What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

I get the impression a lot of rightwing"Christians" do not actually understand the theology of their professed religion in any deep and profound way. They can probably name some of the ten commandments, they are vaguely aware of the golden rule, and they are conviced gays are icky, and blastocysts in Petri dishes are human beings.

But I have literally run across supposedly devout rightwing Christians here who thought Easter was about the crucifixion. They did not seem aware that the crucifixion did not actually happen on Easter; that Easter is in fact a joyous celebration of the resurrection.

Yeah, the average Christian wouldn't be able to name half the Ten Commandments if you asked them. What's especially strange with the Righties is that they don't seem to have any Christian values outside of their stances on abortion and LGBT rights. Even Christian Liberals at least have a Christian stance on helping the poor.

Maybe that's why Trump wished us a happy Good Friday. He probably thinks that was Jesus' birthday and Christmas is when he got crucified.
Just because something is genetic doesn't make it natural. That is way too deep of a subject to try to debate here.

So what exactly do you mean by "natural" here? Homosexuality is naturally occurring, it's always been around in every society.

Question is the sperm and egg alive when they fertilize? Is the resulting embryo alive? There for to abort you are destroying life.

Well if the sperm is alive, then you commit mass murder every time you cum.
So what exactly do you mean by "natural" here? Homosexuality is naturally occurring, it's always been around in every society.

Well if the sperm is alive, then you commit mass murder every time you cum.

Cancer, Heart disease, Schizophrenia, Lou Gehrig's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, Bi Polar Disorder, all occur naturally too.

But, do we throw pride parades for those?
As I explained in this thread, I don't know what these "Christian values" actually are outside of homophobia and banning abortion. Though I do think laws should be secular and based on logic, not religion.

If homosexuality is genetic, how is it not natural?

When exactly does life begin and why at that point?

Homosexuals don't really bother me, as long as they don't hit on me, but some of the "Homosexual Supremacists" are annoying.

I mean, why is Straight Pride received as "Evil" by the Media, but then Gay Pride is just "Cool".
Since I'm not a conservative, thank the gods, I can't answer for them. I can answer how they *appear* to believe, though. lol

Republican Christian Values:

1. What goes on in the privacy of the home is no one's business but the master of the household, who is of course a white male. So if you hear anything like screams or the thud of fists, just keep on walking.
2. Non-whites are meant to serve whites even though we're all god's children. Affirmative action is against god's will. It's not in the bible, right?
3. Gays, get back in the closet and stay there.
4. You too, trans ppl.
5. Women, out of the workforce unless you are in a traditional and approved female career like nanny, teacher, nurse, secretary, store clerk -- and you're not married yet.
6. Forget having an abortion unless you are white and wealthy.
7. Everyone goes to church, no exceptions. To advance your career (men only of course), it must be the right church. No Catholics, Mormons, or other not-really-Xtian churches.
8. No more of this hippie slut free love stuff. You must be a virgin when you get married (women only).
9. Science is a tool of the Devil. All public schools will have Bible readings daily, prayer, and we'll be teaching the wonders of Intelligent Design in biology class.
10. If you get injured or sick, see your pastor first, not the ER.

I think this is far less common among modern Republicans.

Most of them just want to chop, chop, chop taxes, and chop, chop, chop programs that help people.

Most of them seem to have lesser concerns with actual social-Conservative values.
There's endless hypocrisy there, from guns to kicking people off food stamps. Call me cynical, but I think most Conservatives understand how hypocritical they are.
But at least they don't pretend that guns and Capitalism are Christian. So I do wonder what they mean by "Christian values."

It's a bit hard to tell how guns would be received, considering guns weren't invented yet during Biblical times.

But, gun control has been used in America, first against Black slaves, and Native Americans like in Wounded Knee Massacre.

I do however, agree that Jesus commands us to help the poor, however.
Well, that's some of the worst of them but there are plenty of good ones. I don't like to tell people they are bad Christians but I will for some things. Bobb's racism and bigotry for one. That's kind of the antithesis to Christ-like values.

Unfortunately Bobb is not alone. We have quite a few faux-Christian haters around here. PiMP, Stench, Toxic, RB for starters.
And yet Christians never seem to care about 90% of the other "sins" in the Bible. We never hear about things like premarital sex, but the gayness, that pisses them off to no end.

Not exactly true. Premarital sex is still taboo for "nice" girls, at least in fundie churches. It's just about mandatory though for males.
I think this is far less common among modern Republicans.

Most of them just want to chop, chop, chop taxes, and chop, chop, chop programs that help people.

Most of them seem to have lesser concerns with actual social-Conservative values.

Urban and suburban (R) voters maybe, but in the rural areas all of my bullet points are still pretty much how it is. And those are the ppl who screwed us and put a failed TV game show host and atheist in our White House.
So what exactly do you mean by "natural" here? Homosexuality is naturally occurring, it's always been around in every society.

Well if the sperm is alive, then you commit mass murder every time you cum.

So what exactly do you mean by "natural" here? Homosexuality is naturally occurring, it's always been around in every society.

I told you this subject is to complex to be debated here. I suggest you read this article and form at least a more informed opinion.
Well if the sperm is alive, then you commit mass murder every time you cum.

Nice try but no cigar. When a man ejaculates the sperm that don't fertilize an egg run it's life cycle and die naturally, The exact same with a woman's egg. That is the menstrual cycle. These actions are totally natural.
(this is a simplified version as I'm not an MD.)

You may be interested to know generally a miscarriage is natures abortion. That does not include outside injuries that also can cause a miscarriage. (Again a simplified version.)
I don't know about in the sermons, but Christians do talk about it a whole lot in the political sphere.
Thankfully, they're being forced to accept gay marriage now as the country moves to the Left. Now they're concentrating more on transphobia.

Again, that's a narrative pushed by the Left.
Why do Christian values scare the shit out of you? Homosexuality has been proven to be genetic, but isn't natural and should be tolerated. Abortion on the other hand is killing a human life no matter how you try to spin it.

Where did you get something as ignorant as "homosexautiily has been proven to be genetic"? It hasn't, and no scientist claims it has.
Homophobia isn't a Christian value. "Love the sinner, hate the sin."

How did you manage to be so fcking ignroant? Your false quote isn't from the Bible. But, these quotes are from the Bible, "You [God] hate all who do wrong" and "I hate them with perfect hatred." And, I already showed in this thread that Jesus said Jews are the spawn of Satan and that they'll burn in Hell -- is that loving the sinner? It sure as Hell is hating the God damn Jews.
How did you manage to be so fcking ignroant? Your false quote isn't from the Bible. But, these quotes are from the Bible, "You [God] hate all who do wrong" and "I hate them with perfect hatred." And, I already showed in this thread that Jesus said Jews are the spawn of Satan and that they'll burn in Hell -- is that loving the sinner? It sure as Hell is hating the God damn Jews.

Without context your "bible" quotes are not worth discussing.
So what exactly do you mean by "natural" here? Homosexuality is naturally occurring, it's always been around in every society.

Killing fags has always been around in every society, some for rape, pedophilia, theft, and hair cutting. So, what's your point, other than you want to prove the millionth time that you're a fcking moron.
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Without context your "bible" quotes are not worth discussing.

Moron, if you knew the Bible, you'd know I've taken nothing out of context. Moron, if you know the Bible, you'd know the context. You're no better than that child-raping heathen StoneByStone who asked me for biblical sources and when I provided it (with context), he just blew it off. You and him don't care what the Bible says. At least he doesn't really pretend to, but you do.

When Jews, like Cypress, say things like "I do not think message board fake Christians actually genuinely know that much about Christian theology and Christian history. Usually the most insightful posts about Christian theology and history come from liberal agnostics", they're thinking of you and they're right.
Faggot, you're removing all doubt that you're a fcking fag. Do you like to fck anus and rape boys? killing fags has always been around in every society, some for rape, pedophilia, theft, and hair cutting. So, what's your point, other than you want to prove the millionth time that you're a fcking moron.

Buh bye!
Moron, if you knew the Bible, you'd know I've taken nothing out of context. Moron, if you know the Bible, you'd know the context. You're no better than that child-raping heathen StoneByStone who asked me for biblical sources and when I provided it (with context), he just blew it off. You and him don't care what the Bible says. At least he doesn't really pretend to, but you do.

When Jews, like Cypress, say things like "I do not think message board fake Christians actually genuinely know that much about Christian theology and Christian history. Usually the most insightful posts about Christian theology and history come from liberal agnostics", they're thinking of you and they're right.

Buh bye!