The same goes for all of the suffering of mankind. So God shares the blame for all of that.

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blaming God for mankinds evil? how about taking ownership of your deeds?
Do you have the right to force your non-beliefs on us? You sure are on the "front lines" of your "displeasure" with our beliefs.
Are you against adoption as an option? As an adoptee, do you wish my birth mother would have aborted me?

What is it with you trying to make everything personal? It must be difficult carrying around a chip that size on your shoulder.

If a woman gets pregnant and feels that adoption is the best option for her situation, she absolutely should have that choice. I'm glad that there are a lot of decent church groups and secular organizations to help with that. Contraception and adoption should always been choices #1 and #2, IMO.