What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

I disagree, Mentally Ill tend to suffer the most in America.

Although it used to be a lot worse, when they were in padded cells mistreated with shock therapy.

None the less, a lot of people don't understand the mentally ill, and don't want to understand them.

Absolutely, a lot of people do think that mental illness is fake.

Mental Illness makes people miserable, to make matters worse, most of them can't work, and therefor get chump change through Social Security Disability.

I think we can agree that today the mentally ill have it worse than the gays. Though we had a mentally ill president before an openly gay president, so who knows?

But historically speaking, I think gays had it worse and that's why Gay Pride became a thing. If a person was mentally ill and found to be a disturbance, they would be sent to an insane asylum that didn't take care of them, but they weren't hunted down, beaten, and locked up like gays were.
If anything, this shows that the gay rights movement has been successful in destigmatizing gays and that's what should happen for the mentally ill now. Mental illness, therapy, medication, all of these things should be destigmatized.
I think we can agree that today the mentally ill have it worse than the gays. Though we had a mentally ill president before an openly gay president, so who knows?

But historically speaking, I think gays had it worse and that's why Gay Pride became a thing. If a person was mentally ill and found to be a disturbance, they would be sent to an insane asylum that didn't take care of them, but they weren't hunted down, beaten, and locked up like gays were.
If anything, this shows that the gay rights movement has been successful in destigmatizing gays and that's what should happen for the mentally ill now. Mental illness, therapy, medication, all of these things should be destigmatized.

Well yeah, mentally ill become homeless at very high rates, definitely much higher than Gays do.

Although, sometimes it's interchangeable, because a disproportionate amount of the mentally Ill are LGBTQ.

I don't know, people probably mistreated the mentally ill too.

Both Gays & Mentally ill get beat up for their behavior that they can't really help.

The difference is Mentally Ill were long locked up in Institutions, while Gays had far more freedom.

Even today, a lot of Mentally Ill still live much of their lives semi Institutionalized, be it Community Residences, Group Homes, Hospitalizations etc.

BTW, Hitler killed both Gays & Mentally Ill.

Although, i'm not sure why Hitler didn't kill himself, he obviously was a Psycho Megalomaniac.

The media helps the Gay cause, but not the Mentally Ill cause.

Every time there's a mass shooting the Media always blames mental health.

I've not seen the Media really make strides to make the Mentally Ill be seen as favorable.

Not that it is favorable, but they can't help it, just like Gays can't.
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I think we can agree that today the mentally ill have it worse than the gays. Though we had a mentally ill president before an openly gay president, so who knows?

But historically speaking, I think gays had it worse and that's why Gay Pride became a thing. If a person was mentally ill and found to be a disturbance, they would be sent to an insane asylum that didn't take care of them, but they weren't hunted down, beaten, and locked up like gays were.
If anything, this shows that the gay rights movement has been successful in destigmatizing gays and that's what should happen for the mentally ill now. Mental illness, therapy, medication, all of these things should be destigmatized.

Black people definitely are treated much better today than Gays & the Mentally Ill.

But, to tell you the truth, Black people can't really help the way they are either.

It's really best to separate the cultures, because having Balkanized tension is the cause of prejudices, not the solution to prejudices as the Globalists insist.

But, with the case of mentally ill & Gays they are a part of our White society, and always will be.

It's not something favorable, but it happens none the less.
Watch word: incongruous

Q. What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

A. The values that get them as far as we got to where we were going.


There's a ship sailing
There's amusements on the journey.

Conflating the two is a paradoxical oxymoron
That's true, however Gays are missing what rights now-a-days in this country, anyways?

Maybe you are targeting the wrong countries, maybe you should ask Muslims why they mistreat Gays so much more than Christians?

Technically, gays now have full rights before the law. However, they still face lots of social oppression through hatred. So it makes sense for them to continue the process of normalizing gay people.

As for Muslims, Muslim-Americans are actually pretty tolerant of gays. Muslim-Americans are more likely to support gay marriage than Evangelical-Americans. This shows that even Muslims are more American than Conservatives.
Technically, gays now have full rights before the law. However, they still face lots of social oppression through hatred. So it makes sense for them to continue the process of normalizing gay people.

As for Muslims, Muslim-Americans are actually pretty tolerant of gays. Muslim-Americans are more likely to support gay marriage than Evangelical-Americans. This shows that even Muslims are more American than Conservatives.

Well, I don't see the media promoting the Mentally Ill like Gays.

But, then again the media probably sees Gays as a battle against Christian values.
Black people definitely are treated much better today than Gays & the Mentally Ill.

But, to tell you the truth, Black people can't really help the way they are either.

It's really best to separate the cultures, because having Balkanized tension is the cause of prejudices, not the solution to prejudices as the Globalists insist.

But, with the case of mentally ill & Gays they are a part of our White society, and always will be.

It's not something favorable, but it happens none the less.

And unlike multiracialism and multiculturalism, homosexuality isn't harmful to society.

If we were to eliminate all of these laws that force integration, most people would self-segregate based on race. Some right-wing dipshits would refuse to work with gays, but most of white America would be fine with having gay people working in their businesses, living in their apartments, and teaching in their schools.
You may be able to find a few that can be described by your theory, but no one that I know thinks that way. And unlike you, I'm actually part of the "club".

Yes, yes, I'm sure you still wish it was illegal for gays to have relations. But you're in the minority now, even on the Right. Even Trump, who you regularly masturbate to, said he would be fine with transgender people using the bathrooms they want at Trump Tower. Your party has accepted they're stuck with gay marriage and is now moving on to making their peace with trannies.
Well, I don't see the media promoting the Mentally Ill like Gays.

But, then again the media probably sees Gays as a battle against Christian values.

The media has been extremely homophobic for most of American history. It was only in the late nineties that the media started portraying gays more positively and that was pretty much because they were forced to by activists. I just wish white people were that well-organized.
And no, the media is not against Christianity. The media is against Atheism. That's why Christians are usually portrayed positively with the exception of Extremists, but Atheists are almost always portrayed negatively. The Right just says the media is against Christianity because the media isn't promoting Christianity as much as they want.
StoneByStone is thinking "What's icky about sticking the dick into the sht hole of pimply, oily and hairy ass of an obese man?"

Maybe he prefers young boys to avoid the icky hair and pimples, especially after other fags tell him to get lost. He doesn't want genuine discussion, so he gets this.

Thomas Jefferson might have said something just like that.
Being a bigot is one thing, but you compound your flaccid mediocrity by being uncommonly stupid. Are you aware that accusing another poster of pedophilia never ends well?
Yes, yes, I'm sure you still wish it was illegal for gays to have relations. But you're in the minority now, even on the Right. Even Trump, who you regularly masturbate to, said he would be fine with transgender people using the bathrooms they want at Trump Tower. Your party has accepted they're stuck with gay marriage and is now moving on to making their peace with trannies.

I've forced you into ad hom mode, now that I've destroyed your position.
You Can’t Make Me!

Normal is no longer normal and I do not like it! Some businesses require that a mask be worn on your face before you are allowed to enter their establishment. I do not like it! We now have to stand in line to get into a store because there is a limit as to how many people can be in the building at one time. I do not like it! Many places have markings on the ground, spaced six feet apart, indicating where you must stand while waiting in line to get into a store or while in the checkout line. I do not like it! While in a store every few minutes an announcement is made reminding everyone to maintain a safe social distance (six feet) between other customers and employees. I do not like it! The announcement usually includes tips on washing your hands and how to cough into your elbow. I do not like it! Restaurants no longer allow patrons to enter the building to dine. You must call ahead for curbside takeout, or, order through the drive thru. In both cases you are forced to take the food home or eat in your car. I do not like it! Businesses deemed non-essential by the government are forced to close. A barber shop must close while the liquor store remains open. I do not like it! “Factual” information concerning the corona virus is constantly changing. The “experts” disagree over statistics, treatments, and appropriate preventive measures causing fear, panic and uncertainty. I do not like it! Because of the fear associated with this virus, people are less likely to make eye contact, speak, or even smile. They are looking for a way to escape and maintain distance. I do not like it!

Many around the country also do not like these new rules. In their judgment these rules are “stupid” and therefore refuse to obey them. Protests have occurred in opposition to these changes. Some have used the atmosphere of the protest as an opportunity to flaunt their civil disobedience. Government officials have been publicly heckled and treated disrespectfully. Why not? They are the ones behind these “idiotic” rules. Should we not make sure they realize how moronically wrong they are? Besides, as Americans we have constitutional rights!

That describes how most of the general population thinks and acts. But is this attitude and behavior acceptable to God? Does the right to do or say something make it the right thing to say or do? The Bible says that whatever we say or do should be done in the name of the Lord (Col. 3:17). That is, we have God’s authority/approval for what we have said or done.

Christians are to be noticeably different from the world even in times of disagreement. The command to be “transformed” instead of “conformed” to the ways of the world (Ro. 12:2) is not circumstantial. The Christian’s response should always bring glory to God (Mat. 5:16).

You may be thinking, “Well, I have not been a part of publicly protesting or acting ugly.” But have you not? Go back and look at your social media posts. Have you been protesting the “stupid” changes? Have your frustrations with the “powers that be” become evident by the stinging rebuke of your posts, reposts, and comments? Would Jesus share those posts? Does Satan have a problem with what you have shared and/or the motivation of your heart?

Please do not misunderstand me. Remember, I started this writing by acknowledging that there are certain changes that I do not like. But what should my response as a Christian be to things to which I disagree?

The Jews hated paying taxes to the Roman government. They truly believed it was an injustice placed upon them. But when questioned concerning this law, Jesus said; “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God that which belongs to God (Mat. 22:21).

When Paul was unjustly arrested he pled his case before immoral, unethical government officials. But every time he addressed them he did so with respect (Acts 26:2; 25). Paul instructed the Roman brethren to “be subject to the governing authorities” (Rom. 13:1). During a time of persecution Peter told Christians to “Honor the king” (1 Pet. 2:17).

These examples prove to me that even if man’s law is “stupid”, and even if man’s law is contrary to God’s law, I must conduct myself in a way that brings glory and honor to God. Unless there are legal measures of objection which I can follow (in a way that gives God glory), then I should happily follow the civil laws. And certainly the exception to submission to government would be if man’s law was requiring me to disobey God’s law; I must obey God rather than man (Acts 5:29).

What is that you say? You will follow the laws but you are not going to be happy about it?

Just as we are to submit to God (Ja. 4:7) we are to submit to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake (1 Pet. 2:13). Is it acceptable for me to obey God’s law but be unhappy in my action? To “submit” carries with it the notion of “happily obeying”. Only those who truly submit will be able to obey the command to “Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world” (Phil. 2:14-15).

Please remember; the civil right to do or say something does not make it the spiritually right thing to do or say (Col. 3:17).

Let your light shine! To God be the glory!

Written by one of my peers...FB post. Can’t link to it...but I do agree with it.
The part that says 'get all the Money and fuck everybody else', ... that part.
That does appear to be the core of Republican values, other than their acute paranoia about socialism.

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So are you saying that sex isn't "natural" if it can't potentially result in childbirth?
That would mean that any kind of sex between infertile people is unnatural.

Again you are tryin to put words in my mouth. Never said that! I repeat.

"I told you this subject is to complex to be debated here. I suggest you read this article and form at least a more informed opinion.

If you want to argue, argue with the articles authors.