What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

You made up that term. There used to be something called "family values" back in the 80s. I never heard of Christian values in a political setting, but that's the problem with you libs, you never got the hang of that "separation of Church and State" thing. You think Christian = Republican.

As the link below notes, the Christian Right is the backbone of the Republican. It's unconstitutional for them to use "Christian" in a political setting so they use code. The Democrat code for banning guns is "commons sense gun control", the Republican code for Christian values is "family values".

The "Christian right” is the backbone of the Republican Party. Christians of all stripes — from Catholics to Protestants and evangelicals — consistently (and often overwhelmingly) vote Republican. The core tenets of the modern Republican Party, however, are at stark odds with biblical scripture.

Over the last four decades, few priorities have consumed the Republican Party more than economic policies that benefit the ultra-wealthy. The Ronald Reagan presidency, in particular, ushered in an era where corporate bottom lines took precedence over fair wages for American workers. The rise of the Reagan-Republican ethos, which preaches the elevation of shareholder profit over virtually all other considerations, directly influenced decades of outsourcing of American jobs to countries with vast pools of cheap labor. Ditto for union-busting and the adoption of job-killing automation in pursuit of maximum profit.

These factors, unsurprisingly, decimated the American middle class. Moreover, Presidents Reagan, George W. Bush and Donald Trump all pursued radical tax policies that overwhelmingly — if not solely — benefitted a small group of exceptionally wealthy Americans at the expense of the working and middle classes.

Republican policies favoring the ultra-affluent, however, stand in stark contrast with biblical scripture. The Bible’s condemnations of the wealthy and the accumulation of riches leave zero room for ambiguity.

In one particularly striking example, a rich man agonizes in hell simply for having lived a life of “luxury.” In another passage, “rich people” are instructed to “weep and wail because of the misery that is coming” to them.

According to scripture, “those who want to get rich” fall into a trap of “ruin and destruction,” making for quite the biblical rebuke to capitalist philosophy. The Bible further warns that “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil,” while Christians are instructed not to “store up treasures on earth.”

In short, followers of Christ must choose between “God and money.”.....
As the link below notes, the Christian Right is the backbone of the Republican. It's unconstitutional for them to use "Christian" in a political setting so they use code.

To put into perspective how often Republicans exploit Christianity, they use code for the reason you mentioned, but even that doesn't go far enough for them. Often they will openly say "Christian values" just to make sure even the people who don't understanding the code still get the message.
To put into perspective how often Republicans exploit Christianity, they use code for the reason you mentioned, but even that doesn't go far enough for them. Often they will openly say "Christian values" just to make sure even the people who don't understanding the code still get the message.

It depends upon the setting just like when the Democrats are discussing guns. In public it's "common sense gun control", but in private it's "Okay, Mr. and Mrs. America, hand them all in!"
It depends upon the setting just like when the Democrats are discussing guns. In public it's "common sense gun control", but in private it's "Okay, Mr. and Mrs. America, hand them all in!"

Of course, the difference is we can find some Republicans who say Christian values.
Beto O'Rourke and Hillary Clinton weren't shy about it banning guns.

Are we still talking about all guns as opposed to certain kinds of guns?
Because a lot of people will openly say we should ban the AR-15, there's no coding there. But banning all guns, I still haven't seen any Democrat or influential activist say that.
Are we still talking about all guns as opposed to certain kinds of guns?
Because a lot of people will openly say we should ban the AR-15, there's no coding there. But banning all guns, I still haven't seen any Democrat or influential activist say that.

Guns. Period. Singly or en masse. See? You're coding. LOL
No, I never denied that Liberals want more gun control. My only argument was that they don't want to ban all guns.

While I find it very interesting that you are speaking for all Liberals, the fact is I know several who do want to ban all guns.
While I find it very interesting that you are speaking for all Liberals, the fact is I know several who do want to ban all guns.

Sure, there are always going to be outliers. I'm an outlier myself, if I'm considered a Liberal, when it comes to certain issues.
There are also some Neo-Nazis on the Right. But because these people are outliers, it would be wrong to say the Right believes in Neo-Nazism.
Sure, there are always going to be outliers. I'm an outlier myself, if I'm considered a Liberal, when it comes to certain issues.
There are also some Neo-Nazis on the Right. But because these people are outliers, it would be wrong to say the Right believes in Neo-Nazism.

Another term casually and commonly tossed from Left to Right.
Don't hold your breath,waiting for that apology from Mason or Margot.

I won't. I just like reminding everyone on this forum that, you, M. V. Mason/Miss Margot Frank/Anne Frank, is a lying cocksucking tranny who can never, ever be trusted to be honest.
Another term casually and commonly tossed from Left to Right.

I agree. The amount of real Neo-Nazis is so tiny, that it would be dishonest and wrong to say the Right believes in Neo-Nazism. We'd be talking about like a fraction of a fraction of the Right.
Likewise, only a fraction of a fraction of the Left has said we should ban all guns.
I agree. The amount of real Neo-Nazis is so tiny, that it would be dishonest and wrong to say the Right believes in Neo-Nazism. We'd be talking about like a fraction of a fraction of the Right.
Likewise, only a fraction of a fraction of the Left has said we should ban all guns.

Agreed; only that many have "said" it in public. :D
I agree. The amount of real Neo-Nazis is so tiny, that it would be dishonest and wrong to say the Right believes in Neo-Nazism. We'd be talking about like a fraction of a fraction of the Right.
Likewise, only a fraction of a fraction of the Left has said we should ban all guns.

Hitler was the 7 th member to join the Nazi party
,small group at that time