What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

So one politician, two sports athletes, and some random beauty queens.

The fact that this is the best you can come up with proves my point. There was no call to not recognize marriages where the couple aren't virgins. There was no president who ran on a platform of opposition to premarital sex, like Bush did. Even Palin, who was a total joke anyway, didn't actually try to work her views on premarital sex into law.

You can blame this on the Left, but the truth is that most Righties would also reject any politician who did that. The Right doesn't care about Christianity outside of homophobia, transphobia, and banning abortion.

Like I said, if you want to stick your dick in another guy's ass knock yourself out, nobody cares any more except you, the rest of us are bored shitless with your whining. If you want to kill your own kid, I'd prefer there was one less person like you in the world. You sound like a snowflake.
Like I said, if you want to stick your dick in another guy's ass knock yourself out, nobody cares any more except you, the rest of us are bored shitless with your whining. If you want to kill your own kid, I'd prefer there was one less person like you in the world. You sound like a snowflake.

I'm actually a girl and don't think anyone should be doing anal sex.
So nobody cares anymore? Christians are fine with the gays now?

So then what are "Christian values" at this point? Just transphobia and banning abortion?
I'm actually a girl and don't think anyone should be doing anal sex.
So nobody cares anymore? Christians are fine with the gays now?

So then what are "Christian values" at this point? Just transphobia and banning abortion?

They are not what you think they are, I can tell you that much. I've been listening to the loony left tell lies about us for 50 years and you haven't gotten it right yet. You just need a scapegoat for your failed policies - a boogeyman. You are pathetic.
They are not what you think they are, I can tell you that much. I've been listening to the loony left tell lies about us for 50 years and you haven't gotten it right yet. You just need a scapegoat for your failed policies - a boogeyman. You are pathetic.

So maybe you could explain to me what the Christian Right actually means when they talk about Christian values. I'm listening.
Just waiting for you to act like a man instead of a lying, POS coward. You owe me an apology and a retraction for your false accusations. Until then, you will always be a twinkle-toed little scumbag hiding behind your girl sock puppets.
Not going to happen

I figured as much, just wanted to make sure everyone else knew it too. Most people know you're a lying, POS coward, M. V. Mason/Miss Margot Frank/Anne Frank.
So maybe you could explain to me what the Christian Right actually means when they talk about Christian values. I'm listening.

We don't talk about Christian values, you talk about them. We talk about feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned. People like you have to turn everything into politics.
Mason and Margot must have gone to Debate Politics.Try to stay current
Geez; for a septuagenarian, you really aren't very good at this, are you, M. V. Mason/Miss Margot Frank/Anne Frank?

No one cares

You care...and that's reason enough until you man-up, coward.

We don't talk about Christian values, you talk about them. We talk about feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned. People like you have to turn everything into politics.

This thread is about Christianity in politics. Christianity outside of politics is a different issue.