What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Yeah, the average Christian wouldn't be able to name half the Ten Commandments if you asked them. What's especially strange with the Righties is that they don't seem to have any Christian values outside of their stances on abortion and LGBT rights. Even Christian Liberals at least have a Christian stance on helping the poor.

Maybe that's why Trump wished us a happy Good Friday. He probably thinks that was Jesus' birthday and Christmas is when he got crucified.

^ That particularly limited view of the Christian life seems to fit in well with the rightwing mindset, which is generally preoccupied with punishment, retribution, and apprehension about the"other". Icky gays and women who practice reproductive choice near the top of that list.

The authentic Christian life seems to me to be about questions of value. What is it that gives life genuine value? What are the things really worth striving for? What is the life well-lived? These are the fundamental values all genuinely pious members of all religious faiths and authentically thoughtful agnostics and atheists typically preoccupy themselves with
Icky gays

StoneByStone is thinking "What's icky about sticking the dick into the sht hole of pimply, oily and hairy ass of an obese man?" Maybe he prefers young boys to avoid the icky hair and pimples, especially after other fags tell him to get lost. He doesn't want genuine discussion, so he gets this.

The authentic Christian life seems to me to be about questions of value. What is it that gives life genuine value? What are the things really worth striving for? What is the life well-lived? These are the fundamental values all genuinely pious members of all religious faiths and authentically thoughtful agnostics and atheists typically preoccupy themselves with

Thomas Jefferson might have said something just like that.
I’m not sure, it was sent to me by a relative. She’s somethin’

Probably Bobb's sister or something. I just watched a minute or two and had to turn it off. I see Bobb's gotten into 12B World, again, from the quotes from others in this discussion. Darn. Not. lol
Cancer, Heart disease, Schizophrenia, Lou Gehrig's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, Bi Polar Disorder, all occur naturally too.

But, do we throw pride parades for those?

No, because people with cancer and so on aren't hated and oppressed in America. The pride parades were a response to that.
Homosexuals don't really bother me, as long as they don't hit on me, but some of the "Homosexual Supremacists" are annoying.

I mean, why is Straight Pride received as "Evil" by the Media, but then Gay Pride is just "Cool".

Because Gay Pride is about equal rights. Gay people want the same rights as straight people.
Straight people, already having full rights, don't need "Straight Pride." That's why the only people who want to have Straight Pride parades are people who don't want equal rights, rather they want to maintain their straight privilege.

Another point of Gay Pride is taking pride in being out of the closet. There's no pride in being openly straight because there is no oppression against straight people. Straight Pride exists only to oppress gays.
Because Gay Pride is about equal rights. Gay people want the same rights as straight people.
Straight people, already having full rights, don't need "Straight Pride." That's why the only people who want to have Straight Pride parades are people who don't want equal rights, rather they want to maintain their straight privilege.

Another point of Gay Pride is taking pride in being out of the closet. There's no pride in being openly straight because there is no oppression against straight people. Straight Pride exists only to oppress gays.

That kind of sounds like the media, on Whites vs non-Whites, oh the Whites already have rights, the non-Whites need extra rights.

Gays are probably much more prejudiced upon than Minorities.

So are the Mentally Ill, Fat people, and a lot of other groups too.

When should we start having Schizophrenia pride parades, or Fat pride parades?
No, because people with cancer and so on aren't hated and oppressed in America. The pride parades were a response to that.

Fag pride parades were about trying to legitimize perverted behavior. Cancer has little to do with behavior. Although, smokers are now getting treated a lot like they're fags, partly because of the cancer link to that behavior.
It's a bit hard to tell how guns would be received, considering guns weren't invented yet during Biblical times.

Look at it like this. There was no internet porn in ancient times. However, because Judaism, Christianity, and Islam teach that lust and masturbation are sins, we can logically deduce that internet porn is a sin in these religions.
So while guns weren't around in Biblical times, we know Jesus would be against owning a gun because its use is for something he considered a sin.
Faggot, you're removing all doubt that you're a fcking fag. Do you like to fck anus and rape boys? killing fags has always been around in every society, some for rape, pedophilia, theft, and hair cutting. So, what's your point, other than you want to prove the millionth time that you're a fcking moron.

bobb, please read rule 12b.. And then think twice about whether you want to delete this.
Not exactly true. Premarital sex is still taboo for "nice" girls, at least in fundie churches. It's just about mandatory though for males.

I mean in the political sphere. I'm sure there are some churches that still preach against premarital sex, some of them maybe even for males too. But there is no push among politicians to regulate premarital sex like there is for homosexuality. Christians believe that atonement for sin is a private issue, except when it comes to the gays and all their gayness.