What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

The Right often talks about how things would be so great if America just embraced Christian valued like we supposedly did in the past. I know two Christian values they want to bring back are homophobia and a ban on abortion, but is that it? What else do you guys want to do to make America more Christian?

Since I'm not a conservative, thank the gods, I can't answer for them. I can answer how they *appear* to believe, though. lol

Republican Christian Values:

1. What goes on in the privacy of the home is no one's business but the master of the household, who is of course a white male. So if you hear anything like screams or the thud of fists, just keep on walking.
2. Non-whites are meant to serve whites even though we're all god's children. Affirmative action is against god's will. It's not in the bible, right?
3. Gays, get back in the closet and stay there.
4. You too, trans ppl.
5. Women, out of the workforce unless you are in a traditional and approved female career like nanny, teacher, nurse, secretary, store clerk -- and you're not married yet.
6. Forget having an abortion unless you are white and wealthy.
7. Everyone goes to church, no exceptions. To advance your career (men only of course), it must be the right church. No Catholics, Mormons, or other not-really-Xtian churches.
8. No more of this hippie slut free love stuff. You must be a virgin when you get married (women only).
9. Science is a tool of the Devil. All public schools will have Bible readings daily, prayer, and we'll be teaching the wonders of Intelligent Design in biology class.
10. If you get injured or sick, see your pastor first, not the ER.
They think guns and Capitalism are compatible with Christianity, but they don't claim that these things are Christian values.
That's what makes me so curious about what they mean when they say we need "Christian values." They never actually explain what those are. If they actually do mean guns and kicking people off food stamps, that just makes them even more ignorant of their own religion.

I think "Christian values" in this sense are pretty much the same as "family values." You know 'em when you see 'em, if you're in the club. If you're not, no amount of explaining will work. :laugh:
The Right often talks about how things would be so great if America just embraced Christian valued like we supposedly did in the past. I know two Christian values they want to bring back are homophobia and a ban on abortion, but is that it? What else do you guys want to do to make America more Christian?

You ever take the time to put actual life back together torn apart by ancestral speculation of what else life could become if it weren't just reproductions timed apart now? I understand why you won't try.

You navigate space as one of a kind and you don't want to understand humans got history intellectually all turned inside out, not upside down. Statistical averages invert not reverse proportionate active displacement.
The Right often talks about how things would be so great if America just embraced Christian valued like we supposedly did in the past. I know two Christian values they want to bring back are homophobia and a ban on abortion, but is that it? What else do you guys want to do to make America more Christian?

Homophobia isn't a Christian value. "Love the sinner, hate the sin."
Since I'm not a conservative, thank the gods, I can't answer for them. I can answer how they *appear* to believe, though. lol

Republican Christian Values:

1. What goes on in the privacy of the home is no one's business but the master of the household, who is of course a white male. So if you hear anything like screams or the thud of fists, just keep on walking.
2. Non-whites are meant to serve whites even though we're all god's children. Affirmative action is against god's will. It's not in the bible, right?
3. Gays, get back in the closet and stay there.
4. You too, trans ppl.
5. Women, out of the workforce unless you are in a traditional and approved female career like nanny, teacher, nurse, secretary, store clerk -- and you're not married yet.
6. Forget having an abortion unless you are white and wealthy.
7. Everyone goes to church, no exceptions. To advance your career (men only of course), it must be the right church. No Catholics, Mormons, or other not-really-Xtian churches.
8. No more of this hippie slut free love stuff. You must be a virgin when you get married (women only).
9. Science is a tool of the Devil. All public schools will have Bible readings daily, prayer, and we'll be teaching the wonders of Intelligent Design in biology class.
10. If you get injured or sick, see your pastor first, not the ER.

Well, that's some of the worst of them but there are plenty of good ones. I don't like to tell people they are bad Christians but I will for some things. Bobb's racism and bigotry for one. That's kind of the antithesis to Christ-like values.
Since I'm not a conservative, thank the gods, I can't answer for them. I can answer how they *appear* to believe, though. lol

Republican Christian Values:

1. What goes on in the privacy of the home is no one's business but the master of the household, who is of course a white male. So if you hear anything like screams or the thud of fists, just keep on walking.
2. Non-whites are meant to serve whites even though we're all god's children. Affirmative action is against god's will. It's not in the bible, right?
3. Gays, get back in the closet and stay there.
4. You too, trans ppl.
5. Women, out of the workforce unless you are in a traditional and approved female career like nanny, teacher, nurse, secretary, store clerk -- and you're not married yet.
6. Forget having an abortion unless you are white and wealthy.
7. Everyone goes to church, no exceptions. To advance your career (men only of course), it must be the right church. No Catholics, Mormons, or other not-really-Xtian churches.
8. No more of this hippie slut free love stuff. You must be a virgin when you get married (women only).
9. Science is a tool of the Devil. All public schools will have Bible readings daily, prayer, and we'll be teaching the wonders of Intelligent Design in biology class.
10. If you get injured or sick, see your pastor first, not the ER.

Mostly true, except that the Right has decided Catholics are alright now. Mormons are only ok when running against a Democrat.
And the White Supremacy stuff isn't a thing.
The Right often talks about how things would be so great if America just embraced Christian valued like we supposedly did in the past. I know two Christian values they want to bring back are homophobia and a ban on abortion, but is that it? What else do you guys want to do to make America more Christian?

Why do Christian values scare the shit out of you? Homosexuality has been proven to be genetic, but isn't natural and should be tolerated. Abortion on the other hand is killing a human life no matter how you try to spin it.
Why do Christian values scare the shit out of you? Homosexuality has been proven to be genetic, but isn't natural and should be tolerated. Abortion on the other hand is killing a human life no matter how you try to spin it.

As I explained in this thread, I don't know what these "Christian values" actually are outside of homophobia and banning abortion. Though I do think laws should be secular and based on logic, not religion.

If homosexuality is genetic, how is it not natural?

When exactly does life begin and why at that point?
The Right often talks about how things would be so great if America just embraced Christian valued like we supposedly did in the past. I know two Christian values they want to bring back are homophobia and a ban on abortion, but is that it? What else do you guys want to do to make America more Christian?

I do not think message board fake Christians actually genuinely know that much about Christian theology and Christian history. Usually the most insightful posts about Christian theology and history come from liberal agnostics.

My impression of message board fake Christians is that they see the church as a social club; an adornment comprised of like minded people. Rightwingers are not known for individuality and unconventionality, and this probably explains their need to belong to clubs where they receive validation from like minded fellow travellers
Hello Cypress,

I do not think message board fake Christians actually genuinely know that much about Christian theology and Christian history. Usually the most insightful posts about Christian theology and history come from liberal agnostics.

My impression of message board fake Christians is that they see the church as a social club; an adornment comprised of like minded people. Rightwingers are not known for individuality and unconventionality, and this probably explains their need to belong to clubs where they receive validation from like minded fellow travellers

Some of them see church as a place to look for new nookie.
I do not think message board fake Christians actually genuinely know that much about Christian theology and Christian history. Usually the most insightful posts about Christian theology and history come from liberal agnostics.

My impression of message board fake Christians is that they see the church as a social club; an adornment comprised of like minded people. Rightwingers are not known for individuality and unconventionality, and this probably explains their need to belong to clubs where they receive validation from like minded fellow travellers

I totally agree with all of that, but even the most shallow of clubs has some beliefs that members are supposed to have. Is Republican Christianity really nothing more than homophobia and banning abortion?
I do not think message board fake Christians actually genuinely know that much about Christian theology and Christian history. Usually the most insightful posts about Christian theology and history come from liberal agnostics.

My impression of message board fake Christians is that they see the church as a social club; an adornment comprised of like minded people. Rightwingers are not known for individuality and unconventionality, and this probably explains their need to belong to clubs where they receive validation from like minded fellow travellers

That social club bit has plenty of validity. In fact that's the way my Mother described the troublesome members in the Carmelite group she is president of. Defiant bunch that doesn't think anyone should be sent away from the group. Gossip hounds creating unrest against the elected council because they don't want to follow the friars. They have a bit of a holier than thou complex.
And yet Christians never seem to care about 90% of the other "sins" in the Bible. We never hear about things like premarital sex, but the gayness, that pisses them off to no end.

The left drives the narrative there, so that's what you're sensing. I can't recall a single time that gaye was discussed in a Church sermon. It's not part of the traditional Catholic mass readings, to my knowledge.
The left drives the narrative there, so that's what you're sensing. I can't recall a single time that gaye was discussed in a Church sermon. It's not part of the traditional Catholic mass readings, to my knowledge.

I don't know about in the sermons, but Christians do talk about it a whole lot in the political sphere.
Thankfully, they're being forced to accept gay marriage now as the country moves to the Left. Now they're concentrating more on transphobia.
I totally agree with all of that, but even the most shallow of clubs has some beliefs that members are supposed to have. Is Republican Christianity really nothing more than homophobia and banning abortion?

I get the impression a lot of rightwing"Christians" do not actually understand the theology of their professed religion in any deep and profound way. They can probably name some of the ten commandments, they are vaguely aware of the golden rule, and they are conviced gays are icky, and blastocysts in Petri dishes are human beings.

But I have literally run across supposedly devout rightwing Christians here who thought Easter was about the crucifixion. They did not seem aware that the crucifixion did not actually happen on Easter; that Easter is in fact a joyous celebration of the resurrection.
As I explained in this thread, I don't know what these "Christian values" actually are outside of homophobia and banning abortion. Though I do think laws should be secular and based on logic, not religion.

If homosexuality is genetic, how is it not natural?

When exactly does life begin and why at that point?

Just because something is genetic doesn't make it natural. That is way too deep of a subject to try to debate here.

Question is the sperm and egg alive when they fertilize? Is the resulting embryo alive? There for to abort you are destroying life.
A lot of of them aren't real Christian values. When you hear some of them including guns you can't help but cringe. Here's the sad truth they have to understand. God doesn't back your guns or your American pride. Pride and objects that stand as an object of defiance to thou shall not kill, eh? Can the class tell us what the issue is here? A lot of them also have a pro-life schtick that's full of holes as they show on pretty much every life issue besides fetuses.

You are speaking for God now? Wow, when did you get the big promotion? Congratulations.